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Best car of year 2014 Videos

The Top Car? North American Car of the Year 2014 - Autoline This Week 1801

It's award time again and Autoline has the scoop on the biggest prize for automakers each year: the North American Car & Truck of the Year awards. Joining ...

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Cadillacs and Corvettes will always have the price advantage because they are groomed and pampered and excluded from taxes as long as GM is still 26% government owned... Can we still get over this myth that Euro-cars are overpriced?
+Vernon PriceHahaha like I said... You cannot tell a creationist about evolution any more than you can tell an american about cars.Perhaps you think BMW tried to make the fastest dragracing car in the world and is now a failure, now that the Cadillac with a Corvette engine is faster in highly circumstancial media stunts with modded cars and full factory racing crews?Do you think BMW loses any sales to Cadillac ? Hell no. In 2012 Cadillac sold 455 cars in total to the 500 million people of Europe. Thats less than 1 in a million. Do you think BMW, Mercedes, Audi, and the established quality car industry loses any sleep over GMs marketing stunts? Hell they even outsell Cadillac in USA.Im not talking about conspiracy theories here... Its just old fashioned marketing. Now tell me... Where is the evidence of these ridiculously misleading american Nurburgring laps? Where are the pictures of ANY of these events? Wops... Claiming woooorld records and not ONE picture? I guess they all forgot their camera? In a time when my phone has a 8 megapixel camera? Not likely.Where are the press conferences, where are the witnesses, where are the press shots. Where are the drivers kneeling with thumbs up next to their car... I mean.. What.. NO pictures? NO evidence of any of this? And this doesnt bother anyone?The Nurburgring is a test track. Certain days are called "factory pool" This is when factories go together and hire the track for testcars and prototypes. Mostly for durability and stress testing. Because a day at the Ring puts as much stress on various components as a family can do in a year. There is a poster saying STRICTLY NO RACING. There is no official timing. Nobody checks that your car is "stock". Anyone is free to post whatever time.At the end of these days, when the Ring is closed to the public, is when GM has been allowed to do a few runs. With their highly modified cars that they claim are "factory stock" Except they were about as stock as Lance Armstrong at Tour`d France.There is nothing "official" about this. And most laps are done with car magazines borrowing peoples own cars. Which means their gear ratios and tyres are what they are. Nothing is specially raced up like in GMs media stunts.The rest... 90% of these lap times are set by private people in their own cars or private people hiring ring drivers to drive their cars. Also known as "Ring taxi" Youknow it really doesnt hurt for you nutters to look shit up some times.on these public days, there is an off and an on-ramp leading you off and on the Ring. These laps are therefore speed restricted in areas and are called Bridge to Gantry laps. Which is where you drive on and off. You can therefore not carry full speed through from last lap and it produces a completely different, slower, lap time.Christ.. i could go on aaaall day. But who cares. Aslong as you can wave that flag for bankrupt US cars. By the way. Even Porsche outsells Corvette 3-1 on the US market. And even Ferrari outsells Viper. At 4-5 times the price.
+Janusha Yes, all GM did is put a corvette engine into a CTS and beat the M5 in a straight line. That is literally the only thing that was done. How stupid are you, exactly? I have to ask because I'm looking for some sense of scale here. Do you think the nurburgring is a drag strip?The reason they used the E60 M5 is because that was the M5 that was on sale at the time. Were they supposed to use the F10 M5 4 years before it existed? Do you think they should have used time travel? This goes back to the "how stupid are you" question. So what you're saying is that there had never been a 4-door car on the nurburgring before the CTS-V did it? That's funny because it looks to me like the BMW M3 and the M5, the Subaru STi, the Mitsu Evo, the Audi RS4 and lots of other 4 door cars had run the Nurburgring before the CTS-V did, and all of them had slower times. Therefore, when the CTS-V did it with a 7:59, it broke the record for the fastest 4-door sedan on the Nurburgring. That is how record breaking works. The record was previously held by... looks like the Subaru WRX STi Spec C. This is all information you could have learned on your own, if you weren't as dumb as a fence post. But apparently I have to explain it to you because your stupidity goes so deep that even simple concepts like breaking a record are confusing to you.It's a simple matter of looking at the times and determining which one is the fastest. It's not hard. Well for most people anyway. You're just crying about it because you don't LIKE it. And I fail to see how the Nurburgring and the times set there are somehow part of an American myth, since most of the times there are from non-American cars. Including a LOT of BMWs, Audis and Mercedes. And Porsches, and Ferraris, and Lambos, etc. Even the idea of this being some kind of American myth is so ludicrous I have to wonder if you're actually clinically insane. I mean it's either that or you're almost indescribably stupid. 
