Domestic air travel in Thailand is quickly becoming a booming business
How fast things change, This little airport is now busy, And it has made things much easier for me. I now have choice. Life in Thailand on Facebook ...
5-6 hours if I go by plane+ boat. Can you tell me how much is airfare from Bangkok to Surat thani?.When I check online the price is too much ,to be honest more costly than my Roundtrip to my country from Bangkok.Domestic flights are cheaper in Thailand or costly? Thanks for the reply.
Gotta love Issan girls..They spend 2000 baht on their hair without blinking
an eye but when it comes to travel the'll sit on a bus for 10 boring hours
before they would pay 1200 Baht for a flight...........better them than
me.....It's a good service from all the domestic airlines. I fly to Udon
Thani a few times a year and it's always busy
+Gamel Saleh I am still working, That is why I travel so much. I hate traveling so if there is no work I just stay home and play farmer. I am in Malaysia right now.
Flying over Koh Rang and Koh Chang Islands (Thailand) v2 - remaster
(česky níže) Flying with multicopter DJI Phantom over the Koh Rang and Koh Chang Islands in Thailand in December 2014. Charming bay of tropical paradise ...
Dobrý den, chtěl bych se zeptat s kolika FPS natacite a případně jestli
raději 1080p, nebo 720p? Myslím klasické záběry, ne slowmo. Btw. výborná
videa. Velice děkuji za odpověď.
Jo, jo, zvedl jsem fps (z 25fps na 30 fps, originál točen na 60 fps, něco bylo zpomaleno v GoProStudiu při konverzi na AVI), vypustil jsem kontroverzní odstranění Fisheye deformací při předrenderu v GPS, a nechal to až do finálního postprocesu, a jen pro vybrané scény s viditelným horizontem. Nějaké úpravy použitých filtrů, a ten Cinemascope 1:2,39 ořez, kterým jsem se i zbavil místy nežádoucího "zjevení" vrtulí nahoře, např. po úpravě "Shadows".Moc díky, napiš i k nám :-)
Flew to Thailand on 12th June And also, sorry for my bad english on that vlog video :$ xD ☆ If u did enjoyed the vid, click the Like button! Thanks! ;) I really ...
Macaws Free Flight in Thailand
our 6 macaws flying in Thailand Orca, Plawan, Jikko, Maple, Fungus and Pipek :)