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Mercedes benz concept Videos

Mercedes-Benz F700 Concept Car

Driving scenes and beauty shots of the Mercedes-Benz F700 Concept Car. Provided by www.autofernsehen.de - the first Internet TV channel for car enthusiasts.

User Comments

It is the most awesome car I have ever seen in my life... Got goosebumps... The people who are writing the negative stuff must be competitors who are jealous and now they write this ugly stuff. Mercedes, you go... you are the BEST!!!! Absolutely love it... some people take time to change and accept the new...
Just like woman's ass can please the eye so can car's - this car's ass is paraplegic...and the face isn't pretty either....are these designers recruited amongst recent wave of refugees? where are the men who created the supreme elegance of the Mercedes cars???
mmmaaaannnn, this concept sure shouldnt come out... its too comical, big car on bicycle wheels, nooooo,.. for some reason, it reminds me of chitty chitty bang bang on bicycle wheels....lol
I dont like how the door hand handle functions, what if I'm getting chased by a killer, I have to wait for the door handle to pop up...??? I should just let him kill me lolol
i wonder if they are gonna make the F class with Mercedes and the button to unlock the door handle shouldn't be like that it should just open the door instead
I saw this car at the IAA. Looks so amazing. The engine, which was next to the car underneats a cube of glass, is such an innovative thing.
the back of the body isnt on point with the rest of it. It has potential to be beautiful. Also the interior is tacky and cheap looking.
I agree with the guy who said... "You don't like it... maybe it's cause you can't afford it"... I agree with that. It is fantastic!!!!
Самый идеальный дизайн у мерседеса был W140 W220 лучше ещё не придумали
Looks a little too stretched downwards with the grill so not too big of a fan on the outside but the inside is GORGEOUS!!
если есть деньги на такую тачку ... с ручками точно проблем не будет
Front nice when u get to the back looks like a hyundai tiburon cheap its suppose to be a mercedez not a cheap hyundai
it's ugly and too expensive car mersedes has made a very big mistake for designing that car. it is not mersedes
I think this is a mercedes version of the maybach.. now mercedes used to own maybach before they closed down.
It's good, but need more imagination. I have a great advertising ideas. Below here [email protected]
it's ugly..! awful.. i can't believe that the germans create that ... (the interior is fine btw..)
Where place for a heads` registration sign? allmost this car specialy for bald thick and stupid
whyyyyyyyyyyy the best cars are pretty outside and ugly inside or the reverce WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
awesome seats cool concept, but I think they took it slightly too far, reminds me of dr seus
Pedestrian safety feature. To avoid heavy injuries it has to be soft as much it is possible.
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