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Ryerson university spring break Videos

I'm Not From Hear Trailer.mov

Award winning film, shot on Arriflex SR 16 MM Color, in fall of 2002 and released in Spring, 2003. (RT: 22 minutes) My senior thesis project at Ryerson ...

User Comments

I hope to release it in winter 2012 or earlier. Thanks for checking it out and please help to spread the word! :)
Please let us know when this is released, would love to see it!
Would love to see this film! Where can I find it?

Ryerson University monumental change

SYF Inter SSA Dodgeball 2015 - Highlights

DodgeballCup15 is an annual tradition for the SSAs across Ontario that begun two years ago! York, with a lot of skill, dodging, and ducking took it in 2014.

User Comments

Why isn't the winning team in this video?!

Build Up Of American College Cricket Spring Break Part 2

RP48 Honduras Spring Break Trip

We went to Comayagua, Honduras to build a section of wall at Hogar de Amor orphanage.

User Comments

Our next Spring Break trip is March 4-13, 2011. This trip is for College Students. Visit rp48.org for more details.
thank you guys for do that
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