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Birth chart analysis pdf Videos

1st House in Astrology

The 1st house in astrology represents the area of life associated with our self-image, aspirations, and personality. When this area is balanced it creates a strong ...

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Hello from Greece my friend i am a new subscriber and i watched your video on the first house and i gotta say that i am a little confused because you said that it is your self image........what do you mean by self image?????i used to read books of jeffrey wolf green who teaches evolutionary astrology and YES I do believe in incarnation but he was describing the moon as the way one sees him self through emotional reflection....(because the moon reflects light) so the moon would be for evolutionary astrologers the iner self image.......and secondly he was describing the nature of the sign ARIES and the first house and mars as the same archetype which is totaly instinctual.......so we cant be aware of our instictual part of our self.....so the image of yourself which you consiously project is the 7th house.........!!!Just give me an opinion because i am a bit confused...and thanks!!!
Thanks a lot for replying and giving me a clear answer i will be tuned to your channel for more astrology videos......i would also like to give you an idea for your future videos.....if you search the net you will find find a lot of videos on the signs houses and planets but you will not find explanations about aspects and i mean the REAL aspects.......people tend to think for example that a 90 degrees square is the same as the 270 degrees!!!!!!please make it clear for us how should we deal with each aspect through your videos.......for example it is different to have a waxing square from transiting saturn to your mars and its compelitely diferent to have a waning square....Or it is another thing to have awaxing sextile nataly between sun and moon and its compelitely different to have the waning sextile....how would you deal with these subjects??most people tend to think that a trine is a trine but in my opinion this is not the case.....please consider my thoughts and thanks again!!!!+Mastering the Zodiac with Athen Chimenti
+Aprilios iouniou Well like I think you're implying all the houses have to do with self-image in a general sense since the astrology chart is showing ones conscious self. So each house is an aspect of that. The angular houses (1,4,7, & 10) would be the most prominent for this. The 4th is yes your inner and reflective identity, 10th is your public image, 7th is your image as projected through relationships, and the 1st is most fundamentally your direct self-image. In other words, how you directly see yourself (not through reflection, public, or others). It's the beginning of the zodiac where we first become acquainted with who we are and what we want in life.
Uranus and Neptune in 1st house, with Asc all in 1st house. What does it mean???!
+Mastering the Zodiac with Athen Chimenti Thank you!! I really appreciate you going into detail! Definitely will be getting a natal chart from you :)
+Ke Si Hi Ke, well your Asc is always in the first house (usually at the beginning or cusp - unless using the equal house system). The Uranus and Neptune energies will be a big part of your personality as any planet in the first house is. Your experiences likely prompt you to release yourself from any limitations and have more freedom in your life (Uranus) usually in regards to your self-expression, actions, and goals in life (1st house). The mixed energy of Neptune means there is perhaps sometimes uncertainty about who exactly you are, where you are going, or what you are doing but through faith, trust, and a willingness to ride the wave of life (and listen to your intuition) you somehow always end up where you are meant to be. These two qualities, unique individuality and easy goingness (among others), reflect strongly in your personality.
ascendant in scorpio.... Mars and Pluto Rulers...... Mars is in 8th house Gemini and Pluto 10th house Leo....... does this explain attraction to occult/esoteric things..... including fraternities? (additionally.... venus is also in 8th house and south node in 10th house)
+Tina Simone Hi Tina, yeah I would say everything you mentioned about the 8th house would definitely explain an interest in the occult/esoteric. It centers around the fact that your chart ruler Mars is there (representing you and your intentions) as well as Venus (what you enjoy and value) :)
Well, that was very enlightening. I was waiting for a serie of videos like that. :) I don't know if I am going to ask too much of you, but this is my birth chart (Sun: Pisces, First House: Leo, Moon: Saggitarus) //i.imgur.com/BT3hGM7.png and if you could share some light about how I can use this energy of the first house in my life as something that can help me build a better image of myself to other people, I would appreciate that. There's no need to huuuge texts, tough. xD Just a little insight and you'll be doing a lot of good for the Piscis guy here! :D
Thanks. :)I am working on that.I didn't know that there was any diference. I thought that was the only chart that was important. Thansk for the info.
+Marcel Miranda Hi Marcel, sure I can have a quick look. The chart you sent me however appears to be tropical, so if you wouldn't mind sending me your birth details to [email protected] I can pull up your sidereal chart.

why predictions fail in Astrology (Saptarishis' Sunil Analysis)

Sunil discusses Dagdha rashi, and what is dagdha rashi in vedic astrology.

