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Raleigh craigslist wanted Videos

Issac Lacy cannon and Barbara Gasque Caught with Wanted Scam Artist

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq4gqBOYIuk drone video productions llc, south carolina, loris, myrtle beach, daniel alexander cannon, issac lacy cannon, ...

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I Guess I'm not getting my Lamborghini ( ft. Raleigh Dexel)

Starring Cole Burbidge Nodoka Kondo Noah Nizam Elijah Boatright Raleigh Dexel.

User Comments

The video would be a lot better if Cole wasn't in it
Nice movie it's hilarious

Asalieri got no game

So, some guys from Encyclopedia Dramatica doxed Asalieri and made a fake craigslist ad basicly saying; "My son died, you get all his games for free from this ...

User Comments

Though you give more details about the allegations, you don't provide me with evidence of them. Link me a Asa vid where he explicitely says you should flag these people's videos. I don't think you can because I've seen most of them, and never came across such a statement. He does make fun of them, which is everybody's right to do, but without malevolence. I'll also have to ask you to show me the vid where he says he's going to give evidence of AVGN pocketing the money. That would be evidence.
Asalieri Megathread. There's lots of things we point out there. He gets buttfrustrated when his videos get flagged even though he has asked his fans to flag other people, more than once. That retrogamer whatever and JFreedan. He complains about AVGN pocketing the donation money, promised to give us evidence of this yet he never did. His info was based on IMDB yet he still claims that this is true and calls the film a scam, even though he himself sold overpriced cards in the same video
With respect, I'm not the one making claims about a person's integrity here. It is not up to me to find the evidence to your claims. If you really were sincere with this video, you'd at least respond to my inqueries with links and evidence, and you should provide the evidence in the description box if you'd like to avoid questions like these. It's not that I don't want to believe you, but you're not giving me any facts for me to believe you, just conjecture.
GARBAGE - Took About 15-Minutes To Create This Garbage SoftWare In The Above Video, BETTER SoftWare Available, Get CL-Dominator. com CraigsList Autoposter Software On Sale Now at CL-Dominator. com NO MORE FUMBLING WITH LISTS EVERYDAY, JUST LOAD YOUR PVA'S, PURCHASE REAL SOFTWARE FROM CL-Dominator. com , DON'T WASTE YOUR HARD EARNED CASH ON THE GARBARGE SOFTWARE IN THIS VIDEO, Go To CL-Dominator. com NOW, START POSTING TODAY !
How does that make any sense? Anyone who feels insulted, even though you didn't mean any insult, can do this shit. That doesn't mean you have to be wrong, and it also doesn't mean you need to apologise for giving your opinion. It says more about the fragile disturbed mind of the person who put up the ad, than the person being bugged. Are you actually saying that this is a good thing? Did you put up the ad on craig's list?
All I hear is 'BAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWW I begged to be blocked now i'm sad that you blocked meeeeeeeeeeeee" "BAWWWWWW" and "Please, Mr Asa, I'm a little bitch, don't be mean to meeeeeee" Your respect is worthless, and your passive aggressiveness is boring. But I am happy to unblock you, if you want to be unblocked, too. Assuming I can figure out where youtube even put that feature, lol.
A novel is hardly neccesary. I went to the link and all I could find was a topic called "Asa got doxed" in which he didn't have games to give away, which was the hoax in the first place that was played on him. You either need to be more specific in your evidence, or admit you don't have any evidence to the fact he's lying or that he tells others not to do things he does as well.
Yeah. I think it's because they know they're freeloaders willing to do anything for something free, but feel ashamed of that when there's a camera by which they could be exposed for what they know they are. So then they turn all defensive in a double standard I guess.
Srry to reply again but i just comprehended entirely what the upload was about and your 100% right. Noone deserves treatment like that. It's funny how they go to someone's private property & act like they don't want to be bothered.
So...your feelings then? If you want A & B to stick, provide evidence of your claims. Otherwise I can only conclude your assessment is purely based on what you feel and think, and thus cannot take you seriously.
Hilarious. Couldn't have happened to a better guy. Gotta love that butthurt, crybaby part at the end with the homophobic slur. Grow up and quit stealing the air sensible people are trying to breathe.
Visit deadhorseinterchangeable freeforums dot and orgasm at the end and you will find your scathing evidence. I don't feel like writing a fucking novel in the youtube comment section
Time to reap the whirlwind ASA. This is what happens when you get your kicks out of fucking anonymous people emotionally on the internet. Some of them may be psychopaths.
Hurrr durrr. He never said that in the videos, but in the comments. Please google his username and you will most likely find some results unless you're retarded.
Thats what happens when you don't respect all your fans and have the intelligence to apologize when your in the wrong.
He is a hypocrite and a liar because; A.) He tells people to stop doing things he does himself as well B.) He lies.
He fucks an elf woman, even if his game with humans may be off, he can still have her repair his shoes at any time.
oh, assiman, you always know how to make the worst of times the best of times. "i'm here for the dead son." lol!
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