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Japan weather okinawa Videos

First Vlog!!! In OKINAWA!!!!!!

I have finally arrived in Japan! The weather is great here, and I can't wait to experience the rest of Japan!!!

User Comments

Always wanted to go to Japan!! What was your favorite part? :)))
+DondonChai The food was obviously great! Everything is fresh, and yes, I did eat raw sushi and the like, but again, they are all fresh.As for favorite, I would say the people. They are all very friendly and polite. You don't see many negative expression from the people, if at all. I often walk from the boy's dorm to the cafe, so I often see many people passing by, including cute children. There was an older gentleman there, who is a volunteer cross-guard, he was surprised at how well I spoke Japanese.It's amazing, once you go, you'll never want to leave, and if you go back home, you'll want to go again.
Welcome to the world of vlogging. Best of luck with your channel and keep it up! :)
+Elijah Elfo Thanks mate! Sorry for the long response!
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