User Comments

Hello Sir, I am deeply studding your Dagdha Rasi technique . I want to know is there any combination or a planet which nullifies the bad effects of the Dhagda Rasi when he sits there. Please let me know . I believe that it should have .
+Ananda Seneviratne Sir our lecture was just a teaser more is in the book by Seshadiri Iyer - new techniques of prediction, an old book but worth its weight in gold if properly studied. unfortunately i have not been able to do it
Dear Mr Sunil. I want to tell you a natural medicine for your head nerve problem. Please find Centella Asiatica you have lot in India ,and also red onions . Wash them well. Cut them in to small pieces .Mix together and eat it for about a month .This is natural and no harm will come to you.Continue this, good for your health.
+Ananda Seneviratne so kind of u Sir, i will try for sure
Can someone spell out the book he mentioned toward the end of this session? Around 1:55
+Lamusic Chamatkar Chintamani
Thanks Sunil Sir, best part was to learn was about chipping of tooth and low time... experiencing same here.. Need to take appointment..
+Yash Upadhyay yes nakshatras surprise me a lot, i have a lot to learn in it esp since most of it is not written in any book
I know I'm not the only person having problems understanding this guy
+jay thesongwriter sorry Sir
you are amazing Mr Sunil, i could listen to you for hours. thank you for sharing you knowledge and wisdom with us i truly appreciate it. i always look forward to your interviews and please take care of your health, looking forward to learning more from you.. was wondering about your prasna method, the number your asked the lady to choose does it have anything to do with using the rasi lords :) whizash
+Ashly M kind of u to encourage. Will one day share it in some workshop, maybe the one in Delhi we are planning in few months from now
I missed to thank Mr. Sunil of Sapthrishis group. Thank you sir for sharing your wonderful knowledge. We look forward to learning more from you. 
+Deepa D many thanks kind of u
Sunil..first take care of your health ..what the hell man ...you wait 8 months for a medical test ???
+Sanjay M i have now finally done it and results expected by monday. Thanks for caring , appreciated
Wierd! But is it just me who see smoke coming from the already smoked patch in the wall!!!! 
I learned something new! Thanks to both of you :)

Revelation 12 Heavenly Sign - 23 September 2017

Revelation 12v1&2 [KJV] And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a ...

