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Mercedes benz fleet Videos

Mercedes-Benz Tweet Fleet (English)

Cars tweet empty parking spaces.

User Comments

Really clever that - so you get directed halfway across the town to an empty parking space only to find that by the time you get there some other inconsiderate ba****d has occupied it!!!!hahahahaha
Why do you need a device that tells you a parking space is empty as you drive past? Surely you would have eyes to see a lot is empty if you were driving?
And another thing - if my S class gets tweeted by an A class something will get dented as it won't fit hahahahaha...........
uh - does it detect fire hydrants? what about driveways? Not to be a downer, but I see some flaws.
I recognize the music from the video game "Ski Safari". Does that song have a name?
i have a mercedes & i want one with gps so i dont forget where i parked my car 
Ops...mierda, el otro día se me ocurrió como idea...se me han adelantado...:-)
THIS idea is comment worthy

Mercedes-Benz Fleet Owner Work Wellness Programme

Mercedes-Benz South Africa has identified an opportunity to play a leading role in improving the health & wellness of our customers' workforce and of all truck ...

#GovtWastage: Judiciary's Mercedes Benz fleet gathering dust at a parking lot

The government had on many occasions announced austerity measures to cut down public spending and reduce wastage. But a picture of relatively new ...

User Comments

watu kununua magari hayo kama keki moto. kuziweka katika soko.... By the way this is the Judiciary i want to see the Mp's old fleet as well as the cabinet. 

Mercedes-Benz revela a nova geração do Fleet Board

O Mecânica Online teve a oportunidade de conhecer de perto os principais recursos da nova geração do Fleet Board, uma solução de alta tecnologia que ...

Mercedes Benz Sprinter Camera and Sensor Solution From VRS Fleet Products

Mercedes Sprinter backup camera and talking sensor system from VRS Fleet Products demonstion video.

Matéria: Fleet Board da Mercedes Benz

Matéria da repórter Paula Toco exibida em 15/02/2015.

User Comments

Incrível solução e parabéns pela matéria.
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