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Ruger mini 30 truth about guns Videos

Firing the Ruger SR9c gun for The Truth About Guns

Robert Farago fires the Ruger SR9c compact gun. Readthe full review at www.thetruthaboutguns.com.

User Comments

@forestgumpey it's nearly the same size as the Glock 26, only a bit thinner.
I looked for the review on the SR9C on the website and could not find it.
I think you missed. just kidding. Great vid thanks.

Gen 2 - Kel-Tec Sub 2000 Shooting Review

BigDaddyHoffman1911 and friends check out the Generation II Sub 2000 from Kel-Tec. They compare it a Generation I model, then ring some steel!!! Shooting ...

User Comments

I am not buying one of these gen 2's......I'M BUYING TWO!
+Joe Mamma I hear you on that Sir.. Thanks!!!
BigDaddy, is that a leather holster for the Kel-Tec on your left hip, if so where did you pick it up? Enjoyed the video my friend.......
+GunsHarleysUSA I wish, it's a leather shotgun shell holder pouch. Google "kel tec sub 2000 holster", seen a couple shoulder holsters. Keep me posted if you find one. Thanks my friend.
I need to stop watching your channel. I end up buying almost every gun that you review! Looks like I found my next purchase; thanks! Another great video.
+schuylery Sorry buddy, you have good taste :)
Just Got Mine! I didn't get the Gen 1 Due to they where so hard to find. I found my Gen 2 and I can't wait to take it to the range!
Will Do! I'm In love with it already! It've been finger banging it a lot! hhaha :P
Cool, let us know what you think
I like very much that carbine; anyway, the charging handle would be a lot better on the right side than on the bottom. The new model has lost an opportunity. Many thanks for sharing PS Long Live to the 2nd Amendment and the Bill of Rights (& of course all the Constitution).
+NextGenPrepper Ok, this means that the charging handle, during the fire, is uncomfortable for the 100% of shooters wearing winter clothes and heavy gloves.
from a buisness stand point why makea gun that 15% of shooters cant use when it cand be easy to make it avalible to 100% of them
+NextGenPrepper This is not my problem: I am right handed.
The charging handle would hit left handed shooters in the face when fired. That's why it's on the bottom.

Firing the Beretta ARX-160 at SHOT Show

Chris Dumm tests the Beretta ARX-160 for The Truth About Guns.

User Comments

wow for what???! I don't get it...
Please tell me why they keep making guns for a caliber (22lr) which is hard as F to find.
I have absolutely no idea... it makes no sense...
The fuck is this? This isn't an ARX-160, it's a fucking .22lr
+Gryffin DarkBreed LMFAO, I thought it was a gay assed replica bb gun until i saw the little tab on the clip, the exact same type they use on the s&w AR15/.22 although i think the S&W one is way nicer. no doubt buying a 10/22 and getting a cool conversion stock would be far more inexpensive plus you could go .22 mag or .17 HMR i think id go with the 22mag version
+Luke Hubbard //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beretta_ARX_160
I wondered the same thing. Googled ARX-160 and the beretta page says it's a .22lr version of the ARX-100 which is chambered in .223. So I guess this is actually an ARX-160
+Life Is Better When You Relax Nato rounds, it looks like something from star trek. 
Yeah, after the first shot I thought, "What the...?"   Then when I saw the shells get ejected, I was like, "Ah, .22lr".
My thoughts EXACTLY! 
clumzy weapon.... trash it please
I wish they make it in 9mm
it is 5,56mm

Will a .30 carbine penetrate commie winter clothing?

Testing the rumor that North Korean soldiers' clothing could stop .30 carbine bullets. Winter clothing and Level IIA body armor is placed at 75 yards and backed ...

