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Normandy france world war 2 Videos

World War 2 Normandy Invasion Best Documentary in Coulours

WW 1 Killers of the Sea in coulours ➨ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVQQt9oyXqY WW2 Normandy Invasion Best Documentary in coulours ...

User Comments

This is a really good presentation of what went on at Omaha beach. It is entertaining also. Thumbs up.

World War II Tanks - Normandy

User Comments

trying to find any tactical, strategic or technological reason for victory is totaly illusive and stupide, to words are enough " Bletchey Park and USA"!
+Staffan Goldschmidt *Totally *Stupid *Two *Bletchley Also, Bletchley park USA is three words not two.
anyone else notice the words "fury" written on the churchill tank at 21:28
+Mike Jerema Von Manstein and Rommel, the best Generals ever. Germany have the best Tanks, Air Fighter Me 109 and the Jet Me 262, V1 / V2 and many more. But Germany can not win against the World. France in 6. Weeks, in Russia have must go forward to Moskau and the WWII ending in 1942.
Yeah. Trust Hollywood to copy it, claim it as American and make a movie around it.
+Zakaraya lol
well fuck you all....i like pie
+Tyler Rock what?
Boy the "expert" made all kinds of errors. Cromwells had unsloped armor, but other tanks like the Sherman used by GB were sloped. He attributes Tigers to "panzer divisions", when they were non-divisional units.
+Bruno TaTa Cromwells suffered from simlar issues but had greater speed and a lower sillhouette than the Sherman. The sherman did have sloped amour (50MM IIRC) on the glacis but not anywhere else. The turret was slab sided. Guess where most of the ammo was stored?
then again just look at the Sherman tank... its just begging to be fked from the side. Its like a box with gas and explosives inside+people you wonder why tank losses were so high
+Bruno TaTa Ammo. The Sherman suffered from poor Armour design coupled with large amounts of ammo stored in the turret. This was it's major fault compared to other tanks with similar armour thicknesses. It was never the fuel that made them burn like you see in the docos it was the propellent in the ammo followed by a cook off of the warhead. The fuel was just collateral. Check out the (non-Fury) images (Koln, Syria, et al)of tanks being hit and you will see a "blow torch" like effect coming out of turret hatches. the flames will rise many metres directly above the hatches, Subsequently, in the case of some tanks (soviet particularly) the turret will blow off and land some distance away. The Blow torch is the ammo propellent burning - very high temperature and zero survival if you didn't get out within seconds of the vehicle being hit. Subsequently, the warhead(s) would cook off and blow the turret off (generally if a Russian vehicle as they didn't/don't bolt their turrets down unlike western tanks, soemtimes also western vehicles).
+kelvin lam Recent scholarship and analysis has found that the gasoline engine Sherman was no more likely to burn than diesels, not sure why.
Heard all this bullshit before about who was best etc etc, british and american forces killed approx 500k germans, soviet forces killed approx 5 million. Yeah they had some materiel help from the western allies but so what.
+Nevisberg daretoprepare Some? Look up the total tonnage of supplies sent via the lend lease program and tell anyone that the Americans only sent "some" supplies to its allies, especially Russia. The US also faced the front of the Japanese army, if they had not, the Russians would have been fighting major wars on both fronts other then just skirmishes. The Western allies also fought in Italy and Africa, where was Russia during those fights? With the manpower and technology Russia had available to them, Germany should have been obliterated in mere months. Killing 5 million (it was actually 4, but who's counting) when you yourself lost 20 million is hardly a victory worth celebrating. Don't forget Russia actually collaborated with Germany during WW2 before Hitler turned on them. The Russians who participated in Poland, Finland, Lithuania, Estonia, and many other countries are no better then the nazis themselves. Russia even ran their own concentration camps. I applaud those who stood up to defend their land, but the others I mentioned are no better then the SS in my opinion. So forgive me for not appreciating Russia's contribution more.
3 germans in a machine gun emplacement on Utah Beach. It set in a ravine and was set perfectly and hard to see. These 3 men estimated to have killed 1640 men and fired 15,000 rounds and then found a 1000 more before the gun burned out. All 3 were captured and imprisoned for the remainder of WW2 all 3 survived.
Yeah they would have a few barrels and change them as they heated up, not sure how many rounds per barrel you would get but the firing pin and other moving parts would also wear considerably. Then again it is German gear
+pweter351 he said he'd changed the barrel several times, I think.
Doubt a mg would last for 12000 rounds would be worn out
+1950Viper You may be mistakenly referring to the accounts of action at WN 62 by a German soldier who manned a MG42 there as part of a team from the 352nd division's artillery regiment. I've read his book. Some of his claims are ludicrous in terms of rounds fired and casualties inflicted when you analyze the big picture there vs his accounts. His account mentioned ONE barrel change over several hours. And he claims to have manned the gun himself, which would make such a rate of fire nearly impossible.
+1950Viper NONSENSE first Utah beach had only a hand full of deaths. It was Omaha beach that had about 2000 and that was for the whole day and included the destroyer that got hit by German artillery and all the swimming tanks and all the guys who drowned when they went in too deep water and all the landing craft that hit mine or were hit by artillery or mortars and all the casualties the rangers took and all the behind the beach casualties Furthermr Omaha had casualties all along the mile wide beach .not just in front of ONe MY Tor sure one MG did not cause1640 of these next the German did not give their MGcrews 15 thousand rounds to tstockplie in the first place the two ammo carriers ( 3 man crew) could only carry about one thousand round of belted ammo each. N

