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College chicks breakdown Videos

Alison Brown, Girl's Breakdown

//www.bluegrassunderground.com Alison Brown, banjo with Dale Ann Bradley, guitar; Matt Flinner, mandolin; Steve Gulley,guitar; Chris Henry, mandolin; ...

User Comments

I have to admit: I've never heard a stringed instrument played by constantly re-tuning during the piece. Fascinating and enjoyable.
She is using Bill Keiths tuning pegs which allow note changes while playing. Hooray for Bill, whose left hand is now giving him too much pain to play. A terrible loss. But hooray for Alison, who is also wonderful. 
+Tom Nally Adrian also does a bit of tuning on Cajun Interlude. watch the one that reads Official at the bottom  165,000 hits. Great tune in my opinion.. I also am a Alison Brown fan saw her live a few times Adrian ,as well.
+danotunes You're right.  That was very nice.
+Thomas Nally Check out  a Master at tuning while playing solo acoustic Guitar . Adrian Legg '' Midwest Sunday'' It is Fantastic. The one loaded by Mark Guitar is the one to watch ..Best  Audio and Pro shot.

How To Meet A Girl And Take Her Home | INFIELD PICKUP | SAME DAY LAY

Subscribe to my newsletter for FREE and you'll receive BONUS infield videos/advice every week! //www.pickupuncut.com/index.php/contact/#news ...

User Comments

This is so dumb. You can't train a man how to pick up a woman. 1. A woman that's not interested in you, won't become interested no matter how much practice or confidence you have. 2. Women know whether they're interested in you or not before you've uttered a single word. The decision is made in their subconscious, which makes the decisions for them, and relays it to their simple retarded mind to be followed. 2. Most remotely attractive women are already hounded to death by men every day, and develop a hatred and resentment towards being approached at all. 3. Most remotely attractive women already have a hundred guys a finger snap away, and don't need your dumb poor ass trying to get on the list. 4. Most remotely attractive women are already in relationships, and those that aren't are not because they don't want one, so count on getting denied 99 times out of 100.
+TasteMyStinkhole oh i dont worry lol. neat pic doe
+Rafael FonsecaThat's good Pedro, because I don't want a man in my stinkhole, as I'm male myself.Clearly you don't have a clue how to use YouTube, and you have no idea what "click bait" is.  Perhaps master those skills and then we'll worry about me.
+TasteMyStinkhole dont hate so much, else no man will wanna TasteYourStinkHole
+Shamballa Magicmust be hard living life like you do. Assuredly it comes back 10-foldYou can answer that question for yourself with a single mouse click... yet somehow, you have been too dumb to figure that out.  Hmmm... weird.Also, isn't it creepy how 95% of the time, a persons sexuality can be identified right in their face.  lolol.  My gaydar is off the charts looking at your pic.  Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding.
+TasteMyStinkhole you're a terrible person. So much hate you send out in the world, must be hard living life like you do. Assuredly it comes back 10-fold, because those who have lifted the veil see the truth, right? ^_~
+TasteMyStinkhole you're entirely missing the point. If you are a 35 year old doctor, good for you. The type of men you ought to be meeting should be socially adept, charismatic, clever, sincere, grounded, have a great and situationally appropriate sense of humor, and presence about them that makes you feel weak in the knees. A man who is truly developed can deliver this to women, and of course, women want to be with a man like this. If you think the path the man in this video is taking is anything less or derailed from the statements I've stated above, you're entirely wrong. In fact, men who are good at interacting with women are proven to be more successful in all aspects of their life - perhaps a biconditional causation. No matter how young or mature a woman is, she is naturally seeking certain characteristics in men, and a true noble man will go out of his way to learn these things to deliver the kind of experience his woman deserves. Please think on a larger scale, beyond yourself
+Rafael Fonseca So of course your childrens 'game' works on children. Wait till you're a crusty old 30+, and then see what your 'game' is worth.
im 22 , aint going after those old nasties , shit gimmie some credit
+Rafael Fonsecalolol... ok, go try running your 'game' on the first 35 year old female doctor your run across in the grocery store.  See if she knows what she wants, and knows it's not YOU... lol
+TasteMyStinkhole wrong
You are so absolutely incorrect. A mans role in life is not to wait around until "the right girl" chooses him based on subconscious pre-programmed cues to apparent dominant male behavior, social status etc. Chemistry does play into it yes and there is no changing that. All men have the capacity to improve their social skills and enhance their personal presentation, it's called self-improvement - women do the same thing with makeup/clothing. If someone becomes a better version of themselves, becomes a BOSS in social situations, learns what to say and when, can entertain groups of people, makes your friends and family feel great when he's around, knows the core of himself and has a great attitude and outlook on life, then all women will develop some curiosity towards his disposition. If you think what the guy in the video is doing is any separate from what I've just stated, then you're dead wrong. He is on his on journey of self-development and fulfillment, and doing the best he can.

Todd Effortlessly Pulls Cute Girl After Total Blowout (Full Infield Set w/ Breakdown)

//valentineuniversity.com/ Watch me pull a girl in under 10 minutes after being rejected on the open. I'm releasing infield like this... with breakdown... every ...

