Ein SUPER Fahrradschloss hast Du da, Mike Jesse!
Zum Ende hin meine ich die satanischen Stockenten ausgemacht zu haben. SEHR
Wir in der Ostzentrale hatten Heute auch frei. Das war ein schöner NWO Tag.
Nochmals nen fettes like an den Volkstod-Vortstand, für den HAARP Einsatz!!
+Volkstod KanalWir werden das braune Geschwür langsam aber sicher ausmerzen!In ein paar Generationen werden die Deutschen beinahe ausgestorben sein wenn wir nur mehr Asylanten rein lassen, immer mehr Deutsche auswandern und die Geburtenrate sinkt. Glück auf!
RT stringer Graham Phillips tells of 3-day Ukraine captivity
Radical Islam Is Taking Over
This Christian Pastor & Former Muslim Gives Us An Inside Look Into Radical Islam In Idaho Watch full episodes of Dana weeknights, live at 6pm ET, or on ...
Jesus Christ is Life and the Light of men, a gift to those who follow HIM;
Islam is death and worship of a false god allah and his prophet mohammed.
America has a narrow window in which to say no to this dark deadly ideology
or the infiltrated millions of muslims in OUR country, and those in
Congress and the White House pushing for Sharia law will change America
+danny straw When the rednecks declare open season on these "radical" Mooslims, they'll need more that 6,000 plots. Just chop them up and feed them to the hogs.
Where is "radical Islam" taking over? Please show facts, nit just allusions
of grander or through this fear mongering. All theocracy is bad. Whether it
is Judaism Christianity or Muslim. And they are all the same. Collectively
in all grade schools there needs to be taught the history/herstory of the
Abrahamic Religions then ppl can decide for themselves. This male dominant
religions is falling to the wayside, and it is a good thing.
Wow Jake what happened in yr childhood to make you so hateful, and violent? I want to give you a hug, and tell you you are ok...and everything will be ok. There is no need for violence. I in no way am spreading hate. I just explained my newest art project, freedom of speech...and art is speech! !! But a statist is gonna be a statist. I would have no use for the cops, but with a VIDEO camera camera we could make a mooooooooooovie! !!
+donald J. kingsbury https://www.facebook.com/squareddj?fref=tsNext time I am in Ohio I will make a special stop in North Royalton. You wanna be a loser and spread hatred. Lets see you do it in someones face. I will make sure you touch me first, because after that its all down hill for you. And I will make sure the whole thing is on video so when I go to the cops you will also go to jail for assault.
Where am I protecting Muslims? You should see my new art piece called "truth" 3 jars first one filled with urine and the Koran, the 2nd jar filled with shit and the holy bible, and the 3rd one filled with puke/vile and the Torah...a fourth special jar filled with urine and the the pictures of the Kochs,Mohammed,rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Reagan,glenn beck,Nixon,the pope,Netanyahu kinda fun.
Nothing is absolute. I could die any minute, for any reason. There is no reason do any of that stuff, except out of selfishness. Still we don't need "religions" for morality or to treat other people with kindness. We don't need government to protect us from each other. If you think lime that then lock up everyone you know Christine. I don't have "rose colored glasses" I just see these current times as a dark ages. We can do better whether individually or collectively. Just as an example take nipples. 100 yrs ago man had to cover our nipples, then we spoke up and got the ability to show our nipples. When women are able to show their nipples after a few days of shock it will just become normalized, rape will go down to nearly zero...the only real thing that will be affected will be XXX CLUBS & the porn industry. Which over all is a good thing. If we start heavily educated the young in math,science,poetry,IMPROV,music,art,cinema, etc we as a society will go. Personally i would throw in feminism and punk rock as well.
+donald J. kingsbury And what happens when what you feel is okay contradicts with what someone else thinks is okay or not, that is relativity, and there is no right or wrong, if it feels good do it philosphy. What if someone believes it okay to molest children? What if someone thinks they should have what you have and takes it. There are absolutes for a reason. You cant just sing kum ba lah and think everything will be okay! Take off the rose colored glasses
Any theocracy is horrible and dull. You assume way too much by attempting to pigeon hole event or anyone into a few words you string together. It's about freedom, personal freedom. What I do with my body, is my body...my choice. If you or anyone don't like it, I don't care. I don't care what you do. But if you fall I will pick you up. As I would for anyone. I would expect nothing in return. But still we should be there for each other. And at the same time, we don't need a religion nor a government to dictate ethics or how we should feel,be or think. And to go back to my original point all of the Abrahamic Religions history and herstory should be taught in schools. Again read my lips(get yr mind out of the gutter) no authority but one self and all THEOCRACY is horrible.
