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Curious iphone 5 question at\u0026t Videos

iPhone 5 vs. iPad 3 Speed Test

For those that need help picking between an iPad 3 and an iPhone 5 or are just curious about how the iPad 3 with A5X and mammoth display stacks up against ...

User Comments

iPhone 5 is the best phone in the world but it is not as powerfull as ipad3. You can't run windows on iPhone. (I hate windows) but it is a pc O's. you can run it on ipad. Also ipad has a better display. But iPhone is more portable and that's why it is great.also ipad 4 is more powerful than the both. It really destroys other tablets. A6x is awesome and it has 1.3gzh with quad core graphics
iPhone has the better processor, like u said. But from the gaming point of view, which one is better? Because iPad has the quad-core GPU. But then again, it has a bigger screen so is that neutralized? Does processor affect gaming too? Okay just temme, at the end of the day, which one is more powerful for gaming? :P (and will last longer before hardware gets outdated)
its not about the GHz. the a6 is a completely new architecture built off ARM a15 cortex. the a5 is ARM a9 cortex and about half speed of the new a6. Its more about the architecture than GHz.
Just wondering, with A6 chip vs A5X and even with newer iOS ipad does not seem slower by anything more than 10-15% maybe u should update your ipad to iOS6, isnt it out for ipads yet?
the new a6 chip is not really much its just .2GHz more with isnt even s**t faster then iPhone 4, only thing that is speeding iPhone 5 is its a brand new one :D simple
I love watching your speed test videos! They very informative and fun to watch! I wonder how the iPad 4 will fare against the other devices #10,000
Both devices were restored from what is essentially the same backup. Any more synchronicity would be unnecessary.
Lol did you get into a fist fight with a wall? What the fuck is up with your hands?!?!
@MonoBawuino woq you are stupid saying that the a5x is the same as the a6 processor.
to make this test more valid, try restore both devices and try it again.
isn't there a new ipad mini or was that just a rumor?
Iphone 5 looks like a remote control of the ipad here
software plays a major role in speed and performance
meanwhile... me: *looking at my iphone 3gs*
Writing this comment on a 3gs iphone.....
Great comparison! #10,000
I love having both :)
ipad free whats that?
Steve Jobs: Oh shit!
iPad free lol :)
i subscribed :)
Ipad Free :D lol
Just a rumour
2:07 OH SHIT
:3 #10,000

Demolition Master Project Implode All - iPhone Gameplay Video

Demolition Master Project Implode All //goo.gl/dtA05 Category: "Games", "Puzzle", "Entertainment", "Arcade" ...

iPhone 5 concept.wmv

Where's My Water 2 iPhone 5 iOS 7 GM HD Gameplay Review

SUBSCRIBE!!^^ Get the GAME OF THE YEAR award-winning puzzler! Help Swampy by guiding water to his broken shower. Each level is a challenging ...

AT&T ThreatTraq - When Someone Targets VPN, It's Game On For Me

iOS 7 vs Windows Phone 8

BEFORE you comment, PLEASE read the description... It may answer many of your questions :) it shall prevent much wailing and gnashing of teeth. :D This is ...

Kroco Gems - OFFICIAL TRAILER - for iPhone/iPad

//www.dracoders.com Dracoders and Bitween proudly presents Kroco Gems, soon available for iPhone and iPad Kroco's 3d model, animations and ...

User Comments

funny video.. never trust a dragon, no matter how small and cute !
i saw this on toucharcade I may just have to pick this up !
@daxx2k Thanks daxx! Krocos love people who love krocos :)
This game must be the coolest ever! Can't wait to see it!
@dazzlemi oh friend, you're absolutely right !!!
It looks really cool.. I will buy it for sure!
It's made for TV! Adorable!
@MrSicksilvo Wow thanks !
Wow! Freakin' awesome!
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