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Calm Rant : Snakes and Insurance

We were dropped from renewal from our insurance of the last 5 years for a very strange reason. They said they had no business insuring snakes over two feet.

User Comments

is it easy to get salminila from snakes if you forget to use hand sanitizer before handling but you sanitize after?
+TheCrafty Pandas True, true. 
+Toby Cure  I know but it's not like I'm going to the jungle and putting my hand in the mouth of a wolf or another snake that has mites or ticks. This is just like someone said that you shouldn't let your snake drink tap water because there could be dangerous bacteria. I understand that if you live in India this could be the case but I wouldn't even drink India's water. Just like I wouldn't not wash my hands if I knew I just ate meat or something that my snake might get something or try and eat my finger.
+TheCrafty Pandas It's still better to wash your hands before and after, none the less. All it takes is one time for some bacteria that targets reptiles and your snake can get sick. 
+Toby Cure  I have a snake now! A beautiful cornsnake and I don't usually wash my hands before I hold her and she hasn't shown any kind of sickness. I have had her for 3 months and I don't use h.s because of certain studies. I'm fine and my snake is fine.  :)
Actually, you will be surprised- its better to do both. Washing your hands to using hand sanitizer before you handle any reptile decreases the chances of them getting any type of germs to make them sick. After handling, washing or hand sanitizing your hands is beneficial for you. Do both!
It is called "salmonella" in case you want to look it up.
I hope you found a new and better insurance group. While I don't have any snakes, my bearded dragon was a great pet and changed a lot my friends and family misconceptions on reptiles. It really is amazing to see how actually getting to know a reptile changes someone's mind from "Eww!!! Get it away" to "Ohhhh!!! Can he perch on my shoulder too?"
+LynneSkysongthat's awesome.
They're one of the most social reptiles you can own as a pet. Like with any animal, personality will vary. My previous beardie passed away and I recently adopted another from a local reptile rescue. I haven't really bonded well with him yet because he wasn't taken good care of at his previous home. He's been gaining weight and is even letting me hold him for short periods. So, from my experience, if you treat an animal well and interact with them regularly, they'll warm up to you.
Is it true that bearded dragons are social and thus are capable of bonding with humans?
What is that cute little animal in her hand at 0:12?
its a bettong, it has her own video. Isn't it just the cutest animal ever!!!

All About Renewal Policies | Tower Hill® Insurance

Tower Hill's Joel Curran discusses what to look for in your renewal policy. For more information, visit https://www.thig.com/.
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