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Usgs earthquake oklahoma city Videos

USGS Scientist: Major Quake On Hayward Fault Expected ‘Any Day Now

USGS Scientist: Major Quake On Hayward Fault Expected 'Any Day Now. he fault that produced a 4.0-magnitude earthquake in Fremont early Tuesday morning ...

User Comments

Hell yeah shake this fucker to its fuckin core!!!!!
We are going to die either way act accordingly lol
+Curtis HarrisI dont want ANYONE to suffer!!! Please dont get me wrong here. Cuz in these days and in the following ones that is just what is going to happen. I would rather see a lot of people and children go and be out of here before it gets any freaking worse around here. So my question to you is...Would you rather see  thousands or maybe even millions die? Or would you rather watch thousands or even maybe millions of people including the sweet  little precious innocent children suffer like hell????
+Broken Angel Hey Angel, I live on the Hayward fault, lots of people do!  Note; The Hayward fault also runs under the BART tracks and next to Children's Hospital in Oakland.  Anyways, the Earthquake most likely won't hit until September, along with all of the other converging chaos.

ASNM - USGS MONSTER San Francisco QUAKE Expected

ASNM: US Geological Survey Warns: MONSTER San Francisco QUAKE Expected 'Any Day Now' ...

User Comments

wow.. nice fear porn coming from the USGS. smh
yep... "any day now".   lol
+Twit Wit Thanks for the Share!!!! Yuppers, they are getting everyone ready for this Man-made event...possibly this Fall...if not sooner...
+Citizen of Gotham Starting to wonder if there is any connection between Obama heading out to Kenya tomorrow in the wake of all of this talk of massive earthquakes..
+R Klaus I think you are on to something. There are definitely connections to these special visits of him and the Papal and their discourses or addresses. I think he is visiting Hawaii in Kenya, his supposed birthplace, which is BS. He is a Clone of Akhenaten or King Tut's Father....one reason why there is no REAL birth certificate...
Awesome video. Thanks man 
+Citizen of Gotham Namaste Brother
+Cindy Oteri Thanks Sista! I appreciate it! Namaste!
They are definitely tinkering with their earthquake machine. I live on the Hayward fault and it feels as if the ground is rumbling on some days. How else do you think they make predictions like this //www.america2050.org/images/2050_Map_Megaregions2008_150.png ) for the future without causing all of the issues??
+Anne M Yes, there are getting ready....maybe be soon, may be in a fe months, but it seems like sooner than later....
+Weather Mafia Amen Truth right there!!Satan knows how to read!!
You know why San Fran was put where it is?  The powers knew it was seismic...they also made it a gay city.  You ask how?  Well, the prison that housed gays in the military was Presidio...right in the heart of the city.  Those military guys were pissed when they got out.  It's Sodom and Gomorrah folks.  They purposely built on faults to ensure profits were made at later dates due to predicted disasters...and so they could blame man's depravities for the catastrophes named in the bible...which I call the Globalist handbook...or manual. 
It makes sense now! America would be split in half.The land mass falling into the ocean would cause a tsunami that would reach Europe I think.I believe if not natural a Nuke would and could be used to trigger it?I remember a Russian General saying all that would be needed would be to drop one on Yellow Stone Park?Either way it's going to happen. That's what I believe.Stay Strong and Stay Blessed my Brother Keep up the good work!
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