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Travel blogs niagara falls Videos

Travel Niagara Falls - Skylon Tower - Revolving dining room

If you want to read more about my trip to Niagara Falls go to: //www.travelandtransitions.com/our-travel-blog/niagara-2015-our-travel-blog/ My first ...

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the Skylon Towers revolving dinning room has been renovated since this video, It's beautiful :) the food is worth the price, which happens to be not that expensive compared to other tourist resturants in the city. The cost for the ride up comes to around 12$ which is free if you order a meal. there is also another resturant in the Skylon Tower, it is a buffet which cost $27. 50, which is a great price agian compared to the other tourist resurants around. over all it's a wonderful experience!
@spfane Come on don't give up so easily, I was just starting to have fun with you. There are so many case of interesting manipulation by the zionist it is a shame to stop talking about it, you know like Olympic Games Munich 1972 hostage taking and massacre of Israel y athletes, the destruction of more than 400 villages in Palestine between 1948-1949, USS Liberty , The Mavi-Marmarra attack and so on. I bet you know the motto for mossad and the "state of israhell" By way of deception, do WARS
@spfane Hey ! artysm7 and spfane are you the same person or are you living together? Yes I was talking about the US population in general, not a particular group. I said people know they are being lied to but many still need to find the whole truth. Like nanothermite (a high tech military explosive) found in the dust of the WTC, not something you find in a cave in Afghanistan I suppose. Thank you for providing me with a forum to expose the truth, if you want more details let me know!
@spfane I wish to let everyone knows that I did not request You-tube for the removal of spfane comments however insulting and demeaning they were, as they characterized the type of person he is and the kind of world he wish us to live in. We are all brothers and sisters white or black, yellow red or green from any part of this planet. God gave us dominion on this Earth and it is the responsibility of every man and woman to keep us out of enslavement . Google: Freemen movement.
@spfane Obviously you are in denial or more likely you are a shill for the zionist elites that are running us into the ground. More than 80% of people know the government lie on 9/11. Yes the Jewish mob was totally involved in the murder of JFK too but you will not find this type of information on the zionist control mainstream media. Remember the USS Liberty! that Israel tried to sink during the 6 days war for witnessing the massacre of Egyptian POW.
@artysm7 No misinformation from me, I check my fact before I post, I am just trying to help you but obviously you prefer to put your head in the sand, it is called denial , don't worry it can be cure providing you open your mind and soul to the world around you. Do I sense some kind of blockage? if it is I am sad for you and it is a shame.
Nice video! Just a correction...I live in Niagara and that is called the "Rainbow Bridge" not the "Peace Bridge". The Peace Bridge is what connects Fort Erie and Buffalo at the end of the QEW in Fort Erie. Really enjoyed you videos and having lived here I have also had the chance to do many of the things you have. Fantastic city!
@spfane You are an idiot, everyone knows 9/11 was an inside job from the CIA, Mossad and the Saudi as a pretext for war in the Middle East in order to control the flow of oil. Get informed before you post stupidity
@spfane I see that freedom of expression is not your forte. A good Jewish Nazi has to try to intimidate those that dare expose the truth. Operation Mockingbird do you know? Your answer confirm my gut feeling.
Sorry Dear, before you make a video get your information right! The bridge there is the Rainbow Bridge not the Peace Bridge (Fort Erie) as for the Casino the newer one is called Niagara Fallsview Casino!
what are you talking about spfane? im just saying that everytime i cross the border, they give me hell. and i am an FAA commercial pilot. i dont like terrorist either
thats the rainbow bridge, not peace bridge. and it should b called unpeace bridge cause of the american custom agents harrasing all the time
There is a 4:30 and 5pm early bird special. ($37.50 per person) Not sure how that changes the view for fans of the night time view though...
Yeah, sure. Let's have someone fly a plane into the back of your house and then see how you feel about strangers coming on to your property.
DO NOT eat on the Canadian side. The American side is where ou get the food deals, everything on the Canadian side is overpriced and bland!

Travel Niagara Falls - Niagara River & Horseshoe Falls

If you want to read more about my trip to Niagara please go to: //www.travelandtransitions.com/our-travel-blog/niagara-falls-buffalo-2007/ My last full day in ...

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I took my family there in August of 2006. I could just stand there for hours taking it all in. I used to have relatives in New York about 30 miles from the falls and every time we visited we would spend at least one day at the falls.
i live in fucking london and the closest thing to this is when it rains and wen the top of my drain pipe decides to brake off lol

Travel Niagara Falls - Journey Behind The Falls - Observation Deck

If you want to read more about my trip to Niagara Falls please go to: //www.travelandtransitions.com/our-travel-blog/niagara-falls-buffalo-2007/ Finally, I had ...

User Comments

winters the best time to see em


Read more about my trip to Niagara Falls: //www.shutupandgo.travel/dont-go-niagara-falls-without-gloves/ Snap us: damonandjo PS: Don't ever go to ...

User Comments

Hi guys, how are u ? I would to know where you sleep during your trips because I want to travel after my studies but I dont know what to choose 
Okay thanks xxx :)
+Safa muss Hostels, couchsurfing, AirBNB, and friends! :D
aahhh gosh. I'm like seriously falling in love (not the creepy kind lol) with both of you! So full of life and fun! That is so attractive in people!! I'm envious!! Incredible existence! 
In fact, the video ya'll made to help people pronounce the R sound in French was a huge help! I also like the Travel videos!
I'm learning French! And Japanese...on the side. :)Even though I happen to know more Japanese because of my love for Anime! LolAnyways... I just started French! So I was looking for videos and stumbled upon your videos! I'm quite pleased!! I really really enjoy them, So thank you for what you do!!!
+Derek Hebert Thanks Derek! How'd you come across our channel in the first place?
Whaaaaaaaat?! You ain't a Groupon person? I'm all about that coupon life - $10 for 5 cups of coffee, come at me exam season! 
+Lupita Maree I wasn't until now! :P
Here is always fucking 28ºC, when we somehow reach 22ºC people start going crazy and act like we were in one of the worst winter in the world. When in fact is just raining.
+Bia Fil Recife!
+Felipe Diniz Mora no Sudeste?
+Felipe Diniz Mora no Sudeste?
+DamonAndJo Yeah, and we never get used to it. The sun have no mercy here.
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