User Comments

Your video is probably the best at debunking the myths behind the 30 carbine. Thank you for posting it. What I love most about the 30 carbine is that they are one of the few rounds left in abundance on store shelves and not hoarded during panic buying. Haha!
Thanks for watching and for the kind words. .30 carbine really is an unappreciated cartridge. When my world domination plan comes to fruition, I'll Jabber my head gunsmith make me a P90 in .30 carbine.
On pg. 82 of Bob Drury's book: "The Last stand of Fox Company," the Marines who fought at the Chosin Reservoir were instructed to aim for the head with their carbines, because the carbine bullet just barely penetrated the Chicom soldiers padded winter jackets. In order for your test to be really valid, you should try to locate an authentic Chicom jacket to test the .30 carbine round on.
+Joe Green I'm sure there is some distance at which the .30 carbine will not penetrate clothing. That distance is definitely much farther than the distance at which you could reasonably expect to hit a man. Moreover, at that distance it probably wouldn't penetrate a naked man deeply enough to stop him quickly. There is no question that bullets slow with distance.As for homemade bamboo armor, it can't possibly have been more effective than modern Kevlar armor, which also did not stop the .30 carbine. On the topic of 5.56mm and 7.62mm, Level III steel armor is rated for 7.62x51mm M80 ball and will stop M855 but M193 55gr FMJ will zip right through.
+The Chopping Block The troops in the Korean war largely complained of the carbine's lack of penetration at EXTENDED ranges. I noticed your gelatin test was at very close range, Also, the Chicom soldiers wore multi-layers of clothing under their padded jackets. And many of them were wearing home-spun bamboo body armor as well. The truth about all this probably lies in the middle somewhere.  As for the ,223, I usually prefer the .308 caliber, but in the '90's, I did test  the .223 against the .308 against 1" steel plate & the .308 won. Except when I used the .223 M855 green tipped ammo. There, much to my surprise, I found that it out penetrated the .308!  So in my opinion, in a combat situation, if one has to use an M-16, the green tipped ammo is the way to go. In my service with the USMC in the early '70's, & the Army N. Guard in the '80's, we only had m-16 A-1's & hadn't yet gone to the A-2's with the new ammo. That being said, I still wouldn't mind owning an m-1 carbine for trigger time at the range. At 60, I can't envision any human wave assaults in winter time, coming at me in the future anyway.
+Joe Green here you go: https://youtu.be/CTLpfO_IB60
+Joe Green week, yes. The carbine was never intended to be a battle rifle. It was originally intended to replace the 1911A1 for some troops. If I had to choose between the Garand and the carbine for a rifle to carry all day and probably never shoot, it would definitely be the carbine. If I had to choose between the carbine and a pistol to help my brothers defend against a human wave, it would again be the carbine.Like I said, though, I don't actually own a .30 carbine. Did you watch the .30 JSP gel test video?
+The Chopping Block It would sure suck to be on the receiving end of a Chicom human wave assault, only to find out your weapon wouldn't stop the screaming hordes coming straight at you but only part of the time. I'll stick with my Garand & its legendary DRT (dead right there) stopping ability. My M-1 is the Tanker version, so it's shorter & lighter than most, & real handy, like a carbine on steroids. Good luck with your M-1 carbine. 
+Joe Green have you seen my ballistic gelatin test of soft point .30 carbine? It will ruin your whole day. As I mentioned in the video, I don't believe that ordinary clothing can stop a .30 carbine bullet at any range that you can reasonably hit a man. The rumors are likely based on the poor accuracy when compared to the Garand and poor terminal effect of .30 carbine FMJ.For the record, the rifle belongs to a friend and, while I wouldn't mind relying on one for SHTF, my go to rifle is a suppressed AR-15 type rifle.Thanks for contributing to the discussion, it's fun discussing gun stuff. May you never need to fire yours in anger.
+The Chopping Block I'm sure the M-1 carbine round killed the Chicom's some of the time in winter. But some of the time it did not penetrate their jackets. I own an M-I Garand, while u own a carbine. If & when the SHTF, u use yours & I'll use mine, & when it's over maybe we can swap stories. Where there's smoke, there's fire. The same lack of penetration & stopping power was said of the .223 M-16 round. Now I own an AR-15 & an FN-FAL. In a winter firefight, guess which rifle I'd be carrying?  I've nothing against the M-1 carbine & wouldn't mind owning one. But I'd always keep its limitations in mind & only use it at the range. I wouldn't hunt with one or pick one for  a fire-fight. (Not that the Military had any choice in the matter). The .30 carbine round is accurate enough, but ballistically, it's only about the equivalent of a .38 special round. I'll pass on betting my life on that.
And then I'd have to shoot an actual North Korean soldier. And then the coriolis effect at my latitude would be interfering with the test and I'd have to do it on the 38th parallel. And then I'd have to do it another 100 yards further away.Thank you for watching and commenting, but this isn't so much of a scientific test as just a fun video demonstrating that clothing doesn't stop bullets in normal circumstances. At any range that a person could realistically "aim for the head" and reasonably expect to score a hit, the bullet is going right through the clothing.That said, if you purchase an authentic NORK uniform and ship it to me, I'm happy to shoot holes in it.
Fun video thanks! 
Thank you for watching.
I think north korea could win america. did u see the movie red dawn
Lol. Maybe if they bothered to feed them.

AIR RIFLE + AIR GUNS + SHOTGUNS: Mega Day Out - Braces Of Bristol

Daystate, Weihrauch, Air Arms and Stoeger Air Rifle's, all in one day at the Braces Airgun Open Day, just south of Bristol, UK. We get to try the lot on the mini HFT ...

