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Cook out alcohol myth Videos

Myth: Cooking with Alcohol

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Harold McGee Debunks the "Sealing in the Juices" Meat Myth - CHOW Tip

Harold McGee, author of Keys to Good Cooking: A Guide to Making the Best of Foods and Recipes, thinks there is a pretty huge misconception about ...

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+Zzznake Doctur    Resting is important, but wont be of any use if you've already wrung the juice our of your steak by cooking it too high and too fast.

Do You Need Alcohol To Pick Up? - Owen Cook of Real Social Dynamics

Do You Need Alcohol To Pick Up? RSD legend, Owen Cook (Tyler Durden) explains why you don't need alcohol to have a good time or attract a quality partner.

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I've never been able to thank Tyler, but about 4-5 months before this video was made, I saw a couple videos from Tyler (and I think Julien too) and choose to give up drinking after listening intently. I had a one year anniversary on November 2015 and got drunk once to celebrate that fact. It's 4 months later , and I still have no inclination to return to drinking at all. Once a year seems good to me for now. I just looked at James' channel and there are other videos showing good reasons to stop drinking, or at-least cutting down. Fantastic. James, are you able to do a video on quit smoking? There are so many periods I have given up smoking, and yet always come back eventually, and every time I come back, the addiction gets stronger. By the way I subbed and see you have some really interesting content here.
+Mark Bennett Thank you, Mark. One year is a great job. And yes, I'm working on something that will help you with smoking. Make sure you jump on my list at //jamesswanwick.com/ and you'll be the first the find out :-)
Wow, Owen never seizes to amaze me with how well spoken he is. However, this video really proves why alcohol is so widely used in social settings. For example, someone who has a pretty good game without alcohol might only be equal to someone who drinks with no game.
+Never Unsubscribes Owen is well spoken, yes. The bottom line is this: you don't need alcohol to have game.
that vid looks like straight from the 70`s.....cool
thx btw. you inspired me to take the challenge!
+Pawel Kapica Hahaha...Nice one.
You Look like Ryan Gigs... Offtopic
+James Swanwick Are you Australian or English James?
+Fit Production Hahahaha.. GIGGSY!
I dont drink at all but Im wonderin how do you dudes handle situations on a date and the girl orders a glass of wine? 
+Brian P You order a glass of some type of non-alcoholic drink. What's the problem? There is no problem unless you create one in your mind.

Myth: I can’t drink alcohol if I’ve got diabetes – part 2

If you've got diabetes, you might have questions about whether you drink alcohol and how much is too much. Find out how much alcohol is in a unit and tips for ...

Common myths busted: Great Wall of China, Napoleon’s height, alcohol kills brain cells

Cooking myths cracked

There are plenty of cooking myths out there that just need to be blown apart. Check out this video for the most common myths we believed were facts. Facebook ...

"The Myths of Crack Cocaine" with Dr Carl Hart (from Joe Rogan Experience #469)

This clip is taken from the Joe Rogan Experience podcast #469 with Dr. Carl Hart (bit.ly/1np1r8P), also available for download via iTunes & Stitcher ...