World War 2 Normandy Invasion In Colour Best Documentary HD

Documentary,2015, Full Documentary,

Arma 3: World War 2 - Flashbacks - D-Day Normandy

WW2 is back and in Arma 3 - I got back to the D-Day Normandy haunted with flashbacks if you Like the Video? Subscribe ▻ //goo.gl/8tukDq on this Arma 3 ...

User Comments

what site did you doenload this off of
+Uhsepe Valdez ITs called Iron front.
Please, what mod is this? Does anyone know? I've been searching for it everywhere...
+Jaden Coyle Is your QI double digits ?He said it doesn't make sense that the mod is named iron front,you dumb fuck.
+noa van voorthuisen banana It does? What? Ironfront is the mod name he asked for are you stupid?
+noa van voorthuisen banana iron front was russia vs germany
+Jaden Coyle that does t make sense
+Travis Sofia Iron front.
Nice, but the vid comes from Crytek09 haha. You have stolen it !
Look at the fucking description
i have ironfront and i putted it in but i have shit graphics and dont have these siggarets
+juul joosten [24 pz] i use playwith6
I was watching Band of brother, then i launched steam and saw arma 3,... i made the link between a ww2 mod on arma3 and i discovered this you tube channel ! Keep going guys, it's wonderfull
+Andrea D'Onofrio Welcome dude, def plan on doing more there are a lot of even better missions.
Its actually; "Gentlemen, we're dying on the beaches. Let us die inland."
+Sean Stanton Brig. Gen. Norman Cota
can somebody tell me how to get ww2 stuff in arma 3?
+sloops09 ill buy the game then, i like ww2 games anyway
+justin nijs get the mod IronFront it will look fairly shitty unless you buy the game ironfront then the mod looks great

THE BEACHES OF NORMANDY! - (Insurgency: World War II)

Storming the beaches of Normandy in the all new Day of Infamy mod! Playing with Commander Pixel:https://www.youtube.com/user/CommanderPixel ○Silo ...

User Comments

Looks like a modernized version of moh:aa Omaha beach.
I know right same map
aaach das ist sehr gut jah....
+Quod Perierat deutsche am start hier hahaha.
A Schnitzel is like a Burger just with a weird look? Not really. It is indeed funny how people think Germans pronounce everything. German sounds not that agressiv.
+MrMcShepp That's just a stereotype. Like all americans are fat etc. They know germans don't scream like that.Atleast I hope so lol
+MrMcShepp That´s totally right!!
Shavin private Schnitzel?
Hallo du Schweinehund!
nein willst du nicht
+Hans Van Puff Halts Maul
how to get this mod?
You have to put insurgency into the beta branch though
+Gene Martin workshop
RO2 is better, wayyyyyy better.
+mhotl Thank you comrade.
+CheekiBreeki Blyat I just burnt a bowl in your honor sir
But realise that this is a mod, not a standalone game made by a AAA developer
+mhotl Amazing, time to get the oil. Will you join me for celebration?
+CheekiBreeki Blyat Rising Storm 2: Vietnam. It's the new game from tripwire that coming out this year. 
+mhotl What?
+igrenade rising storm is better way better then RO2 XD
oh pls no
+GermanNWProductions can't wait for rising storm 2 vietnam!
+igrenade yes, its way better
+The Original Mike Hawk red orchestra, i have never played it though
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