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Karen Hudes: Either We Take Back Our Gold, Our Legality, or We'll Have WWIII

//usawatchdog.com/united-states-currency-weak-and-about-to-crash-karen-hudes/ - Can we pull the world out of this economic calamity? Former World ...

User Comments

Every last SOB involved in this Global Scam needs to be arrested, their property seized, their families thrown out into the streets and made destitute, and their financial wealth seized. These people need to know what it's like to eat ham sandwiches and pork-n-beans. The entire Vatican also needs to be destroyed, property seized, financials seized, and everything else seized. These Zionist Jews that run the media also the same. Every last person in every Secret Society needs to be given an order to declare their allegiances to Humanity or suffer the same consequences. The entire Aristocratic European Society also the same. Dissolve all Monarchs and Kings, and Oligarchies. Regulate all banks and credit unions to the highest order. Notice that I have not given all of these players in this Global Scam a Due Process Trial. They don't deserve one. As a matter of fact, they deserve to be treated as Enemy Combatants held in prison INFINITETUM under the NDAA 12&13. Give them no special treatment. Let them all rot away in prison. As a matter of fact instead of a Human - Human Doctor they will be seen by a Veterinarian and treated as an animal.
+Kenny L. Cobb, Jr. Hear, hear!! Best Idea I've seen in a LONG, LONG time Kenneth!
I've been listening to this woman for a long time on your shows and others.... she is a wack job and is discrediting serious and dedicated others who really care. Please quit giving her air time
Max, It is as "SIMPLE, AS THAT"... The Luciferian, 33°~ Freemasons are Sabotaging Our Dollar, Stock Mkts, Gonna cause A Flood "As it was inThe days of Noah" @, Written of in The Holy KJV... Host of Other, Catastrophes comin ~
During these times I would consider this broadcast to be one of the most informative,thorough and truthful. In other words, it is absolutely essential that people see this, hear this and realize what is going on here.President Kennedy knew who they are(The British "Venetian" Empire)and he "did" print a new currency for the event of America taking back it's currency control!...... To inform yourself on the matter of the Federal Reserve central banking system fraud and "constitutional currency" as well as the history of all see: (((("The Money Masters" by Bill Still))) This is an absolute masterpiece on film!
i wonder how much gold/silver is hidden underground in switzerland. that is the heart of the beast. templar pharoahic satanic skumbags. switzerland is where they hide. i see no way out, we will suffer. we are neutralized. it was a rigged game.
100% From the Start!!! Lucifer is Very Smart and Powerful, but Not Nearly, as Almighty God-Yeshua!!!! When, The Lord kicked The Devil (TRUE STORY) Outta Heaven, the Joker Knew and Brought, The Sacred laws of The Universe with him!!!!! Along with 1\3 of The Angels, Whooo God cursed, had Sex with Earthlings "Nephilim" & Now, Those Once Holy esteemed Angels are Today, Verrry Powerful Demons here on Earth; Satan's Earth, till ~ the Sec ond Coming of Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!(7) Praise, Our Mighty King of Kings, Jesus Christ of Nazareth and His Incredible, Worthy Father, Yahweh~God ...
There has been alot of smoke around whether the facts that I am Jewish or a lawyer prevent me from dealing with the truth. I have presented unwelcome information to both of those groups. Divide and conquer is the oldest game in the book. You can follow what is now going on at twitter @karenhudes, on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/karen.hudes.10/ and if you don't use facebook, many of the posts are at //www.frank-webb.com/karen-hudes---updates.html Background information is at www.kahudes.net
+Geo Spartanthe precious metals are not going on the market.  they are going to be monetized and remain in the currency
+bewiseasowls Absolutely, Agreee...
+Karen Hudes Imagine the sense that it makes that people are questioning "your motives" when you "are" giving the right direction toward solution. These people obviously do not have even a light summary of history which proves you to be revealing facts! Those people are their own worst enemies.They are making themselves accomplices to their crimes. It is a perfect example of the enemy's psychological tailoring that even Ripley would be shocked at! I have not heard anyone mention the Kennedy Green Hilton's in many years! I "know" it's true! You are a good woman of rare intelligence! I am so glad that you are here with us during these most troubling times! This broadcast "is" one of the most important and vital on all airwaves!
And the same to you! meillers veux.
+Karen Hudes Do not stop! best wishes.
Karen, how is Gold, Silver and other precious metals going up with a 170,000+ tons "NOT" on the Comex is out there in this Global Collateral Account in Hawaii??? If a 170,000+ tons of Gold and Silver, etc goes on the market...it would fall. That part makes no sense...thanks
Karen so you know some of us know the deference between a Jew and a raciest Zionist  you keep up the good fight friend iggy those nay Sayers  im rooting for you you need to talk any time at all id love nothing more to lend a supportive ear to you where ever i could if possible bolster your strength you can bet id give it one hell of a try 

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