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Ryerson university history Videos

A History of Chemical Photography - Ryerson University Library & Archives - Special Collections

A short video about the early history of photography created for a Chemical Photography exhibition held in September 2010 at the Ryerson University Library ...

Ryerson University Student: HISTORY IS REPEATING BILL C-51 (like Nazi Germany)

You might not want to vote for this Bill C-51.

Student multimedia project looks at history of Maple Leaf Gardens

Ryerson University undergraduate students in history and radio and television arts worked under the direction of two faculty members to create a virtual ...

Students Speak Out on History

As part of The Agenda's look at historical literacy, Steve Paikin asks a group of university students about the history education they received in Ontario's ...

User Comments

The biggest problem with the way history is taught in this country at a elementary and high school level is that it is not taught chronologically. Unless you take history courses in university or take up reading it on your own, you really don't know what happened when. My high school history teacher was fantastic because he loved the material himself and engaged with it and that came across to all his students who enjoyed the material as much as he did but he only taught us the history of the two world wars at that level. Text books are almost always dry in any field, that's why you need additional learning tools. 
My history teacher was just about the only teacher to get me interested in higher education in high school. Thanks to him I was a huge reader of philosophy and tried to get my hands on any works that had some cultural weight associated with them. Then I moved outta my parent's place and realized I couldn't afford/was massively under prepared for uni.
This was a really vapid conversation and the three guests did not contribute greatly to it. Need a greater diversity of opinion and paths. In my experience those in the department of history who have moved on to law school have very little of worth to say about the study of history.
And we did absolutely talk about colonization in high school. The guy on here is the only one who is reasonable, while the girls seem to think high school should have taught them every aspect of history from the entire world. That is what books and university are for sweethearts
In high school I took US history, ancient history, Canadian history and world history. How much do these fools expect kids to learn in high school when they maybe have 1-3 hours a week dedicated to history?

Circulation Design: Aga Khan Museum / Field Museum of Natural History

Trailblazing from Out from Under: Disability, History and Things to Remember.m4v

Measuring from Out from Under: Disability, History and Things to Remember.m4v

Packing from Out from Under: Disability, History and Things to Remember.m4v

User Comments

im part of iltalian so he really cool

Live Announcement of 60M Investment - Naomi Cowan, Ryerson University

Ryerson Live MLG Announcement On Dec. 1, 2009 history was made with the announcement of the refurbishment of Maple Leaf Gardens, one of the most ...

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