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At\u0026t iphone 5 parental controls Videos

AT&T Developers Conference 2013 Wrap Up

AT&T Developers Conference 2013 Wrap Up with David David Taylor won the TechnoBuffalo CES 2013 contest con-sponsored by AT&T. He made it safe and ...

User Comments

AT&T in jt venture with the rum911 from my blood money. They R the sponsor to the inauguration of the perp prez Obama 2012 according to Jimmy Fallon. OBJECTION: YOUR HONOR. I am NOT deceased. Honey R Siegal aka Honey Stober
That concept is freaking creepy! I won't even start to point out how creepy it is. Everybody with a sane common sense wouldn't like that. Nice video though. ;)
connect your life so when they decide to cut you off you wont even be able to enter your own house! the future is probably not going to be pleasant
Rogers in Canada has had this (the home monitoring) for at least a year now. It seems AT&T and Rogers test out ideas for each other. Interesting.
We are slowly moving to 'The Future' concept... even though we are already in the future, depending on how long you've been on Earth.
It's kinda cool and creepy at the same time. If someone steals my phone then they can pretty much control everything else I own.
I have a feeling that if this whole connected thing happens and a ton on people get this, something odd is going to happen.
All of this screams security flaws. Can you imagine how many house "hacks" there will be? Lol I see this being a disaster.
Good job man. Just talk a tad bit more slowly. You seemed a little rushed. Keep up the good work!!
Okay okay. Smart house was WWWAAAAYYYYY smarter than this digital life thing. That says something.
That's great! Now, only ONE PROBLEM LEFT: increase the battery life of those smartphones & gizmos

Firefly Locked GSM Cell Phone (AT&T)

The fun, glowing phone designed from a kid's point-of-view. With just five keys, Firefly phones keep kids connected to the people who matter most. With lights ...

User Comments

Had this phone... hated it..
Sounds like cheap translucent plastic to me. CHINESE CRAP!
+Ina Wong *racist
Hey that's rasist...
I don't understand why kids need smartphones. They just need a simple phone to call or even text. There is no point for a 10 year old to be walking around such a expensive phone like a iPhone 5. 
Pffft who cares what phone they have if their parents let them have it then who cares and beside its a great babysitter 

Chromebook Parental Controls

A short video showing how parents can enable monitoring and parental control functionality on Chromebooks. Please visit www.protectyoungeyes.com for more ...

How to Unlock your Any AT&T iPhone (In Contract)

This unlock will work for any phone! Even if it in contract. Its simple and easy!

How to configure Parental Controls in Windows 10

Your kids are the most important people in the world to you, and the Internet is a scary place that requires constant vigilance. Luckily, you can set up a child's ...

User Comments

Are those web filtering options meaningless with Chrome or Firefox installed?
+TheBazzzer , no man, it effect all web browser.


Even though I've been a long time loyal customer with unlimited data package. AT&T has recently decided to put a limit on speed after a certain amount of data ...

User Comments

Sprint sucks, thats the bottom line! First off, they are limiting the data use since so many people are on data now a days. 2nd, anyone who had an unlimited plan can get unlimited LTE too, for $30 a month, verizon u have to pay full out for the phone, sprint you pay a 2 yr. agreement, but for really crappy service, theyre offering unlimited LTE and advertising it as "blazing fast", they arent actively upgrading their towers, AT&T is, I know this stuff.....wanna know how? MY DAD WORKS FOR THEM!!!
Its all about the bottom line...money. Since smart phones people talk less on the phones and use much more data. Because of that these big cell companys are losing money so since the users are using data now thats where the companys are focused on now to make profit. This shared data isnt doing the customers a favor like the make seem.The data they do offer is very small and when a family shares it then they will most likely go over and pay more. Do what i did & switch to Sprint unlimited data!
Bullies that take advantage of people who can't resist, like AT&T throttling "Unlimited" data accounts of those stuck at AT&T by contracts, don't respond to reason or warnings. Action, like a roundhouse punch in the nose (figuratively speaking) is the best way to make a point. AT&T's word & deficient network can't be trusted. Make videos & comments to warn others about signing new contracts & being victimized. Call AT&T, notify your state Atty. General, the FCC & FTC; then start lawsuits.
AT&T's word, like their network, can't be trusted; they try to justify their bad behavior, in throttling & breaching "Unlimited" data phone contracts, by making up their own definitions (just like politicians & small children). Webster's Dictionary defines UNLIMITED as: (1) lacking any controls, unrestricted -unlimited access-; (2) boundless, infinite; (3) not bounded by exceptions -- Call AT&T & complain, notify your state Atty. General, the FCC & FTC; then we'll organize the lawsuits.
Switch to Sprint while they still have unlimited data. They are actively upgrading all their towers and service will be better than it was before. Lots of people are switching to sprint and i dont blame them. I did myself!!!
Yes att sucks the big one and I too have problems watching videos. Before the throttling started my data plan was 1.5 gigs and lasted all month. Att is a stingy and greedy data monger. So fu@$ you att . The small guy. 
No they dont. They made my internet slow for no reason whatsoever! I cant watch a video without lag every 4 seconds. On top of that, it keeps saying my DSL is not working. I pay 45 bucks a month for this shit?
Wait until they throttle you then lets see how much you love them! I have unlimited data plan and pay for 3G speeds so why should they intentionally slow down my speed to dial up speed?
I feel like this video is trying to hypnotize me into hating at&t but there is no need cause i hate them with a passion anyway. or maybe ive been hypnotized and i dont even know it.
The only thing to do is to avoid AT&T to gain market monopoly again. I am glad they did not take TMOBILE. Let's make sure they do not get Cricket!
The reason why the Internet don't work is because of where u are and btw att rules u idiots. U guys don't know anything about att or smartphones
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