+Vernon PriceYeah yeah yeah. You see... GM bought a BMW M5 and picked it apart and used it as benchmark for the new line of CTS-V. But did they put in the 3Ms? The Money, Manpower and Materials that BMW does inorder to be internationally competitive in every single country?Or did they just go out in the shed and put in an old Corvette engine and "beat" the BMW M5 at a dragrace and proceed to claim superiority in media stunts? Yep. Thats exactly what they did.In the meantime. While the Cadillac was being developed, GMs BMW M5 had become 4 years old. GM said they used the 4 years older BMW as benchmark because it better represented the Cadillacs abilities.And as for "fatest 4 door sedan" at the Ring. Hahahahaha you wont let it go, will you. Who held the "record" before? Who did Cadillac beat? THEY SIMPLY INVENTED THE RECORD AND CLAIMED IT ON THE SPOT... Get it ?Just like recently GM was back at the Ring because they realise how much FAITH you religious fanatics put into this, so now every GM goes on the Ring. They recently INVENTED a fastest pickup truck record at the Ring and claimed that too. This is bullshit. These are MEDIA STUNTS for dumb americans. Nobody else does this crap.Its like americas World baseball league. Youknow... I think america will be best in the woooorld again next year. As they are the only country playing. These are INVENTED records.Why didnt BMW, Audi, Mercedes set 4 door saloon records at the Ring? Because this virtually doesnt happen...The idea of the Ring as some kind of god damn benchmark... Is an ALL AMERICAN MYTH.This is like telling american creationists about evolution. Just cant be done.
+Janusha And... what "faked nurburgring bullshit" would that be, again? And who said the CTS-V capabilities were unheard of? Oh, nobody? I said it was better than the M5, because it is. Not that it was unheard of. Are you bad at reading or something?I mean it's not like multiple comparisons, head to heads and reviews all proved it or anything - oh wait, yes they did.And of course the CTS-V that got the record run on the Nurburgring was stock, but you don't seem to hold much stock in facts so it's not surprising that you think it was modified in any way. But I'm sure you can prove that it was modified, right? And you failed to provide a link because... why, again?Honestly, it sounds like you're just bitter that that CTS-V was the fastest 4-door sedan on the ring. You have a real hard time accepting things that are just facts, and that's not healthy. And that the CTS-V has beaten the M5 in multiple comparisons. Living in denial is not good for your mental health.
+Vernon PriceOH PLEASE... Not the faked Nurburgring bullshit again. Havent we guys got over that stuff yet ??Im sure its a novel idea that cheaply built american steel is as good as, or even better than, the real thing but come on. How likely is it REALLY that this thing posesses capabilities unheard of by the established supercar industry? Its just a perfectly normal raced up Cadillac with a Corvette engine. These things are called MEDIA STUNTS. Not to be confused with the real thing.See... These runs were initially done in 2008, smack in the middle of their collective bankruptcies.Following the collapse of the entire US car industry (yes even Ford and Harley) the big 3 were hauled infront of congress and had to answer for how they were able to run themselves to spectacularly into the ground in a market that sells 12-14 million cars a year... They were told to prove themselves "Internationally competitive" to deserve Obamas hundreds of billions in bailouts.So off they went to the Nurburgring in Germany. Viper, Corvette, hell even Cadillac. At great expense with full factory race crews in stripped out, raced up cars with racing interiors, full rollcages and semislick, barely legal R rated LeMans tyres hellbent on "records" and hero status back home. With hundreds of billions at stake, claiming second best, just wasnt an option.They even built parts of the Nurburgring in USA to set the cars up just right before going. "Developed at the Ring" hahha as if they had the budget and the market shares in Europe to justify such a thing. They go there for MEDIA STUNTS. Thats it.So both Corvette and Viper proceeded to claim the same record. Fastest production car on the Ring. When none of them ever were fastest. For Cadillac it gets even more embarrassing. They simply INVENTED a 4 door saloon record and claimed it on the spot... Which means they would have been "fastest" no matter what its time turned out to be.They invented a "4 door saloon record" because it would have been awkward otherwise that it was only 1 second quicker than the 16 years older Nissan Skylines lap time. So why wasnt there already a 4 door saloon record at the Ring ? BMW, Mercedes, Audi, the big Germans are tested there all the time... Its because this RIDICULOUS idea that the Ring is "Europes own benchmark" and we all go to the Ring to see whats "best" ... And that somehow, magically, smack in the middle of their own bankruptcies, americans show up at the Ring for the first time and ALL claim wooorld fucking  records on their first try, IS AN ALL AMERICAN MYTH.There isnt a shred of evidence to back up any of this shit. Except videos on Youtube. Which are all neat and dandy with cameras poking out the window, showing us the lap and the time. Well its not the lap or the time thats fake. Its the cars.And to finish this insane myth off... THey are claiming superiority to every supercar, GT-car, Sportscar, Hypercar in the world that ISNT factory "benchmarked" at the god damn Ring. Do you honestly believe Ferrari, Lambo, Mclaren, Koenigsegg and the rest of the established supercar industry are out there, touring the tracks of the world trying to outdo eachothers with wildly misleading laps? Well american brands DO. So to them, their cars will always be exactly as "best in the woooorld" as they like.Give it a rest now.... Elvis has left the building. A Cadillac is just a car. But american marketing is always trying to make you believe their products are made entirely out of flags and patriotism. That way you will defend them to death even if you never buy one in your entire lives.Oh and american reviewers are funded entirely out of the Big3s marketing budgets. They know what hand feeds them. So OBVIOUSLY american cars score well in the amateurish american motoring press which is entirely in the big 3s pocket. I could make an entire essay on that too... But wont. 
