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Ryerson university expenses Videos

The Global City - April 10, 2012 - FOOD

Creative Catalyst Panel I: Creative Connections

CREATIVE CONNECTIONS: HOW CAN ART DRIVE PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT AND HOPE? Speakers: Justin Langlois, Co-Founder & Research Director, Broken ...


This is the second of two points of view on the question of Israeli apartheid, as expressed at an Israeli Apartheid Week event at Ryerson University in Toronto, ...

User Comments

Arabs living in Israel are not treated as 2nd class citizens. I lived in Israel for 6 years, people don't care if you're Arab or Israel. It's important to understand the reasons behind the walls and blockades before calling Israel an "apartheid" state. I know it sounds cliche, but terrorism (or what Palestinians call "resistance") is the reason for the separation. Btw, between 1948-67, Gaza and the WB belonged to Egypt/Jordan, and neither helped the refugees then. Were they apartheid states too?
Well, I'll say this: you act just like the Jews who I very much respect and appreciate in the world. No wonder I confused you with them! Sorry about that, but thank you for speaking up and putting your voice out there to be counted. All the best to you, my orthodox christian Palestinian friend, and also to the people of Palestine at home and abroad, and also the Jewish/Israeli centrists and leftists who loathe the occupation and rightfully bear the name "True Jews" for their heroic conscience!
I am an American Catholic with a secular leaning. I must say, I am replenished after watching this video. People like this man here give me hope for the future of the world. This is no zionist, but a true Jew who lives the word of God (whether or not he believes in the religion) as a function in his belief of the moral duty of lobbying for the dignity of others. That is a person I can look up to, and who I admire for their courage. From America, to whoever you are in this video...thank you
drivenbitch: ah ok, so you take issue with the ONLY real democratic system in the middle east. its very ironic that the only place where there are Arab parties are in Israel...but i doubt you care about iran or libya, or saudi arabia, or jordan....nah see youre an anti-semite b/c you only care about jews. in a an area where hundreds of millions of arabs live under harsh totalitarian islamic nutcases, the only thing you care about are the arab democratic parties in israel? go to hell
how are palestinians under israeli rule? in 2005 israel pulled out of gaza compely and from dozens of towns in west bank in the last 10 years. there is only palestinian rule there now so i guess people in this video are either stupid or they like to go on demonstration for things they don't understand. i suggest that before you post your ignorant POV here you do sime reaserch on apparthide... black ppl in SA were not allowed to vote or even marry white ppl. instead of hate, educate
Why is the destruction of Hama, Syria, which happened at the same time as Sabra and Shatila and which killed 7,000 to 25,000 people was and still is ignored by the media? Why with all the insanity going on in the Arab world, such as cutting of hands, feet and heads, stoning to death in Saudi Arabia and Iran, genocide, slavery, crucifixion in Sudan, Hamas introducing crucifixion in Gaza, Iran following suit, "honor" killings in every Arab country, all the emphasis is on Israel?
brabon1 your head is filled with racist propaganda. I have no tears for Zionist colonizers. It is your aggression that will actually cause the end of your "Israel." Sadly, not all historically rejected peoples get a "homeland" for their troubles. We were sold out by our "leadership" who went to the British and offered to solve their "Jewish problem." But then those are facts, and facts do not interest you, only a sense of entitlement and a brutish racism informs your thinking.
he says "3.5 million Palestinians have no voting rights"...you idiot, there are 500 million Muslims right now living in the Middle east with no voting rights...but who gives a shit about them, right? they havent been attacked by israel or america... and he also talks about 'israeli military rule in gaza"...what military rule? israel pulled out years ago, and the only thing that resulted was a islamic talibanic terrorist state that only cares about destroying the jewish people
I can't wait to see people like you just totally depressed the day that the two-state solution is agreed upon by both Israelis and Palestinians. I hope you post a video talking about how angry and sad you are. Please include in it, if you can, crying and disheartened - maybe suicidal - settlers who are so depressed they can't get up off the ground as they are removed from places like Kiryat Arba and Gush Katif back into Israel (proper) by government force. Can't wait to see!
