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Sonora mexican grill Videos


Showing you how to make Vampiros. Originally from the state of Sonora, Mexico, these delicious Super tacos will leave you hooked. You can only find them at El ...

User Comments

Under-cooked onions and cheese with pork drowned in pineapple syrup? Did you name it after yourself, MAMÓN!!??

Sonora Grill in Moreno Valley

Join food critic Allan Borgen as he samples the delicious menu at Sonora Grill in Moreno Valley. You're in for a real treat with authentic Sonora style hot dogs, ...

User Comments

what else do you have on the menu besides quesadilla, Sonora dog and the breakfast burrito that you can find any were else? if its authentic do you have soups? gallina pinta, caldo de queso, menudo and tamales de elote? how about coyotas? there is a lot of different simple dishes in Sonora that are just delicious. I would love to go eat there and tell all my friends if there are more things then just the ones your mentioning.
Go to Sonora Grill! The food is very good, the owners are very cool. Also super clean. Lots of beers
Went there the pretty food

Trump thanks Latina supporter; now mounting backlash threatens her business

It has been two days since she took center stage, next to the GOP front runner Donald Trump in Tucson. Ever since she showed her support for the billionaire, ...

User Comments

She can't even speak English, good luck lol
+Diego Cortes dam your right the bitch can't even speak English she just came over the boarder an is a hero she just to stupid to know trump is a racist evil asshole
look we could all ban together as Americans and make her restaurant famous .get the facebook community to support her not necessarily her politics .just get behind her and her business. face book has been used in the past to destroy a business why not us it to make one famous and successful.her reward for being a brave Mexican American free speech why we are America
+Norm Tirrell u americans are too lazy
Very unfortunate but the DEMS have a tendency to bash freedom of speech only when you don't share their opinion. I support this woman and I will vote TRUMP too!
+tserevenad nooooo actually i live in chiapas, i know what im talking about, USA is funding this shit, they are removing locals out the area by force they did same thing in ecuador and peru, USA are bullies
+chem 123 No actually, in 1938 Mexico nationalized all oil/gas exploration. The state-owned company Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) has exclusive rights over all oil production in Mexico. If you'd like to learn more about the petroleum industry in Mexico check out this Wikipedia link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petroleum_industry_in_Mexico
+chem 123 You posted "what happen if legal immigrant committed a crime?? what is he now" My response: A criminal
+tserevenad illegal immigrants are criminals and worst thing, legal immigrants are honest and hardworking?? ok what happen if legal immigrant committed a crime?? what is he now
+Marina Lopez so is USA going down to mexico and sucking up oil and mexico resources
+kwairsoft1999 Well, I don't have a problem with your citizenship or your families, because you are a legal immigrant/american. I support you and legal immigration. Mr. Trump feels the same way. His concern and the concern of many people in the US is that the southern border is too porous and illegal immigrants, criminals, drugs and even terrorists can come through (be sure to know that Mr. Trump never said ALL Mexicans are bad, he isn't a racist and the media tries to portray). A porous border isn't good for our country or economy and the situation is only getting worse. You are free to have whatever opinion, but think about what is best for the entire nation. I attacked you because you attacked Ms Lopez which isn't cool (neither was my post). We will see what happens in November, who knows, but regardless, this country needs to make big changes to be better, stronger, safer and and and.. I wish you well.
+tserevenad My mom was until she married my father who's a white citizen, so I'm good. Looks like your a hypocrite buddy, you better stop support Trump because he's never going to win the Generals.
+kwairsoft1999 word is you are an illegal alien... no wonder you don't like Trump or the Wall. I'd spend less time on the Internet attacking good people and spend more time packing.
+Marina Lopez What post?
+kwairsoft1999 I was going to say that i felt sorry  for you since i have read your story in another post but given your disrespectful way of expressing yourself, i just can't......entering a country illegally is a crime.
Even if you don't like democrats, why don't you be an educated voter and look into the two other Republican candidates that, you know, aren't gonna deport your people. Kasich seems like the best option but you probably don't care since you're a retarded bitch


Reportaje realizado por Samuel Almirudis en Junio de 2014 para el programa de televisión Poder Joven TV (Telemax) sobre el primer lugar drive thru de carne ...

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Se ve muy bien le deseo el mejor de los éxitos, pero donde esta ubicado factory grill....gracias
Martha, te esperamos en Blvd. Luis Donaldo Colosio 693, entre San Bernardino y Calzada de los Angeles, Col. Campanario, Frente a la SEC. Saludos.!
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