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34 Project Superman - Illuminati Victim, Andy Pero, Speaks Out - Deprogramming Part 1

Andy found a man who was unwittingly a part of their project and he helps Andy with deprogramming. How many thousands of individuals were used as ...

User Comments

Hi...does anyone know what's going on with Andy Pero now? Is he alive & well? Many many thanks for posting this, such valuable information.
+Lady London I believe he's still alive and I have seen a much more recent photo of him.  He has aged!  I know of no one who has spoken to him, but you might call Preston Nichols, who might have kept in touch with him

24 Project Superman - Illuminati Victim, Andy Pero, Speaks Out - Assassinations 3

Up until now, naive college kid, Andy, is playing with guns, like they are Nintendo games, but when the large rifles arrive and are unpacked and assembled, the ...

User Comments

FIRST!!! Fact or fiction, this is about the most incredibly fascinating story ever told. It has everything action ,suspense, violence ,sex drugs. Its got it all. Even the characters...including evil nazi scientists n Bill Parcells. It will blow ur freakin mind.
+BackToConstitution was that his dna? or was his superior aptitude for meditative states and focus in the silva mind control program? andy pero was their golden boy for a reason n i dont think it could be summed up in genetics. if not for the healing pool....he WAS dead.
+adam brake Well, Adam, keep reading, because the aliens told us some things about us that are really quite fascinating. They say we are a hybrid race of 23 alien groups and we are royalty! Our minds can do anything! Andy Pero was genetically designed with the flaws removed! Don't you remember what Dr. Purizzo said? He mixed up the DNA and though he was looking at his own son's DNA and said it was perfect! Then he discovered he had mixed up the DNA and was actually looking at Andy Pero's DNA. The government is doing things with DNA, testing the results and this man, Andy Pero, could put six bullets through the SAME HOLE! This was at a great distance, using a handgun! That's not possible! He was able to do impossible things! Why? Was it his DNA? Recall that he was in icy water for hours and one guy fell in, for only a minute, and had to be hospitalized! He nearly died!
+adam brake I really struggled to read his book, both times. Once, before I made the YT video and also during the YT video. I had to rest, after each chapter, because of what they did to him. You realize that they KILLED HIM, several times?
even if u take away the baby eating reptilian alien shapeshifters running the government. You still have the jumping out of airplanes without parachutes, breaking all ur bones but going into mental healing pools to fully restore yourself. Doesent that sound crazy? And theres so much more...
+BackToConstitution i absolutely believe his story...but that dosent mean there arent lots of people who would find much of his story difficult to swallow. To those people i would still say one of the greatest stories ever told.
+adam brake If you read the entire story, I don't know how you could say it could be fiction? What leads you to this erroneous conclusion?

16 Project Superman - Illuminati Victim, Andy Pero, Speaks Out - Pushed Out of Plane, No Parachute 1

The cruelty continues and Andy is intentionally killed a few times in this Part 1 series of Pushed Out Of a Plane, Without a Parachute. He is electrocuted, drowned ...

User Comments

@ZeroSixtyFive Thanks! I sent Preston Nichols' phone number to you. Did you get it? he might be able to contact Andy Pero for you
@goscott4 Welcome! I just finished Part 3 of the Pushed out of a Plane section. It's loading now and will finish in about 5 hours
@BackToConstitution Yes thank you, I had Preston's number from before, we will do an interview with him soon :)
Know that your hard work is greatly appreciated. * * * * *
love this story, can't seem to get enough,
Very interesting! Thank! REV 18

26 Project Superman - Illuminati Victim, Andy Pero, Speaks Out - Assassinations 5

This is the final in the Assassinations series. They have Andy do several assassinations and then try to dispose of him, like garbage and he breaks two necks, ...

User Comments

@ZeroSixtyFive I have a friend who is a television producer and I thought of mentioning it to him, but he's very busy and I don't think this story should be made into a movie, because reading it is more real and credible. If you make a movie, many think that's just Hollywood and it never really happened or they sensationalized it to make it more exciting, but Andy's book is the real deal
@oscarmarin1995 Yes, I took a long time to get up the guts to read it online, because it's so disturbing. Part 4 is ready now, it took a lot longer to load than part 5, because 5 was the ending and it was short
@ZeroSixtyFive No video there.......Results for: watch?v=8s5O_qxiByE watch v js6tbze6vna Has yours crossed out and the one that follows, recommended, instead
@BackToConstitution Hehe ... have you seen this? watch?v=8s5O_qxiByE
I wonder why nobody made a movie about Andy Pero's story yet ...

25 Project Superman - Illuminati Victim, Andy Pero, Speaks Out - Assassinations 4

They have Andy do several assassinations and then try to dispose of him, like garbage and he breaks two necks, just before they're going to shoot him and sits ...

User Comments

Sitting on the edge of my chair now! ((smile))
@TheTrueRae Ready now

Illuminate 2007

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