+Janusha Right the CTS-V is "only great for an American car". Because the CTS-V broke the WORLD RECORD for the faster 4-door Nurburgring lap. I guess "the world" is the same thing as America now?I mean you understand that the CTS-V was specifically developed in Germany? On the autobahns and on the Nurbugring? For the specific purpose of kicking the Germans to the curb on their own turf? The only reason you would say something like "it's only good by American standards" is if you are so completely ignorant about the CTS-V that you don't understand that it beat the M5 in every single way when it came out.Sure it's cheaper than the M5, but that's irrelevant. It's BETTER than the M5. That's the part you don't seem to be getting. Also, the CTS-V is not sold at a loss, lol. But go ahead and show me the source you got that from, if you can. And bragging has nothing to do with anything. Lap times, reviews, comparisons, head to heads and basic facts are what matters, and you would only think the CTS-V was inferior if you really have not been paying attention to any of those things. 
+Vernon PriceWhat was my point again? That OBVIOUSLY american cars get hosed down with praise in america.Mostly because when american motor press get together to deal out car of the year and all kinds of awards, they put a price cap of 40 000 dollars or whatever. Because if they didnt, the list would be 100% full of foreign brands.Im not saying Cadillacs are shit... But they are only great for an american car. Compared to the real thing, they still have some way to go. Then ofcourse they put a Corvette engine into it and race it up for media stunts but thats not the Cadillac people ACTUALLY go out and buy. Thats just a halo product sold at a loss to generate hero image and hype for the brand.Perhaps you think Mercedes and BMW are out there desperately trying to "beat" Cadillacs and somehow... Fail to do so? Well... To Cadillac is extremely important to claim all kinds of things in media stunts. While BMW and Mercedes already have a strong brand name and are already internationally competitive in every single country.So they dont have this perpetual need to brag.
+Janusha And of course, the quality argument, and naturally Cadillac comes in on JD Power's initial quality rankings higher than almost every German brand. So what was your point again?Oh, and you're an idiot if you hadn't realized that BMW underrates its engines, because they don't have to conform to any oversight. And Mercedes does too, you know what the latest E63 actually dynoed at About 675 crank HP. They list it as having 577. LOL? You get what's written on the tin, huh? Tell me more about how you get what's advertised. And you still sound bitter about how the CTS-V keeps beating the Germans over and over and over again while costing so much less money. Maybe you should get over it.
+Janusha Absolute and complete bullshit, and you would know that if you had done any research on it. The CTS-V IN GERMANY costs less than the M5 IN GERMANY. So what was your point again?
+Vernon Price Its so funny when americans criticise the price on European cars. Especially top quality cars. Ofcourse quality costs more. A diamond will always cost more and be more interesting than a lump of coal even if the materials are essentially the same.You would think... That if European cars were priced wrong... If they were too expensive. Nobody would buy them, they would go bankrupt, problem solved, right ?But that isnt whats happening, is it. Only american cars went bankrupt. Only american cars are NOT being internationally competitive in every single country.And yeah.... Isnt it precious how they put a Corvette engine into the Cadillac to make it a halo car. So that they can sell a couple of hundred of them with no profit at all to act as halo cars. To gain hero status for the brand.So that people will go out and buy the normal, cheapass Cadillac which has NONE of its capabilities.Atleast with a BMW, you get whats written on the tin. Its not a one-off halo product.
+Vernon PriceThey cost more IN AMEIRCA only, where domestic cars are operating virtually tax free while any import is taxed to death. This is done exactly to push them up market, out of competition. To secure the market for domestic brands.And even then... When I just now went to Forbes list of top selling models in USA for 2013, there isnt a single american car on the list until you get to 12th place with the Chevvy Cruze.Now... The Chevvy Cruze happens to be a Korean built rebadged Daewoo with a made-in-china Chevvy logo on it.If the US of A really did have a fair trade, free market, Such as here in Europe where all cars are taxed equally, american cars.... Cheaply built for a cheap american customer, of lesser quality and capatility, wouldnt sell at all.Just like were seeing in Europe and Asia.So... What was your point again?
We'll get over it as soon as they stop BEING overpriced. The M5 is about $100k now, and the $64k CTS-V is still kicking its ass. Go ahead, tell me more about how European cars aren't overpriced.

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