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Chrysler 200 eminem Videos

Chrysler Eminem Best Super Bowl Commercial Imported From Detroit - 2015 CCTV Car TV HD

The Chrysler 200 has arrived. Imported from Detroit. Eminem commercial Subscribe. New Car Reviews, New Car Commercials & Best Car Video's The No.

Chrysler 200 with Eminem - commercial [listening skills, 윤현우]

(transcript below) This is H.Jay Yun (윤현우) Visit here at //cafe446.daum.net/_c21_/bbs_list?grpid=1ONcc&fldid=Rh2q to watch more various video clips ...

2011 chrysler 200 sedan f/ Eminem Lose Yourself

2011 Chrysler 200 sedan f/ Eminem Lose Yourself.

Eminem Chrysler Super Bowl Commercial on the Reel Ace Blog

Eminem and Chrysler came together for one of the best commercials during Super Bowl 45. The commercial was advertising the Chrysler 200 vehicle while the ...

User Comments

@zambrano718 Eminem is giving his city a S/O and 2nd, yes, he is making his money. "sell outs" have been apart of hip hop from the beginning. You can see an old heavy D video where they're rockin Coke shirts and hats... its always been a business so whatever in that regards. But the fact is, this was in Detroit, they needed someone bold and inspiring (at least to folks there) and it worked... and Im not from Detroit either. ... lol and yeaa I do have a toyota but I still respect this commercial
@rockylee3281 lol u probably need 2 read a lil more lik the gas pedal thing was bullshit aka not true (it was proven go on the internet nd look it up) nd its funny how the media gotta mud sling to sell American cars (im not a fan of Toyota but they do make reliable cars). also Toyota only one company what about Honda? as for engine sludge thats a result from poor engine maintenance also known as not changing your oil but still driving the car get your car next question (dont believe Google it)
Awesome ad! With the benefit of 9 million taxpayer dollars, Chrysler's telling you "This is what we do." 44% of Detroit adults have reading comprehension below 6th-grade level; meaning nearly half of Detroit adults couldn't graduate from elementary school; about the same literacy rate as that of the Central African Republic after being ruled by a cannibal-emperor throughout the '70s and '80s. That's Detroit run by liberal Democrats cannibalizing the system. This is what they do. Indeed!
this commercial sux get off this mans dick for real.. all dez Detroit ppl think this is a shout out this aint eminem isnt making a shout out this is eminem selling out for da dollars, there anit no arguments nd if this was a message the only thing its say is fuk Detroit because they rather spend 2.5 million a super bowl commercial thats a few mins long rather than give that to the community nd imports are proven to last longer so you crack heads get real
Great ad! $9 million dollars paid for by you, the taxpayer. These guys, by the way are requesting more taxpayer dollars. They want more money and they want a "better deal" on the bailout money they're already getting. The owners of Chrysler are sick of you loan-shark, taxpaying shysters who haven't given them the favorable rates they think they're entitled to.That's "what they do", indeed. LOL The Democrats pols in Detroit are like that too.
@happystance7able in response to all 20 of your messages hah... ok great you can point out what you believe are some issues in DEtroit and with Chrysler. But instead of sitting on youtube complaining about a commercial that I personally think was filmed and shot very well and is trying to convey a message about not giving up and havng hope, why not respond with solutions as to what could be done to actually better the situation.
Awesome, slick, high-style ad that takes $9 million dollars of taxpayer money to tell us that a ruined city that is attracting the kind of French photo-journalism today that used to be reserved for African Banana Republics after a civil war; we're now being told "This is the model for America in the 21st Century" "This is what we do". Great message! Great ad! Very funny! LOL
The symbolism is so ironic! When the socialists move into a theater that the capitalists have built (when socialist Chrysler is in the Fox) the seats become vacant and you end up with singers paid tax dollars to perform for nobody. This is what socialists do: create societal dysfunction while indulging in stupid ego trips.
its the best commercial this year. Its not funny, but its a good commercial in meaning of what commercials r there for. To sell the product. Obviously the car cant compare to german cars, so they did sth smart. PATRIOTISM! That always works in America.
Detroit's my home and I know we spent a ton of money on this ad, but at least it took peoples mind off the murders, rapes, and police brutality for 2:03 that happen everyday on my street and in my neighbourhood. You rep us proud Eminem!
I love the Detroit pride the commercial conveys. The city may be hurting right now, but it still stands for something great. Detroit has a history that is unmatched by any other city in the United States.
I agree with you both... Yea they definitely went hard! And Patriotism is the way to do it... if you do it correctly. They did a real good job with this. THey definitely did it the correct way!
@zambrano718 Are those imports you talking about that last so much longer the same ones with engine sludge and sticking gas pedals?
I'm a full out mercedes guy myself ( I can't spell lol) but I think I want a chrysler now xD
it is only 60 miles from detroit to hell
luce mas eminem k el karro jajajaja xD
This is one expensive commercial
That's sooo hard!!!

