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Ahmad Deedats Amazing Answers to 2 Questions

Two amazing answers to two questions by sheikh Ahmed Deedat, Australia, Sydney. Like and Subscribe!

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Islam claims they believe in the Torah, Old Testament. Well, if that is the case then they must also believe that during the Old Testament the Jews were Gods Chosen people. Any wise Muslim should ask himself the question why were they Gods chosen people. The answer to that question is contained in the fact that they were given, by God Himself, a way that their sins could be forgiven; they were given a way that they could approach unto Almighty God. This was through the sacrificial system of the shedding of animal blood which began immediately after Adam was driven from the Garden of Eden & was perfected by Moses who was under the instruction of the Almighty God. Year after year there was an atonement made for the sins of the people. The Jews were the only nation of people on the whole face of the earth who were privileged to have this sacrificial system & therefore they were the only people who could approach unto the Almighty Saviour God. (Note! of all the peoples throughout the whole earth they were the only nation that had a way to approach unto God; and He did great & awesome things through these people.) However the shedding of animal blood was only a temporary antidote for the cleansing & remission of sin. This is so because it was man that sinned & therefore man must die. In other words it was mans blood that must make the ultimate & finale sacrifice for sin. (I just add here that this also exposes the Trinitarians lie which says Jesus is God because God cannot die for mans sin; it must be the blood of a 100% real man, but of course a man who himself is not guilty of sin himself. Almighty God provided a mediator through Jesus Christ). In conclusion: Islam is in the same situation as the Jews today. The Jews were finally rejected of Almighty God because when the ultimate blood sacrifice was made they rejected that sacrifice & now they, the same as all the other nations, have no way to approach unto the Holy Almighty God; they have no way to have their sins forgiven & cleansed. God proved His rejection of them by allowing their temple, etc. to be totally destroyed in 70 AD & having them scattered throughout the world & living, in many cases, like vagabond's on the earth. When they had Jesus crucified they said let his blood be on us. True to this, Gods hand of protection has been removed from these Christ rejecters & they have been suffering as a people ever since. Yes, the Muslims may boast of having over a billion followers, but they are not of the promised seed of Abraham through which the Saviour of mankind, Jesus, was born. They are not of Sarai's seed; they are of Hagar's seed, the handmaid of Sara the Egyptian (Genesis 16). The prophecy of Hagar's seed is that "he will be a wild man, his hand will be against every man, & every mans hand against him; he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren," vs. 12. True to this prophecy, the Arabs have been killing one another like flies, & ever since the founding of Islam the conflict has not stopped, Muslims have been killing one another- "every man's hand against him (his Muslim brother)." The only thing that unites them is when they unite to kill Christians & Jews. "He will be a wild man"- it was not until recent years that the Arabs, for the most part, have not been wild men of the desert. And those who are in the front fighting for the cause of Islam are still today living as "wild men," living & hiding in the mountains & caves. I'm sorry if I have offended someone but as Jesus said: "the truth will set you free." Jesus also said "the way to heaven is narrow, & few there be that find it." Yes few among the millions of Muslims will find Jesus as Saviour, more then just a prophet. I challenge any Muslim leader for a public debate on these issues. Who will take up the challenge?
They were the chosen people of Allah.. But then they started disobedience and neglect the order of God. They killed many messengers of God. They disobey the teaching of Prophet Moses and therefore Allah left them and gave the authorities and governance of Earth to the Muslims.
+Kiddy MeezyThe jewish Old testament and the Christain old testament is the same.This is also proof Bible is original as two religion who dont speak have the same Torah.The few jews that remain are living within a Faith that is now Fulfilled and no longer in existence in reality, islam on the otherhand has never existed and is a superstition
Jews don't even believe in the torah anymore, they follow their damned talmud that says anyone who isn't a Jew is less than a dog, and a woman is only used for sex.
+ANTICHRIST HUNTER Either you did not read my comment or Paul's.Go back and read. 
+humaira ali how does your reply relate to pauls comment?
+Mubarak Ali Powerful question you raised. You know brother Christian believe in trinity like superstition. Lol 1+1+1=1 by church maths
