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[5] Let's Play Company of Heroes - Invasion of Normandy Campaign w/ GaLm

"What is Company of Heroes?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------...

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I hated this mission. AI is good.
just destroyer their emny base
+Abid Din Just as you reinforce your frontier, AI be like "Time to send another 2 Stugs, oh and a cheeky panzer each with their own pioneer teams that repair them consistently. They're all gonna screw your frontline you so carefully set up. AGAIN!"
+Abid Din ikr
Please don't talk bad words
This isnt the channel for you, kid.
Now you see how much of a bitch it is to fight the AI of Company of Heroes in a one on one match because it is so fucking smart. It deliberately avoids machine gun nest firing arcs, attacks the least defended side of your base, slips through even the tiniest cracks you have in your defenses, always goes after strategic points you're not defending at the moment (because you never have a high enough pop cap to effectively defend your entire front line) and its vehicles actively run away from ambushes, sometimes even luring YOU into an ambush if you try to pursue. It's really damn annoying but at the same time, quite challenging. Kudos to Relic.
+Froztarlozt Played Starcraft, didn't see most of the above. Especially not the probing attacks: SC's AI attacks in large waves, trying to overwhelm you in one big push; CoH's AI constantly probes you all the time to keep you off-balance and your attention divided.
That stuff happened in Starcraft all the time mate :|

➜ Company of Heroes - Invasion of Normandy - Part 14: Sottevast 1/2 [Expert]

With the documents recovered from Cherbourg Fox Company launches an attack on a secret V2 facility in France. ➜ Walkthrough Master List: ...

User Comments

you keep missing munnitions crates like at 12:50 by the hanger at the top.
sry but in other missions you have
That does sounds like Bannon

[3] Let's Play Company of Heroes - Invasion of Normandy Campaign w/ GaLm

"What is Company of Heroes?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------...

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also Juno has the wrong flag its supposed to be the flag of the Dominion of Canada not the modern red and white maple leaf.. at least it wasn't marked by a union jack, some people believe we canuks had no play in World Wars.
+Taylor Orton that's racist? Stfu you dumb shit
yeah like stupid Americans
11:14 Guys on the left. Soldier 1: Were the fuck is eveerybody!!! Soldier 2: I have no idea!!!
u got me there
I guess so but there's one that isn't behind the house 
it does look like it doesn't it accept there's three instead of two
Yap. i just thought it looked like that scene lol.
isn't that in Band of Brother????

[2] Let's Play Company of Heroes - Invasion of Normandy Campaign w/ GaLm

"What is Company of Heroes?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------...

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i want to vs you in this game
+Catcat71actually that is possible
You could destroy him with 1 squad of riflemen
+Henrik Pilgaard no i don't think you understand, i want to vs him so bad. i want to see his reaction when i destroy him.
+ninja78ful so would i. He is not getting it. What a moroon ( or what you call it).

[12] Let's Play Company of Heroes - Invasion of Normandy Campaign w/ GaLm

"What is Company of Heroes?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------...

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It's not mentioned anywhere but Calliopes get more accurate the closer they are to a target. Fire from halfway across the map and they barely hit anything; fire from almost point-blank range and two Calliopes can kill a Tiger in one barrage. Even better, the Calliope originally used to spend munitions to fire but that got patched out - so just fire away and level the entire map to your heart's desire.
ok...so that little rc bomb thing at the beginning did not exist..well it did exist but it wasn't very effective it had very little armor and it was slow and they had to use a long wire to control it that was easily cut by our guys so in other words the nazis did not have a wireless version of that or a fast one for that matter this has been a history lesson from me...carry on
hey galm are you going to do the other campaigns maybe with a higher difficulty or just do them at all and more multiplayer with freinds or bots i would really love to see more of this game on your channel
BARs do increase riflemen damage output as it gives some of the men in the squad assault rifles in addition to their normal weapons, it's not just for the suppresion ability.
"We're just gonna have to be supremely secure... My game just crashed." LOL I'm sorry, but that just sounds funny when you say it.
Nah i hate that shit, I hardly even talk about pony stuff anymore, I just like the show, The fanbase is fucking annoying.
GaLm did your game crash if so does that mean your uploading the next part now because this is fun to watch
6:07 Imagine if GaLm could make more of that tank and the reactions of chilled, diction, and junkyard. :3
i was viewer 0 and i liked first becouse i refreshed after i liked and it was still at 1 :P jelly bro?
I'm a brony and all, but i don't want to see your pony stuff on these videos, It kinda annoys me.
I had to take it down and reupload it because I accidentally cut out a bit of the last mission
18:20 "bombardment incoming""FLEEEEEE!"*proceeds to run as all hell breaks loose*
omg galm you should about 7 of those rocket Shermans and group them together

[7] Let's Play Company of Heroes - Invasion of Normandy Campaign w/ GaLm

"What is Company of Heroes?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------...

User Comments

Please don't talk bad words
+mada sushruth fuck off and stop spamming squares.. you square.. >:D

[10] Let's Play Company of Heroes - Invasion of Normandy Campaign w/ GaLm

"What is Company of Heroes?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------...

User Comments

Am i the only guy who watches this, thinks its a 20 min video then once its finished realise thats its half an hour? because thats both a good and bad moment, one of missing an extra 20 min, other watching Krauts getting eaten by Galm.Yummy indeed.
Hey galm quick question bout fraps U see I record, but my vids r over a gig. I'm using a computer that runs on xp and my framerate is low. R UR vids smaller because UR framerate is smaller, or the way u render them out?
Galm is one of the only commentators I know that actually have different descriptions for each video of a playthrough. Very nice, very nice.
i cant unlock any campaigns after tiger ace thing , those other 3 are locked for some reason :( , and i even bought the game , help me !1
i wonder if my laptop could handle this game its better than my pc. cause that thing cant i lag like a bitch on my desktop playing this
YES!!! I agree tiberium wars sucks and it almost made me not want to play Red Alert 3 but i did and it was amazing Galm PLAY IT!!
I hope he never stops uploading video's of this size, unless he goes for an ever bigger size of course. Love you for it GaLm.
hey galm are you going to do more skirmish with bots or people or the other campaigns?
haha, uploading at 6 am. glad to know someone has a sleep schedule as messed up as me.
very true but red alert 1,3 c&c 3 and generals + zero hour expansion were quite good
10:08 flank by running at it. boy how i would not want to be under GaLms command.
i loved it when the soldiers say "i hope they dont mind us dropping in" lol
GaLm are you going ot get started on assassins creed revalashions soon?
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