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Reno nevada immigration office Videos

Carina black talk about of immigrants and refugees

my channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6QMuXTwMwJYIsYT6ybPKVw FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/CAMARACONLABANDA/ Carina Black, ...

20/10/2013 Apple, eBay Exist Thanks To Open Immigration

Old Levis Commercial - Now With Dacron Polyester 70's Trippy

Old Levis Commercial from 1971. Now with dacron polyester! Lol. This commercial is like a polyester induced acid trip. I like it though! Levi Strauss started the ...

User Comments

wtf wow this is why I don't go outside anymore
+Smeargle Because a creepy guy on the streets might just change your pants with a snap of the fingers? xD

Attorney Ken McKenna on Immigrant Prejudice & Homosexuality

//www.KenMcKenna.com presents a discussion on the prejudices and discrimination that exist towards immigrants and homosexuals. Ken McKenna is a ...

Bernie Sanders Reno Field Office

Reno Field Office (Reno, NV) 1155 West 4th Street Suite 121 Reno, NV 89503 my channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6QMuXTwMwJYIsYT6ybPKVw ...

Immigration Law Offices Of Reza Athari - (801)262-3527

Immigration Law Offices Of Reza Athari //www.ziplocal.com/page/1-26036000.html 525 W 5300 S Murray, UT 84123.

Donald Trump Speak The First 10min Im In Office Obama's Immigration Bill Is Gone!'

Donald Trump Speak The First 10min Im In Office Obama's Immigration Bill Is Gone!'

Vegas Fil-Ams shout at Marco Rubio over immigration issues

After speaking for an hour to a packed audience in Henderson, Nevada, former Florida senator and now republican presidential contender Marco Rubio's ...

Donald Trump Mexicans Immigrants Speech - Wall Between US And Mexico

In this speech, Donald Trump talked a lot about controlling Mexican immigrants. If they wanna go to America, it must be legal. They cannot get in our country ...

User Comments

I never understood this rant about immigrants taking peoples jobs. If you want those jobs then just apply for it. If they can get it then so can you.
+Dave L Just because you're uneducated does not mean you shouldn't be able to have a job where you can receive enough pay to lead a stable life with your family. You don't look at a man living on the street and think "he's doing alright for himself". These people are getting out of their country because they want to lead a stable life for their children, not because it looks fun.Illegal immigrants actually only make up 5.1% of the us labour force anyway. There are still jobs to be had.Since this is a video about the wall, lets talk about that.The Berlin wall covered over 96 miles and that would cost over $200 million today. The mexican border is over 2,000 miles long.The fence up today cost $2.4 billion for over a third of the border. The deputy chief of border control even stated that it was more expensive than they though and much more difficult. and that was near populated areas, where immigration was easier to control.According to estimates, the materials for such a wall would cost over $17,073,806,000. And that doesn't even include the labour costs or costs to keep the wall running. How is he going to make Mexico pay for that? Anyway, it would be hard to stop immigration just like that. There are parts on the border that aren't monitored so people could just dig a tunnel. And i don't know how Mexico are going to pay for it. if anything it's going to create more immigrants because everybody will be penniless.So pretty much, the wall's not going to happen.I'm also 14, not 12.
+Somethingysomething you idiot, are you 12? they accept jobs for lower wages than we would, and why should we have to compete for a job with illegals? that's not fair to rightful citizens...everyone says he's racist for just wanting rapists and murderers out, he never said all mexicans are rapists, not even close....and of course the lowlife people are the majority getting here illegally, since the educated ones can get here legally...he has no problem with the ones here legally, as most of them are educated...IE doctors, lawyers etc.
Donald trump, what about the white European wetbacks that Cross the Atlantic ocean and have anchor babies in the USA. they are wetbacks to I mean they do cross the Atlantic ocean. your great great grandfather had an anchor baby and he was a white man wetback and you don't talk about that, get over it your ancestors did not come here legally either so stop talking out of your quack Donald duck . I'm gonna vote for you to run the Disneyland oval office and mickey mouse is going to be your vice President!! quack quack. ;-)
+rockafella reichstagg sure but he wasn't in a gang...he talked about getting the bad ones out day 1...and that's the past, he's talking about now, since we're a mess, we need to stop now
Hahaha! Quack quack!!!
If that clown had a brain he wouldn't do an awful lot of talking
uhh, I don't think bashing a person is a good argument. I'm no trump supporter, but he's a good candidate at least. If you go are round bashing people for they're belief, then you shouldn't even vote at all.
+DAMIÁN DELUNA kill yourself spic faggot TRUMP 2016 MAGA
+Nick STFU dumb ass
+Nick lol, if he does, I'll just go to Canada. Problem solved.
+Random Person good thing that once trump is emperor all libtards like you will be gassed
+Nick all republicans like you should be run over
+Random Person die spic
+Nick your cancer
+Nick get a life you watch to much tV
+DAMIÁN DELUNA and he's accomplished more than you ever will you dirty spic
Great idea for building The Great Wall Of America, better than The Great Wall Of China
+Just_so_awwsome :P fuck off shitbrain
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