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Freezer recipes app Videos

Tips for Selecting, Storing and Freezing Strawberries

Great tips for what to do with the record number of flavorful and juicy California strawberries hitting markets across the country. For 50 strawberry recipes, ...

Apple Pie Filling Freezer - Kitchen Cat

Get the App from Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Kitchen+Cat ☆ Kitchen Cat ☆ Apple Pie Filling Freezer Recipe. A recipe from ...

Raw Persimmon Pudding | Fruity Freeze Challenge

On day 8 of the Fruity Freeze Challenge I'm sharing one of my favourite winter recipes with you - raw persimmon pudding! Sign up for the fruity freeze challenge: ...

User Comments

I made it this morning, oh my gosh, it is so good! I didn't add any dates, because I find it sweet enough on its own. I also gave some to my mom and she suggested to make this as dessert for Christmas celebration with the whole family, that's how much she liked it! :)
+Mimijona Glad you enjoyed it :)
I have never heard of Persimmons before. Do they taste like tomatoes?
+wiskysadie They're very sweet and soft, like a sweet pudding. Nothing like tomatoes :)
I just tasted persimmon for the first time a week ago. It was delicious however the texture grossed me out. Maybe I would like it better this way! :) and I love bananas
+Happy Vegan Rachel That's why I blend them! i'm not big on the texture alone.
You are the one who made me try persimmons again! My mom used to use them in cookies but never let them get ripe enough so I disliked them. Then I learned the correct way to eat them and when I saw them in the store I terrified my friend because I squealed like a child when I saw them! Haha! They are sitting in my kitchen, we are on week two of waiting for them to be ready to eat. I'm so going to try the pudding recipe when they do!
+LeShadowFawkes Only a couple more weeks till they're ripe!!!
where do you buy the fresh dates?
+40BelowFruity This is super close to San Diego where I live; I can make a field trip out of it :)
+silvestrova From The Date People in California
Sounds amazing! Persimmons are my favorite too. While you were talking I was thinking of blending them with one of the coconuts I have in the fridge instead of banana. That sounds amazing too.
+Alissa Armendariz Ohh that's a great idea!
i made this into a drink this morning
+Angi Martin I love it as a smoothie too!
*Pudding ;)
+Angi Martin Got it ;)
Don't want to be a troll, I'm sure you just overlooked the title having one "d" in pudding. Just thought I'd let you know. I have two ripe persimmons now so maybe I can try half the recipe!
+LitGirlablaZe Thanks :) I uploaded this video two weeks ago and completely overlooked the title!
As soon as I get to Italy (in 3 weeks time!!!) I will definitely try this recipe! Thank you!
I miss living in Italy
+erika droghetti Enjoy :)

Apple Pie Filling Freeze - Kitchen Cat

Get the App from Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Kitchen+Cat ☆ Kitchen Cat ☆ Apple Pie Filling Freeze Recipe. A recipe from ...

How To Freeze A Batch Of Cauliflower - DIY Food & Drinks Tutorial - Guidecentral

Guidecentral is a fun and visual way to discover DIY ideas learn new skills, meet amazing people who share your passions and even upload your own DIY ...
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