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Dear chisza7, Please, could you make some comments about Michael Heiser's answer (below) to my message (below)? I thank you very much for your work! Renan R My message: " Dear Dr. Heiser, Until now I did not find a flaw to “debunk” what these two gentlemen (links below*) found in the astronomy software Stelarium about Revelation 12. So I beg your help on that, and I think it will indeed interest you. I am certain that your opinion about it would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Renan R * (short version): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkQuU2hRLLA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzOW68PTxVI (longer version): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1y_hLqVXf4" Michael Heiser's answer: "A couple thoughts. 1. The view I argue for has been used in planetariums across the country for years. 2. I did watch the first minute of the “short” one, and can already say with confidence that the video is misguided. How? because I have a professional astronomer who has already looked at these “Rev 12 repeated” materials. The flaw in basically all of them is that they don’t look for enough detail in terms of what actually was in the sky at the birth event (as opposed to only the details of Rev 12). I have an astronomer who has evaluated these sorts of things who checks them for me. We’ve been over these scenarios, and he has shown me when the *precise* repetitions will re-occur (and 2017 isn’t it). I can’t say more due to the content of The Portent and other sequels. I should add — as I’ve indicated before — that nothing in the NT calls for a repetition of the Rev 12 signs with respect to the second coming — zero. Nor is there an exegetical basis for presuming “the sign of the son of man” refers to Rev 12’s portents. So the whole enterprise lacks scriptural weight."
+Renan RDear Friend,Thank-you for your message.If I was going to communicate with someone who is already familiar with the subject matter I would refer them to this video… //j.mp/Rev12Sign In that video I do an analysis spanning 7,400 years to look for a comparable Astronomical event to the Revelation 12v1&2 Heavenly-Sign and can only find one instance which is on the 23-Sept-2017.I researched what Michael Heiser’s position is on this matter by watching this video^… //j.mp/Rev12-MH (I also visited his website but could not find any obvious links to doctrinal positions on the Revelation 12 Sign).It would appear that Michael’s position is that Rev 12v1&2 was already fulfilled at the time of Jesus birth 11-Sept-3BC and that there will be no future instances. My response to this is that Jesus birth was a partial astronomical fulfilment of Rev12v1&2 and that 23-Sept-2017 is a complete astronomical fulfilment of Rev12v1&2. This is born out of the observation that 3BC does not have the King-Planet-Jupiter within the projected womb of Virgo during the 42 weeks prior to the Rev12-Configuration as is the case with Sept-2017.After visiting Michael’s website and briefly noting titles such as “Why an Obsession with Eschatology is a Waste of Time” it is clear that the author is doctrinally obsessed with a Historic view of Prophecy. Such Christian’s Belief-Systems are orientated toward the view “I will believe it when I see it” rather than “I will see it when I believe it”.John 20v29 - KJV“Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.”Revelation 12v3 - KJV‘Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.”Re: “Nor is there an exegetical basis for presuming “the sign of the son of man” refers to Rev 12’s portents.”I do not teach that Matthew 24v30 correlates to Rev12v1&2. Mat 24v30 connects with Rev 6v12 and occurs during the middle of Daniel’s 70th Week* immediately prior to the Rapture whilst Rev12v1&2 occurs at the beginning of the Week as per the Dual-Chronology of the Book-of-Revelation.*I noticed that Michael’s position on the 70th Week is ‘Null’ as per Part 7 under the Eschatology-Tab at his website as seen here…. //j.mp/MichaelHeiser-EschatologyAt the 2:16 mark of the video^ Michael talks about Norton’s Star Atlas (1st published 1910) and I quote says the following… “if you actually looked up the constellation Virgo in Norton’s Star Atlas …and I am sure other atlas’ … there would be twelve visible stars around her head… again this is all well known ancient world symbology ….(astronomical) ….observable astronomy…”Tim Mchyde among others incorrectly believes that ‘Berenice's Hair’ represents the Crown, I do not assume that Michael also believes this since he says “visible stars around her head” and ‘Berenice's Hair’ is not directly above Virgo’s head but rather off to the side. I have just checked Stellarium and the only obvious stars above Virgo’s head (aligned with the ecliptic and therefore Virgo’s body) are those that make up Leo.My position is that the 9 stars of Leo in addition to the 3 Wandering-Stars Venus Mars and Mercury comprise the crown of 12 stars. Further that Rev12v3&4 will confirm the sign with Stars actually falling from the Heavens after the moon moves entirely past the final star in Virgo and therefore technically under Virgo’s feet which occurs at approximately 5:50 PM Jerusalem Time on the 23-Sept-2017.Re: “I have an astronomer who has evaluated these sorts of things who checks them for me.”Whilst this may at first appearance seem to indicate there is weight behind what Michael is saying upon further reflection I think it reveals his personal lack of insight into what is actually going on. Astronomy programs such as Stellarium are relatively easy to comprehend for most computer literate people. I spent a week doing my analysis of the Revelation 12 Heavenly-Sign and learnt a great deal about the astronomical context. I have a spreadsheet that details my work here… //j.mp/Rev12AnalysisMy chart of this sign as seen here… //j.mp/CHart11 ...gives the quickest snapshot of what is happening.I have an additional ‘Easter-Egg’ that I have not shared with anyone until now as seen here… //j.mp/Rev12-CrownThe view is mirrored and is as though from an observer outside the universe; of course this raises an immediate issue because the original alignment and position of stars is unique only to someone on Earth. Nevertheless the Hebrew word for Crown (Kether) can be made out from the 12 key stars in the Crown above Virgo. This method for arranging Hebrew letters within a Keystone is comparable to how all the Hebrews letters can be found within the Star of David as seen here… //j.mp/StarDavid-HebrewA more critical-thinker as Michael claims to be in his ‘About’ Tab would reject this Easter-Egg because the view is mirrored and because there is not a consistent use of the tails at the top of each Hebrew letter. I would counter this by saying does his picture of the crown in 3BC actually relate to a crown in any way?God BlessMark.
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