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Canada computers cameras Videos

Camera Talk with Chris Ogonek - Nikon National Technical Trainer - Filming with Nikon

Camera Talk with Chris Ogonek - Nikon National Technical Trainer - Camera Basics

Are you being watched through your webcams and security cameras?

Published on May 7, 2015 After Global News reported on the story of a Quebec woman, accused of hacking into people's personal computers and spying on ...

Steve Vaus - Flat Stanley Movie Trailer.mpg

STEVE VAUS, Steve Vaus, Patriotic, 'There is an Eagle,' Cowboy, Children's Music, movie, film, video, documentary, education, lesson plans, children, South ...

Microsoft donates Kinect for Xbox to CHEO (Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario)

Microsoft announced a donation of 30 Kinect for Xbox 360 to CHEO last week. The gift marks the fifth anniversary of Child Interactive Computers for Kids (CLICK) ...

User Comments

CEHO gets millions & millions AND MILLIONS of $$$dollars$$$ in donations every single second & they cant afford game consoles for the patients? like kids don't come with their own devices nowadays? Every business, group, organization & gang in town supports CHEO & you need how much more money? The entire GDP & you would still want... no need more money right?

Canadian TV News with Spiderman Ivan Kristoff

CBC Videographer Bob Armstrong and Ivan Kristoff hanging on ropes about 300 feet off the ground during a 5 hour video footage for Prime Time Evening News ...

Wearable haptics and hand tracking via an RGB-D camera for immersive tactile experiences

Title: Wearable haptics and hand tracking via an RGB-D camera for immersive tactile experiences Authors: L. Meli, S. Scheggi, C. Pacchierotti, D. Prattichizzo In ...
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