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Define autism ipad Videos

Mommy My Ear Hurts - iPad Communication

This is why communication with a device is so important to teach. He can't verbally tell me his ear hurts, but he can tell me using his device. I BELIEVE he WILL ...

User Comments

so did he actually have an ear infection? I could definitely tell he was uncomfortable.
What app does Connor use to communicate with on his ipad?

Using the iPad to Help Autistic Kids Learn

Jonathan Izak tells AllThingsD's Ina Fried how his brother inspired AutisMate, an app to help autistic children learn better. Click here to subscribe to our channel: ...

User Comments

There is hope for those with Autism. Do not give up trying.
I'm messed up nothing can help or fix it
good, here have a cookie O
The breathing is annoying!
It is a guy

Danish English Dictionary & Translator for iPad by BitKnights

You can purchase our app: //itunes.apple.com/app/id336598770 Description: Danish English Dictionary & Translator is an easy to use, user friendly ...

iPad app that helps teach kids how to tidy up and clean up a room !

Maintaining a living space is an essential skill in building independence, and can be particularly difficult for individuals with autism or other mental learning ...

The Autistic Gardener | Weds 8pm | Channel 4

Award-winning gardener Alan has assembled a unique team to turn unloved garden's into beatuifully crafted outdoor spaces. Find out more: ...

User Comments

What's this song 
Vampire weekend - a punk

iPad Test 2: Simple Physics - Built with ZebraZapps

iPad Test application built with ZebraZapps This video is a demonstration of the current ZebraZapps editor and cloud technology creating an application to run ...

User Comments

Does physics work within ZebraZapps on PC? I followed this tutorial and hit run and nothing happened (I was expecting the balls to fall to the bottom of the container, but they didn't...)

Leafy, OfficialDuckStudios and Their Fans Bully Autistic Man (TommyNC2010)

Watched a video & noticed my friend TommyNC2010 that is Autistic being picked on for doing something very nice for someone and had to share it with you.

User Comments

Like if we should take OmarGosh off of YouTube
+David Atwood Like if we should get LeafyIsHere off of youtube.Get off mate, get those likes and dislikes!
Your so right , my brother is autistic and you shouldn't bully anybody If there diffrent plus i think being diffrent is so much cooler then being Normal. Im 10 years old and i think im more intelligent then this " leafy" guy Love from: Sophie Helene Caisse
+Sophie Caisse *You're | *they're| *Capitalize I| *Different| *Don't capitalize normal| *I'm| *Period| My dick is hard. Also, don't put your full name online. Also, you're not more intelligent than LeafyIsHere because he graduated from school and went through more education than you did. That's just a fact.
As an autistic man of 20 and am offended that this is a big thing because its about autism. Acting like being autistic is bad when it is just different. I disagree with what Leafy and OfficialDuckStudios fans did but to not say anything to someone just because they are autistic would at least to ME be more offending. We work hard to overcome everything in our lives and to be looked at as someone that cant even be talked to as anyone else is just insulting in its own right. the fans were in the wrong because they were being cruel but Leafy didnt even know. Im not deffending leafy i am saying that showing pity and just treating people differently because of having autism is just wrong. We work to better our selves and to make that null by segregating us and trying to "spare" our feeling hurts more to me. i may be wrong about TommyNC2010 but i think he is trying to better himself every day and refering to him as "special needs" is just as detrimental because i believe with as much work as most people put and i see Tommy doing he doesnt want to be looked at as a "disabled" person. it that kind of thing that hurts us the most because it makes us feel like freaks when we are just people trying to better our selves. I hate that people attacked TommyNC2010 but in NO way do i feel bad because he is autistic. What does that mean? that he had to try harder than most for his success. It means that he is trying to be the best he can be and people like YOU OmarGoshTV are making him out to be less. TommyNC should be looked at as a successful youtuber that has overcome adveristy not a youtuber that has gotten his fame from something as demeaning as just being someone with something different about him. Much love to Tommy but +OmarGoshTV you need to look at tommy not as a disabled person but as someone that actually has overcome it. He is living his life trying to spread positivity not earn pity.
+Turtle Master This comment should have more likes.
Leafy is just making money being a bully. Plain and simple.
+MLG PatrickMcStarFish Doesn't matter! Leafy is a degenerate who bullies other people without doing his research. AND GETS PAID FOR IT! It is disgusting. Get the hell away.
+MLG PatrickMcStarFish how the fuck do you know are you in hes head?
He did NOT know he was autistic
I am a personal Friend of Tommy, I support him in what ever good he does, But Bullying him is going to far.
Ask him how we met, the only thing standing between us is Miles.
+Gamers Ahoy 'personal friend'?

Happy Birthday Apple.

Happy Birthday Apple. Today, Apple hits the big 4-0. That's officially "over the hill," according to Urban Dictionary. (Sorry, everyone 40 and over!) For some ...
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