Chrysler Eminem Super Bowl Ad 2011 With Subtitles

У меня есть вопрос к тебе. Что этот город знает о роскоши? Что жители города, история которого похожа на...

200 by Chrysler Eminem Super_Bowl Commercial ---- Imported From Detroit

Chrysler Eminem Super_Bowl Commercial ---- Imported From Detroit "air force" "sneak peek" guns spoiler aviation animation anime tourism.

User Comments

UPGRAYEDDD; Need we remind thee of DaimlerChrysler? Daimler knew nothing about executing cars on a budget and true game changers didn't emerge. The 1st Gen Neon would have been truly crowned a great one two punch against all of the competition if not cut short. A little extra money toward a gasket and safety design would have allowed it to dominate in power, appeal, handling, gas mileage and price that the company could still make money on. It fell short sadly. Then the great Daimler thought it would be great to hedge bets in the Caliber. A car that too could have been marveled, but fell short. The interior in the last few years really fixed those errors, but it was already far too late for that car. Couple that and rushing it with a CVT from Jatco without proper software calibration due to the newness of working with it (and constant cuts to engineers) and the time it entered the market was doom for it. Now while you passively accept the fact that our American form of corrupt predatory capitalism allows for more tax payer dollars to pay for bombs to ruin a foreign country, then pay for the government contracts to rebuild them, over and over again-and cannot see the true investment in keeping GM/Chrysler afloat while they were reorganized cannot do simple math. Those bank bailouts? Even worse, but I bet you bank with them. Probably even fell for Ally bank name change from one of the worst banks in modern history. Global companies in the auto world are the only players coming quite soon. Hence why GM is pushing so hard in China with Buick. Also, what marketing department would slam the company in an ad? Chrysler's "bailout" was an extremely high interest loan. They payed it off early and took a lower interest rate with a legit bank once they could as the interest was insane. As if you knew what you were talking about anyway. Only modern America can cheer for the demise, and hate the fact a company survived. You may never see those tax dollars get spent how you want, but the next time you buy a car-you best be happy GM and Chrysler are still in the picture. Those suppliers for the other companies? Yeah, they rely on those two to stay afloat as well.

Eminem Chrysler Superbowl Ad graffiti video edit.

Eminem's Chrysler 200 Superbowl Ad Is The Best Detroit Positive Promotion I've Ever Seen, The Only Thing That Even Comes Close Is When Sammy Davis Jr.

Eminem Lose Yourself Instrumental

Eminem Lose Yourself Instrumental And Chrysler 200 Pic.

User Comments

this new 200 is great BUT the new 300 is awesome! love the song, now I love the car!!! the ride,is sweet!
the instrumental is not long enough if you wanna sing on it. Peace from Monaco.
"Lose yourself" for my 200 "g code" for my 300 motor city you keep roaring!!!!
I love this , i do gymnastics so im going to use this from a floor routine :DD
Eminem is very good ;P The best rapper the world;D POLEN
@sherrycookcook This music made me want to buy Eminem...
i play this music in my 300c while rolling in my hood
This music made me want to buy a chrysler....
You better lose yourself in the music! ;)
one person did not get lost in the music
It made me by a Prius... I'm dyslexic...
awesome quality
yeah ;D agree
1:22 1:35
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