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Drake university bcmb major Videos

blueREVIEWS: The Adventures of Augie March

Mansah Asare, Biochemistry, cell and molecular biology (BCMB) major and senior at Drake University reviews The Adventures of Augie March by Saul Bellow.

User Comments

I first read Humboldt's Gift and I adored it. Searching for reviwes of the Augie March (the next book that I pretend to read) I found your video. The things you said about Augie is what I would say about Humboldt's Gift, what means that I really have to read Augie. But here in Brazil books are so fucking expensive. Augie here cost 80 dollars. Hugs, bye.
I loved Auggie March. You're right that it isn't an easy read; but it is a rewarding one, the kind of book that would make any would be author think "Why try?", given how skilled and masterful Bellow is with the English language.
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