lol ok, you want proof, i got it: libya - 6 million people Saudi Arabia - 30 million Sudan - 40 million Egypt - 81 million afghanistan - 33 million syria - 20 million Iran - 70 million Algeria - 35 million Nigeria - 150 million Somalia - 10 million Oman - 2.5 million Mauritania - 3 million and there you - thats about 500 million muslims, and they all live under totalitarian rule, or atleast democratic shams where the real power is not with the people..but of course, Israel!!
What does the media mean when it complains about hard lives of Israeli Arabs, without a single example, but darkly hinting that "Arabs cannot be equal in what is after all a Jewish state?" Why is the responsibility for the Sabra and Shatila massacre placed on Israel and only on Israel, when the massacre was done by Lebanese falange group? Why does the media say that the massacre was perpetrated by Ariel Sharon, when in actuality it was led by Shubeika?
President Carter has frequently reiterated the point that his "use of 'apartheid' does not apply to circumstances within Israel."[102] Regarding the title of his book Carter has said: "It's not Israel. The book has nothing to do with what's going on inside Israel which is a wonderful democracy, you know, where everyone has guaranteed equal rights and where, under the law, , Arabs and Jews who are Israelis have the same privileges about Israel. 0
Did you notice that during the assault on Gaza, the Israeli government suspended the right of Israel's Arab parties to run in the february elections? They later reinstated that right, but during the period of denial the Arab parties were unable to campaign. They had no connection to what was going on in Gaza. Sheer racism. And you defend this as democracy? I can tell you that you wouldn't tolerate that sort of nonsense in your own country!
No one wants to "destroy the Jewish people" - IDIOT! The Jewish people, of which I am one, are not all Zionists, nor are we all the Israeli colonialists who occupy Arab land. Grow up, get a life, and face reality. Jews behaving like Nazis, not an attractive sight. It was Jews who offered to solve the "Jewish problem" of Europe by getting their hands on Palestine. If THAT isn't anti-Semitism I don't know what is!
drivenbitch To say that the Jews act like Nazis is a childish and ignorant statement. You either know nothing of what is happening in Israel or you know nothing of what the Nazis did in Europe. Jews did not create the Jewish problem. Looking for a place for Jews to go at that time is not Anti-Semitism. Anti Semitism is beating a French Jewish boy who has nothing to do with Israel on his way to school.
Why is the rising tide of Jew-hatred and violence all over the world almost totally ignored? Why is Israel compared to apartheid South Africa or even Nazi Germany, yet not a single Muslim country gets such comparisons? After all, the situation in Sudan is far worse than in apartheid South Africa. And with all the Jew-hatred in the Arab world and Iran, comparison with Nazi Germany should be natural.
and, so that you know, palestinians do have voting rights - they officially elected a terrorist group to control their interests - yet Fatah took control by kicking them out! sounds like a muslim 'democracy' to me. if we made a separatte state for them, it would fall apart in 1 year...theyre practically already in a civil war, and they havent even gotten their own state yet
Thank you for recognizing the difference between "Jew" and "Zionist." It is an important distinction. Jews must stand up in large numbers in opposition to Zionist neo-colonialism in the Middle East, in order to emphasize that difference. Sadly, my husband, the man who made and posted this video, died suddenly last September. He, too, would have appreciated your words.
Why is Israel held to a totally superhuman standard, a standard no human can live up to, while Palestinians are held to a subhuman standard, when they are quickly forgiven everything they do to Jews, to Christians, or to each other? Does the media see Jews as human at all, or only as "bad guys" in dramas media itself manufactures out of news?
Let's be honest here -- only Arabs who were grandfathered in are allowed to be citizens. Palestinians were thrown out of their homes during the 1948 Nakba, murdered and chased from their land. Under the brutal occupation they certainly suffer from Israeli apartheid. As a Jew, I believe it is important to be honest about these matters.
muslims are pigs, and the anti christ. that is why our country has gone to war with them. We blow them out of trees. They are also little monkeys Palestinians are trying to steel Israel, and destroy All of Europe. The islamification of Europe. NOte to Palestinians, if you pull that stuff in europe, we will slaughter you all.
Brabon 1 - another deluded Zionist who thinks only Jews have suffered throughout history and that unlike many others, Jews are entitled to take land that the Jewish Book of Fairy Tales tells them they once inhabited. What mental contortions it takes to spew this nonsense of his.