Paul brother you believe you God died for your sin yes why does he have to die he could just forgive your sin again it's ridiculous to say Almighty God died that makes him weak God so it's not easy to believe that sorry mate.
+Mahatab Alam Ansari Thank you Mr. Ansari.
+humaira ali Best reply for this innocent question
+Paul Shrock Islam believes in the original Torah that was revealed to Prophet Moses (pbuh) and the original Gospel that was revealed to Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and all original scriptures revealed. The current version of the Old Testament and New Testament are not what Moses (pbuh) and Jesus (pbuh) taught.
But they aren't gods chosen people anymore, hehe, ever since they rejected the command of moses, they've been cursed by God.
The Torah was sent with Moses and his followers were the believers at the time and yes they were the children of Israel and Moses is one of the greatest Prophets of God. Some of the children of Israel disobey the message; therefore, they are not chosen people, but those who follow the message and aid the prophet of God (Moses) I have no problem to say that they are chosen meaning they were the successful in this world and the here after.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم .. أما بعد:I didn't read ur comment full .. but the first mistake is (that we believe in the Old testament)and that's a liefirst we believe is the Torah (The real Torah) not the corruptedand who said that the Old testament is the Torah ?!واخر دعوانا ان الحمد لله رب العالمين
Paul wake up please , every messenger said to his followers that you are the best. Jesus and Mohammed also said the same. Its like the mother who tells her children you are the best.
Beedat's answer to the second Question: "Your Bible says..." Why would Ahmed Beedat assume she is a Christian? Also, what's with this sodomites and women getting raped on Western streets (or in films) stuff? That's sick! Good to hear that this bigoted asshole is dead. The world is a better place without him.
+Mahfuz Ahmed"Ahmed Deedat is the one who expounded new ways of debating with Christians..."Christians existed during the lifetime of Muhammad. Are you saying that Ahmed Deedat was better in debating Christians than Muhammad? ;)
the world is a better place without him? Ahmed Deedat is the one who expounded new ways of debating with Christians, he was amazing. I look up to the man.
+Janfrans Zuidema that book has left nothing for the guidance of human.. Thats not a book thats a sea!
+marc Aslam "...and that's your response to his answers?"The Dude lives by a book. He is definitely a weirdo."...but the world will not be a better place until the runt of evolution (humans) go extinct."So the plants, animals, A.I.'s or E.T.'s will take over...LOL (= not in our lifetime).
+Janfrans Zuidema "That's sick" and that's your response to his answers? And soon you will be the dead asshole too but the world will not be a better place until the runt of evolution (humans) go extinct.
She is kinda nude ... She must be a christian lmao
+Janfrans Zuidema u r an illogical liar
Please show some respect, even if you don't agree with him...
+Furqan Iqbal you're clearly listening from your rear.
lol whatever he assumed but the answer was true.. You people are really putting your females on test drive.. even more these days hahaha
this isn't the full speech. She probably had a previous question and she stated that she was Christian.
Forgive and forget and turn the other cheek
Hatred of people will be the cause for ur destruction my brother what has Ahmed Deedat done to u and if he had done something to you, God loves the righteous and u cursing people for having a different opinion to u isnt the path to salvation
Thanks for filling the comments section with words of no value.The people of this world will shed less tears for your death than they did for his.May God guide you to the righteous path.

The Hardest Question On Who Wants To Be A Millionaire (funny answer)

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Doesn't know the first letter dumb ass
it's a comedy show

Answering The Hard Questions - TJ & Amanda Get Weird Ep. 5

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I am loving this series! Keep it up!!!
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Question And Answer #1 (Funny Questions, and Answers!)

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U have a great channel man I watch all your videos good job
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Yes I do
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Thank you babe
Nasty was burn't at its finest
+Im Xplicify oh its on again nerd?
Lol it just for fun
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Thanks dude means a lot
I think it's so cool that Apex got you this publicity and your channel erupted. Like that's just awesome, and the fact that you took full advantage of it and are on the climb, it's so cool. Good luck, I'll be sure to tune in Xplicify
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