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Hope college senior seminar Videos

Taylor Trapani Senior Seminar Life View (Hope College.)

User Comments

Aw, I love that Winnie the Pooh quote! -Megan S.

Senior Seminar with Devan Young

Garrett Ray Wilson a senior from Lafayette, Indiana faced adversity right from the start. Born with Cerebral Palsy Garret is a great story of adapting and not letting ...

Blood Alcohol Concentration v. Tolerance Part 1

To the general public and educators, My name is Nicole and I am finishing up my senior year at college, majoring in Rehabilitation Services. This video was ...

User Comments

Far too many people do not understand a BAC and how it can affect their abilities to drive legally.
A person with a a BAC of .040 would be pretty muh dead wouldn't they?
This was purely awesome. Where was part 2 though?

Neumann University "Sacred Spaces."

This video was done to shed light on the sacred spaces at Neumann University, where students can reflect and get away from the crazy college life to just be ...

User Comments

This is really fantastic and sweet. I didn't realize you guys had so many "sacred spaces" at Neumann. :)
Thanks DJ, lol! I had to take a certain approach with this because of Neumann's highly catholic values.

Hope Station

Dickinson Senior Policy and Management Studies students created this video for their client, Hope Station as a part of their senior seminar on not-for-profit ...

User Comments

My dad wasin this...Go Daddy!!!!
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