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This guy is way off base! No pun intended! Crack was brought into the black communities and then came the war on drugs. So what is it then?? Black people are just fucked up? Get outta here with that crap. 
+Stoney Bogart and he did also say he started getting into drug research because of what happened in his neighborhood, so surely he knows what it did to his community?
+Boomer22zI agree with all of that except the last sentence. I only disagree because it's an assumption of someone's personal life.....if we're really gonna go there, which isn't fait, but I'll entertain this, let's consider a couple possibilities about this guy (of whom we do not know personally nor his experiences, but ok, here we go)A. You can really expect everyone to know right away what was going on in the crack "epidemic". People definitely were using crack more, government influence, media, etc etc etc, it really wasn't till the tail end of the 80s (for example, whistleblowers like Michael Ruppert) that people sterted to look at the big picture. Just because his was fooled and though this and that about the crack epidemic, who's to say he didn't personally have a friend who died from crack overdose (or more likely, just a crippling habit) and then led him to his profession? (Hell, I'm just glad he chose the science route than law). It's a MAJOR assumption that just because he's a bookworm essentially that it's impossible that he could have had friends who smoked crack or any other drug, considering how many people in America do drugs then and now. It's pretty much like saying "he's too smart and doesn't do drugs, there's no way has friends that succumb to drug addiction, how dare he wanna study drugs objectively as far as how they work?". And I do want to make it seem like that's exactly your position, I don't intend to take you out of context or anything, but based on you reply and that last sentence, that's kind of what your statement implies, essentially.B. Since we've established that he doesn't do drugs, but is indeed, a scientist who has dedicated his whole life to study drugs, I know he would know everything. He'll never fully know about certain drugs unless he's done them and since he's a scientist and not a political theorists, I DOUBT he'll know all the political implications of said drug, but I don't expect him to other than maybe flashbacks of his experience (which is specific  to him, hence HIS experience) of the media hysteria of the time. However, his science IS SOUND, I've done drugs and study drugs, while he may not get the whole picture, that does not in anyway negate his science or his study of empirical data. Empirical evidence isn't everything, but it's a start.You can prove things without a doubt with empirical evidence, it's objective, meanwhile drug use itself is subjective and varies from person to person. Would he gain additional insight by doing drugs himself or having a lot of friends who do drugs? (though even if we assume his didn't I'm sure he had to be around A LOT of drug users over the years to get his data) sure, but that's doesn't mean the science is false. And again, as I said in point A, based on how many people in America do drugs, the odds of him knowing a friend or close family doing crack is quite probable and was probably the catalyst for him to study the science of drugs and there's nothing wrong with studying the science of drugs. Like I love ecstacy/molly, but I always suggest people research that drug more so they  take safety precautions when doing it, fewer would OD on shit if they did (which is what he's suggesting MORE drug education not prohibition, I don't see anything wrong with that mentality especially since people will do the same drugs regardless of the law).So even though you might think "This guy sounds like a whitewashed dude that has seen no parts of what he calls the "hood"."That's your personal perception of him. People get so caught up in things like looks, a person's voice, a person's class, a person's race, etc etc etc, instead of the content of what's being said and why. Again, he may NOT know what it's like to be a crackhead, but that does not necessary negate the years of data through his scientific study. Years of research still count for something if it's honest science. It's not the WHOLE picture, but it's part of it, Just take with a grain of salt at least, dude
I am understanding but there has been a strategic destabilization of the black community going on for many years now. Our own government flooded the ghettos with crack and guns to fund their war with the Iran contra affair. After this was done they conveniently started the war on drugs which gives you more time for selling crack than raping or killing someone. They also started the three strike rule. Not to mention privatized prisons using inmates for slave labor. This guy sounds like a whitewashed dude that has seen no parts of what he calls the "hood".
+Boomer22z Sadly yes they are fucked up , black women in America are the worst stewards of children and have the highest rates by far of children in foster care or Jail.
+Boomer22z I don't really think you're understanding the whole point of what he's saying. First off, it's not even just "black communities", there were a lot of white people during the 80s who did crack, they didn't necessarily get a whole bunch media coverage during the time, but oh there was a media storm of crack babies and violent black baseheads. It's not like poor people are the only ones who do hard drugs.......but poverty is a big factor in drug abuse. Factor in reaganomics, black unemployment levels, and overall hopelessness....all that sounds perfect for a drug epidemic whether you're selling or buying.Secondly, You have to wonder how poor black individuals are getting a hold of so much expensive cocaine to convert into crack. Black people don't smuggle in shit like that, there's always a third party. Just like the heroin epidemic of the mid to late 70s. Soldiers were pretty much helping smuggle that shit in. If you look into freeway rick ross, the iran-contra scandal, the government more or less played a role in proliferating the cocaine in the streets during the 80s.Thirdly, it's true that even of the most addictive substances, there's always different percentages of different drugs, the people who DO NOT become addicted, even Heroin. If I have to, I'll even use myself as a rare example. I've done Heroin 3 times in my life, smoked. Never became a junkie, never stole for dope or sucked dick for dope, I just took it and left it. Does that mean anyone should try that shit? Fuck no, but the idea that everyone will be hooked or that you get hooked on a drug on the first try is absurd and merely scare tactics.Which is the point, we shouldn't be scaring people into not doing drugs, we should be educating people. If you think this shit is false, you're just a brainwashed as just about most people in America on drugs.
+Boomer22z black community held down crack
This dude is full of shit!
+Josh Pelton is he? i mean hes done lots of research obviously but i bet a random keyboard warrior knows more than him
yup. some of us have seen the destruction drugs have first hand.
+Nick josh pelton is full of shit trust me..
+Josh Pelton lol makin me second guess shit i learned like wait a minute let me google this
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