Hardest time I had/have with APA is getting the formatting straight for all
the sections (indents, centered, italicized v. underlined v. bold...) MLA
was the first I learned and it always confused me and seemed excessive.
Chicago Style isn't as excessive, but at least equally confusing. Having to
jump b/w all 3 in college doesn't help much. Neither do the "flexible"
rules they all seem to have to some degree. I've picked my poison. Good
thing I'm already a psych major I guess. lol....
While I agree you could have talked a tad bit quicker, it is nothing to
worry about because it's nitpicking. Those who need slow speech will be
thankful, and those who do not need probably wont be annoyed by it, as I
wasn't. Thanks for posting these videos, they really helped me a lot. Now I
am off to write my paper using proper APA format .Cheers bud!
@ItaloBen -- What's all the anger about? Not that I'm saying your profs are
or aren't idiots. Some are, some aren't. Nothing new there. Remember that
we can't always control what happens to us but we can always control our
reaction to it. Don't let your anger get in the way of the importance
stuff--learning, for example.
@notanignoramus --->> Help yourself! In the U.S., everything a person
creates is automatically copyrighted. But the permission to use this video
is not a problem. When a video is public on YouTube and the Share button is
active/available, you can feel free to share and embed in any way you wish.
Good luck!
Thank you for clearing up the APA guidelines. I hate my goddamn idiot
college professors who make up use this, but I'll give them what they want,
and get the fuck out of school soon enough. Thanks again,
@peakdavid David, I tend to speak too fast. I envy people who can slow down
and speak clearly.-- Hey, thanks for the kind words, malicea. Looks like
you had a scary Halloween.
Thanks, it went very well! It was about the Chilean earthquake and social
response to it in light of the Haiti quake and the 2004 Indian Ocean
tsunami. Thanks again.
Hey, slow--thanks for the good words. I debated over doing this over cus I
thought I was talking too slow. Maybe it's your handle, but glad it worked
for you.