User Comments

This women SCREAMS TOXIC!! Her Quote: "My strategy is to offend, offend, offend and the one's left standing are cool"(last part hard to hear) 17:44 I'm sorry, but you couldn't pay me to talk to her, let alone FEED her!
+Morris Pearson i have to agree with this.
I love Todd's Game. But I have to disagree on his point that Shit Tests are there to help you. In a way, yes but in most cases. No. A feminine woman will not shit test you if you exert yourself properly. The reason why shit tests exist is because women have simply become more masculine hence why the frame battles happen. It's not a coincidence that shit tests are few and far between in Europe. Because the gender dynamics are naturally polarised. Women are women and men are men. If you don't believe me, head on over to somewhere like Prague or Poland and see for yourself. I very rarely get shit tested by a European woman who are generally a lot hotter anyway.
+Onder Hassan Then explain me, how girls can sort out the "good" men with the "bad" ones without testing them? Lot of men are creeps or perverts or fake as shit etc. So, they have to sort out. Its a good thing if u can handle it.
She actually said "My strategy is to offend, offend, offend...and those who are still standing are cool" There you have it from the cows mouth!
+syntaxed2  So everything these PUA guys are saying is true, it's truly is to do with the womens rights movement etc, they have more power, therefore wield that, and if youre a pussy as a bloke ya gone, simple. Nice guys finish last literally.
Shit tests are a concept from losers and PUA marketers, passing them is an inferior mindset that keeps guys from doing good, in real life men and women tease each other and the ones with self worth have boundaries so as not to take any crap like passing "tests" to get respect and attention. THIS BELIEFS AND MINDSETS ARE HOW PUA MARKETERS FUCK PEOPLE HEADS UP.
+Boyka boostI'm k, you k?
+LetsGetWilly And that´s why PUA groupies will never get better, rather embrace the bigotry of your "gurus" who btw have a financial interest than common sense, no worse blind than the one who doesn´t want to see, don´t say you wasn´t warned when you turn back along the road to realise how your head and dating life were fucked with so bad. 
+Boyka boostIf you choose to see it that way then fine. Some perspectives help others more.
+LetsGetWilly That´s exactly the point, the moment you view it as "passing her test" you´re coming from an inferior place, that´s how this pua companies enforce loser identity to keep you in the dark and keep milking you for money, whereas if you wasn´t trying to pass tests, shit would come natural, it´s like "demonstrating value", the more you try to be cool the worst you do because the underlying meaning is that you aren´t and therefore have to "try harder" like some of this instructors have stated, they´re full of shit and harming young men.
+Boyka boost Bruh...not taking crap is passing shit tests. You are mad about semantics.

American Girl in Italy Breakdown

Eksamen opgave på 3D College Grenå Made by Rasmus Påskesen First attempt at a breakdown video... Hope you enjoy:D See original picture here.

User Comments

That girl is Ninalee [Jinx] Craig ,who is now 87 and living in Toronto.
du er lidt sød :*

High School Girl Pranks School with Dead Goldfish Breakdown

//www.videobash.com As if spending their lives dealing with people going through puberty wasn't a big enough prank on teachers.

User Comments

It's a goldfish? Why cry
Because it's a living animal that was her pet.
This is not something to joke about. I took my 2 japanese ranchu goldfish to the vet.
+stargirlisme123 The vet works at an exotic pet vet where i took my fish and is also the head vet at the aquarium that has a 1 million gallon tank here in utah.  She knows a lot about fish, reptiles and birds.
Just curious, how much did the vet know about fish?
+stargirlisme123 Yes i am very committed to taking care of my fish and i am not going to allow my fish die from something treatable.
+James Stewart You just like "dude, if took my fish to the vet, THAT is committed I am"
OHNo, I'm talking about the video we are commenting under. facepalm
here is the link again: //www.kutv.com/news/features/top-stories/stories/Utah-fifth-grader-starts-petition-to-ban-goldfish-bowls-41366.shtml
Did we watch the same video?I don't know anymore.
+Nicholas Piotrowski it could be an ad before the video.  There is nothing close to crying.
That hysterical sniffling and anxiety is pretty darn close to crying.
there was no crying at all
there was no fake crying.
+Nicholas Piotrowski what fake crying?
I could only stand so much of the fake crying
+Nicholas Piotrowski did youwatch the video?
Yea, I read it in the article
+Nicholas Piotrowski Indo love my fish :D.  We are building a 1500 gallon backyard pond for the koi VERY soon.
Seems like you really love your fish. Props bro
He was in a bowl for like a week before I bought him a proper tank.
+Nicholas Piotrowski well, the expensive fish was obviously sick.  There is nothing lucky about a goldfish living a year.  His name should be UNLUCKY.  If you had him in a bowl, that is what finished him off.  Bowls suffocate goldfish stunt their growth and give them ammonia burns.  A goldfish in a pond will live 20 plus years, and a koi in a 10 thousand plus gallon pond living alone at a consistent temperature will live 200 plus years (no typo)  Please take the time to watch my news interview here to learn more. //www.kutv.com/news/features/top-stories/stories/Utah-fifth-grader-starts-petition-to-ban-goldfish-bowls-41366.shtml
Fun fact, expensive fish are a ripoff. I once won a simple goldfish at a carnival. And then I bought a $14 dollar fish to live with it. The $14 dollar one lasted a few days, but the carnival goldfish lived for a YEAR. His name was lucky, lol
+Nicholas Piotrowski only plecos have suckers.  Check out the ranchus//i.imgur.com/a6OEDAM.jpg
Oh come on, you didn't get the joke?Because the fish have like suckers....eh whatever :P
+Nicholas Piotrowski you are a piece of trash.
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