Justin Trudeau expense claims

Liberal leader Justin Trudeau admits he was wrong and paid back about $700 in misfiled expenses. As Jacques Boubeau reports, Trudeau insists it was an ...

CTF Confronts Red Ball Creator

The Luminato Festival in Toronto has taken $25 million from taxpayers during the past three years. A piece of "art" from this year's edition is an inflatable red ball ...

User Comments

This guy gets paid 77,500 to go around to art shows and try to prove that investing in the arts is absurd? How is that not more absurd? This 'artist' probably has to write a proposal and compete against many others in the fiercely competitive arts world to get whatever pittance he receives to haul that stupid ball around. $25 million dollars over 3 years for a huge arts festival is chump change. How many people were employed as a result of this? How much does the festival generate for the city?
90% of all new businesses fail. Should the government stop investing in any of them? I don't like taxes, nobody does. Man is a selfish beast. We are more than happy to use the roads, parks, hospitals and myriad of other things our tax dollars go towards, but if given the choice most would not give any money to make these things happen. Society exists so that we can do more. Is the system fair? No, those at the bottom and oddly those at the top do not contribute as much as those in the middle.
More people were excited about that red ball than have seen this, I promise. It was made by an American who has been invited to many cities around the world to show this piece and observe the reaction. Congrats. You reacted. Art made you feel. Luminato is an international festival, did you also hate the Dutch dancers? Did you hate the Canadian's that will now go to other countries to represent us? Cirque du Soliel who have brought Canada a fortune? Also, hire someone who can read cue cards.
Why do you view Canadian art so negatively? Is it just because YOU have to pay for it all by YOURself and the only thing YOUR money goes towards is wasteful stupid crap? I am not, nor did I claim to be an artist. I certainly have never received any money from the government and I do not begrudge those that do. The reason it is YOU who should secede is because YOU are the one who has issues with supporting Canadian culture. If YOU don't like YOUR country, it is you who should leave.
Businesses that fail either fail because the gov't has screwed up the economy / business, or because the businessperson is incompetent. Is the system fair? No. Well that is why we are complaining. Because OUR money is wasted. There is a world of difference between roads and big red balls by the way, so don't try to make it sound like "everything is relative." By the way, man is not a selfish beast. He or she may be selfish, but we are not beasts.
We most certainly are beasts. Yes there is a world of difference between a big red ball and building a highway. One has practical value and the other merely aesthetic. If the government was spending an equal amount of money on roads as they were on big red balls I might be concerned. the reality is closer to 100 billion on infrastructure and 0.5 billion on culture. All things may not be relative but neither are all things equal.
If something is such a great idea, it can survive on its own, they don't need to steal money from me in order to get it off the ground. I am not arguing that these things don't make money, eventually (and most don't), I am opposed to my money being stolen. But of course you will say that taxes are a good thing, and the gov't has the right to take 1/2 a year's pay to fund all their programs, etc.
I've travelled all over the world, seen and read art from all over the world, art from all throughout history. When the gov't subsidizes these politically correct works, the result is always the same. Vastly inferior "art." Whether it be literature or whatever. Canadian art is boring, cliched, pretentious, politically correct drivel, and an abominable waste of taxpayer money.
You don't know what my money goes for, and even if it did go for "wasteful stupid crap," that would be MY business, because it's MY money, as opposed to the money that goes to support this garbage "art." I don't steal money to pay for my "wasteful stupid crap," - I don't expect anyone else to pay for my "wasteful stupid crap" - so why should I have to pay for someone elses.
Such a cliche. The poor, suffering, - cynical, socialist, secretively sensitive artist. Most art doesn't stink, just Canadian art. And how typical - if I don't like getting robbed, I can always leave. How about if the artists, who can't survive without MY money, secede. That makes more sense. But of course making sense isn't fashionable is it.
Because you are a Canadian. If that is unacceptable, I suggest you secede from Canada and establish CPSSucksistan where there are no taxes and most certainly no state sponsored art. As for Canadian art stinking, most art stinks. Fortunately some of it is good enough to make enduring the rest bearable, much like humanity in general.
Canadian "artists" / 'writers" are pathetic, and produce abominable and ghastly pieces of garbage. That's what happens when you are government funded and everything is paid for by the extorted taxpayer, and everything is controlled by politically correct socialists.
When it started out. Now it's an international mega juggernaunt of money making goodness. Go figure, investing in 'weird artsy crap' can actually pay off. I know, I know how could something someone like you doesn't approve of succeed? It boggles the mind.
Meanwhile, parents are forced to give up their children because they can't afford to care for them, and the state says they must give up custody if they want them cared for. (See Toronto Star: 'No one should be forced to give up their child.')
You of course would have no problem if I stapled an "I'm a moron" sign to your forehead. That's freedom of expression isn't it? What if I wrote "this house sucks" on your house in spray paint? That should be totally acceptable shouldn't it?
Kurt Perschke is a douche bag. He has scammed multiple communities out of tax dollars and should be exposed, prosecuted and serve some time in jail (after he reimburses the money he has stolen)
I should secede because I don't like being robbed to pay for garbage art - that makes a lot of sense. Maybe I should be charged with a hate crime, too.
Cirque du Soliel is government funded? I just read recently that the owner is mega-rich. How can they be gov't funded, they are making a fortune.
Tax money should go to hospitals? What are you a socialist? Socialist-medicine blows.
Speak for yourself. And I still say Canadian art stinks. Why should I pay for it.
wow....this is one of the dumbest things i have ever seen.
Canadian artists are the epitomy of hypocrisy.

Orphan Sponsorship Program: Release your inner child

To donate or get additional information please go to www.osp.uoftmsa.com/donate “A global community that empowers orphans under poverty to be ...

Youth Hip Hop-United Cheer

Marisol//Thanks Trevor! - Fitness Club Fiasco Thank You Sessions

This is a video for Trevor's lovely wife, Marisol. He generously donated to our indiegogo account for our recording expenses so we wrote him a song for his wife!

Phillip's Quest - Trust Fund for Andy Lam

My brother Andy Lam is a professional badminton player. In order to qualify for Olympics, he has to first compete in international tournaments. However, as a pro ...

User Comments

You must like your brother very much, and this is the same Andy Lam thats a coach at lees right? He has to start with the pan ams first, once he is successful with that, he can get sponsored by Victor, Forza, Carlton or black knight, brands like yonex and wilson will take more hard work but at first, the pan ams will help him
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