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Youtube.com cleveland bus driver Videos



User Comments

everyone has their opinions on this situation and i'm not going to say you're wrong. but this chick went off cuz she ddnt want to pay her bus fare. spat on him, and hit him while he was driving.now, this is an elderly man. 22*yrs of being a busdriver i am sure he came across bitches like her nd he was WAITING for one to just TRY him. that uppercut had soo much anger and strength that when he hit her, her wig went flying to southWest airlines. she took the punch like her shit was made of bricks.
You do know what a typo is, wow. so I left a letter out of a word. Let's get you a medal. In your dillusional opinion of me not having a life, "you are the pot calling the kettle black." You on Youtube back and forth "DEFENDING" an ass. Because the driver clocked an ass, you lable him a woman beater. Who the hell are you to judge him. When did God relinquish his title and give it to you? Lastly, let somebody spit in tour face and harrass you at work, I see you turning the other cheek,NOT!
You made a really good point but the video wouldn't have taken off like it did if she laid there crumpled in a heap, bloody with a broken jaw. The visuals and the dialogue were there but it was cartoon violence and nobody got really hurt. That is the beauty of it. People are comparing it to Mortal Kombat (Fatality Move. Finish him!), Street Fighter (Ryu... Shoyruken!), Marvel vs Capcom, Tekken, & Mike Tyson Punch Out. Someone said he will be a downloadable character in a fighting game.
Get out of the ghetto, honky. You embarrass yourself and I am willing to bet very real money that you wouldn't have even survived, with your fat self, let alone got back up. A fight with you big boy would be like having a tussle with the Pillsbury Dough Boy. A poke in the gut and you're all high pitched. You actually remind me of someone I used to work with. He was a loud mouth too and got what was coming to him, leaving behind a wife a son.
she thought it was a smart idea to take advantage of the fact that she was a woman and expected to hit this man with out consequences. DO NOT HIT SOMEONE YOU KNOW BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE CRAZY. YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT! if i were on this bus, i would have said ... "look bitch, calm tf down, if you need 95 cents for the bus, i'll pay, but do not disrespect this man. he was kind enough to take you where u need to be. be thankful!"
Oh no, you have the wrong idea. LOL I am not nearly as dumb as 95% of the population. I have no desire to enter into altercations with those types of people. He was a liar and a thief and a con-man of the lowest order. He was like this guy: a big big mouth and a double digit I.Q. My implication was that he mouthed off to someone in a place he probably shouldn't have been anyway and got shot by some gangbanger. But,...
I‘ve read all the replies. I think that is a favourable video. My older brother wants to get outstanding with the hottest women. He was taught a fuck load from a web page called Master Attraction. (Google it.) The help on seducing chicks at night clubs in those emails through that website helped get got him his first fucks in a number of long yrs. I have been annoyed however seeing that I heard them all.
You're* label* your* harass* Where did I say he was a women beater ? Infact where did I even mention anyone getting hit on a bus ? You came looking for an arguement and now you've found one you have no legs to stand on. Get back into your corner for a day or two then find someone with a lower IQ than you and you might win the arguement. You have been outclassed and put in your place. Bye.
I don't think he gave her everything he had in that uppercut, or the bitch had adrenaline like a muthafuka. She was talkin mad shit for like 5 minutes. The the bitch gon spit at the driver and punch his ass all while driving. She's the one thats endangering the public, so he broke her ass off real proper! Its a hard lesson fo that hoe! Don't fuck wit a grown ass ol skool niggah! Period.
You already know that bad situation when your step-brother (who's been a loser for a long time, incidentally) gets an incredible girl to fall in love with him in, like 2 weeks? Shit, that basically occurred. I am aware I should be happy having said that I would prefer if it was me. He stated he learned from the Cupid Love System (Google it). I wish to hide out in a cave right now...
Shit. I'm green with envy towards my brother. He has been single endlessly. By some cheat, he has got a model to deeply love him in no time. Just how can that be even manageable? He mentioned he used the Cupid Love System (Google it!) I wish someone exquisite fell for me... I really don't remember ever previously seeing him so happy. Kind of makes me sick.
Again, a woman beater telling me to grow a pair. Someone break your heart princess? Is that why you're celebrating over someone showing a woman her place? It's also ironic that you would say that when you're taking the side with the greatest numbers (like most cowards). Time to step up and be a man limp dick.
Don't let your mouth write checks your ass can't cash. She was wrong for spitting on and hitting the bus driver. I'm damn sure she won't mouth off like thaty again. Did you see the interview of the woman afterwards? She got the ghetto knocked out of her. That was a public service if you ask me...
He is jealous of the driver and came up with this lame video. I call you, Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda. Negative people talking bout what they woulda done. Sitting here looking like you are in a nusring home setting with a tray and an old recliner trying to give some advice. Floyd Mayweather wannabe!
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