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Wdiv detroit weather girl Videos

Rhonda Walker (has legs too (2) Local 4 WDIV Reporter)

Not a weather girl, but still gorgeous. Great shot yet sweet segment from Local 4 WDIV Detroit News of Rhonda Walker. Plus some Ashlee goodness. (4/13/12)

Rhonda Walker (has legs too (1) Local 4 WDIV Reporter)

Not a weather girl, but still gorgeous. Great shot yet sweet segment from Local 4 WDIV Detroit News of Rhonda Walker. (3/29/12)

User Comments

Haha hell yeah man, I fully plan on trying to. Should be seeing a lot more of Rhonda and hopefully Ashley.

Brett Kast WDIV Sports Anchor Demo (Description.)

Rhonda Walker & Ashlee Baracy (both have legs too (14) Local 4 WDIV Reporters)

Not weather girls, but still gorgeous. Very short yet sweet segment from Local 4 WDIV Detroit News of Rhonda Walker & Ashlee Baracy. Ashlee in F-me boots.

Rhonda Walker & Ashlee Baracy (both have legs too (6) Local 4 WDIV Reporters)

Not weather girls, but still gorgeous. Great segment(s) from Local 4 WDIV Detroit News of Rhonda Walker & Ashlee Baracy. (4/17/12)

Rhonda Walker & Ashlee Baracy (only Ashlee legs but WOW Rhonda! (1) Local 4 WDIV Reporters)

Not weather girls, but still gorgeous. Great segment(s) from Local 4 WDIV Detroit News of Rhonda Walker & Ashlee Baracy. No legs from Rhonda but holy shit at ...

Rhonda Walker & Ashlee Baracy (both have legs too (11) Local 4 WDIV Reporters)

Not weather girls, but still gorgeous. Very short yet sweet segment from Local 4 WDIV Detroit News of Rhonda Walker & Ashlee Baracy. (9/4/12)

User Comments

Ive never met Rhonda Walker but I'm from the Detroit area and I'm glad that we have people like her to represent our CIT
represent our city
Sexy legs!
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