User Comments

Giles, thanks for you kind response. You are a total gentleman. I look forward to your next video. Giles, have you heard of a custom made large caliber air gun here in the states called the Quackenbush? Very high quality PSP guns. Dennis Quackenbush is the man who makes them.
I have seen the Twig, he is well and working on something.......can't bring him out all the time, he works away a lot, out at sea, under the waves, with the fishes, but sometimes in space. LOL. Thanks for watching. Giles
I love your channel and your videos. I was wondering, I know that in the UK the gun control laws are outrageously restrictive. How is it as far as owning and shooting air guns? Keep up the good work. Take care.
Great day out. I think I had a little bit too much sun, I am built for winter! Thanks for coming and look forward to seeing you again perhaps next time without the camera and just an air rifle!
Thats a real kind comment, thank you. We get by with our laws, and certificates. Still plenty of fun to be had, and if we get bored the plane flight across the pond is quite easy. Thanks. Giles
Nice day out! I'm trying to get into air rifles, what spring break barrel in 177 or 22 (preferably 177) would you recommend? Thanks Giles.
Why would anyone think you could win with Nigel there. Sometimes it's just for fun. Especially when there are professionals there.
I really want a nice new air rifle, i have an old diana g80 which is still pretty accurate but i wanna upgrade but have no cash!!
Neither Me, Nigel or a professional won, it was a young shooter. Who was very pleased. Thanks for watching. Giles
A bit funny trying to navigate where we can and cannot shoot here. You're right though, should look a bit more.
Yes do, Bristol is OK, on a warm day....with the wind blowing away from the city. :) Thanks for watching. Giles
Another great video mate - keep it up :) I'll make sure to pop in somwhere in bristol next time I'm there :O)
Really enjoyed it, Thanks for the invite....yes next time no camera, and a little less sun. Cheers. Giles
HHmmm, thats a tricky one......got it.......can't type it but got it. Thanks for watching. Giles
Wish I had a range like that here in the states, or even better, where I live in Colorado!
great vid giles looked like alot of fun . now where was the twig not seen hin in a while .
Surely you have miles of open space to go shootin' in the US. Thanks for watching. Giles
Seems like you and the others had great fun! Nice to share it with this video. ^^
great vid giles do you know of any shooting grounds near sheffield ? thanks
NO, I got out shot. But the day was great fun. Thanks for watching. Giles
And before any one asks, no, I did not win the competition. :) Giles
In the pub a bit later........:) Thanks for hiccup watching. Giles
What a nice place and looks like a nice day. Did you win?
had me at bacon sandwiches...where's the cold beer?
It was a great day, thanks for watching. Giles
i can also do that brit accent, it's easy.

Max Payne 3 - PC | PS3 | Xbox 360 - Mini-30 Rifle weapons preview official video game trailer

Please SUBSCRIBE to //www.youtube.com/MrPlayerism4 - Rapid firing the latest game news, trailers, screens and art that true players don't wanna miss out ...

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Please don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to the MrPlayerism4 YouTube channel! Rapid firing the latest game news, trailers, screens and art that true players don't wanna miss out on.
OMG im viewer 1 LOL


Welcome to one of my EDC update videos. As I make changes to my personal EDC I will be sure to make update videos to keep you current on exactly what ...

User Comments

I carried one for years and loved it. I upgraded from that to a Juice S2 and its much more robust than that, but both are really quite fine. I love the scissors on the Juice. One thing you can try is like what I did and that is to search for things that are listed as "used" and very often, they are perfectly fine or even just open box items and I got a few Squirts like that for like $20 and a few Juices for less than $35. I prefer the older model of Juice, because i think the blade is better than the new design. But, it may be more "school" friendly in your case, as its more of a sheep foot shape, where the other one is more pointy in the tip. Both pliers are very well done and can be used as tweezers. Try grasping hairs with your pliers, and you'll see what I mean. :)
+traderjoes Thanks for all the insights man! I'll definitely be checking out the used category more. I've heard that many people prefer the older version of the Juice... It makes me wonder if Leatherman is going to listen to the reviews and come out with another version... I'm getting a lot of use out of the Squirt so far, it's not very noticeable on my keys and in the pocket. I've been very impressed with the precision of the pliers as well :) Keys are always by the door and my wife will grab either the squirt or the screwpop 2.0 when she needs to open a package now. I
I love the squirt. I have two. One thing I did not like though was how heavy my keys stated getting. I solved that by taking it off. I have a juice and a small flashlight (thrunite ti3 and olight i3s eos) I connect then with a small 1/2 inch titanium ring. And slip them together in that small pocket in my jeans. It's been a good system. I like them separate like that. Keeps keys lighter, and makes them easy to get to.
+Oblivion Tactical I'll keep that in mind if I find my keys are getting too heavy. I do like my keys to be as small/light as possible, but the additional weight hasn't bothered me too much yet. We'll see how I feel about it after a month or two :)
nice little tool looks similar to the Swiss tech I carry just better made of course lol
+12GaugeTommy Thanks man. I'm liking it so far. Haven't had much time to test it out yet though. If anything breaks on it I'll make sure to let everyone know. Thanks for watching.
Great video! Thumbs up from me!
Thanks! I already have a 16" AR, so I thought a pistol would go with it nicely. :) Thanks for the comment.
+Gear Truth Awesome!! Friend of mine has an AR pistol i shot for the first time the other day Loved it
+Shiny Knife Thanks! Stay tuned, I'm starting an AR pistol build soon!
Have to how you like it after some use, and whether you think it is worth the money.
+smilemoney initial impressions, I'm liking it for EDC. I will definitely do an update video after I've put it through its paces a bit.
Very Cool ...I'd EDC that for sure...I have the "Leatherman Juice S2" which is Nice but too big for the key chain. Good review :]
+Dirt and Rust Thanks man. Yeah it's a lot smaller than I thought it would be. Perfect for the keychain, makes it really easy to EDC. I'll probably pick of a Juice someday... when they revert back to the earlier version lol.
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