+donald J. kingsbury Have fun in your androgynous techno-tyranny! Wait till you see how the science-worshipers control your every move. It'll be sweet justice for you.
+donald J. kingsbury same liberal verbage, there is a vast differance between islam and Christianity and Judaism. islam is a religion of death. As a woman, I can think of no worse ideology to live under than islam!!!!! Peace in islam, means when the whole world is under the rule of islam.
The world or universe doesn't care what either of us think. My childhood as yr childhood is meaningless. I will say what I feel whether you or the "next person" like it. So yadayadayada and blah blah blah
+donald J. kingsbury actually yes anarchism is on the political spectrum. Try actually studying once.Actually only 1 is above. However you dont believe because, something happened in your childhood that has caused you trauma to not believe. Its the same with all atheist.At hours?Ya, you are sexist. You are a dude, unless your family played a sick joke on you and named a chic Donald. And that chic looks like a dude.So I proved you wrong by your own word and you still rant on like a little child. Good job on showing the world your ignorance. It really is funny.Well I am gonna end this. I suggest you actually study religion before trying and insulting it. The next person might not be as nice as me about correcting you. Goodbye kid.
+Jake S o you silly child, anarchism is not on any "political"'spectrum.Eh all three equal each other yadayadayadaIf you look at hours and other deities they are the same as jesus yadayadayadaI can't be sexist towards my own "gender" yadayadayadaO silly child Judaism took its stories from other wondering tribes blah,blah,blahYadayadayada blah blah blah
+donald J. kingsbury you can thank the Catholic Church for messing with The Bible. I myself have read The Lost Gospels. I know what we have so far discovered that has not made it into The Bible. Gnosticism is a sect of Christianity, just like Baptist. Then only thing we owe paganism is modern traditions that actually dont have anything to do with Christianity. And horus has nothing to do with anything unless you are studying ancient Egypt.So you are a sexist then. Good job.Islam is unoriginal yes. However Judaism and Christianity are original and like you yourself even pointed out that even during the time of Abraham there was not a name for the religion that we now call ancient Judaism. So in fact its actually been around since day 1. Not sure why you keep contradicting yourself when you just agreed with me. Silly child.Ya, you are not even close to anarchism as that is the farthest right you can go. No you are assuredly borderline communist. Oh you make me laugh with your ignorance.
+Jake S o my. It took what 300+ years to put the NT together. There are so many books that didn't make it into the "Christian" Canon. Much of Christianity owes a debt of gratitude to Gnosticism,paganism,horus etc. Saying "she" is just to piss off those who say "he" "overt sexism" my arse.If your not getting what I am saying, not my personal problem G. I am speaking clear anglish home slice. Islam =Christianity=Judaism all unoriginal "religions" propagated by unoriginal minds. If I fall under any "political ideologies" it's anarchism. Emma Goldman makes the most sense.
+donald J. kingsbury since Christianity as written in The Bible did not rip anything off then your point is moot. Good try though.So you dont think you fall under any political spectrum huh? Thats pretty funny. And you dont know that God is a she or a he. So your overt sexism is pretty disgusting.No you contradicted yourself. Try not doing that anymore.Thinking different is a good thing. Thinking and then acting on radical ideologies is a problem. And that is what islam does. Although you fail to see that.
+Jake S the point yr not getting but as you said with Islam is the same thing of Christianity and Judaism. Much of all three were ripped off ideas from other religions. To some I am radical, but I am not radical at all. I fall under no wings of politics, and if it need to be said I am not an atheist-I do believe in a higher power-she is glorious as this beautiful night sky out my window at this very, and amziliant as the new born day. "Progressivism is a legitimate psychological disorder" for everyone who says that to me if I got a sheckle I would be a rich person.I am not contradicting myself, yr just misinterpreting what I am saying. But this is on YouTube. Not much beyond beyond high school banter can be expected. So we think differently, o my the world is going to end. We are both meaningless in whole of everything. Everything we think,say,believe,experience,love...Will be gone in a millisecond...But time goes on. New ideas and beliefs will be discussed and discovered, that our infantile minds will never be able to comprehend. But we give off energy. We are a part of the universe, which is a part of multiple universes. Some beings like us could be having a similar conversation somewhere else in some other universe. We are just star dust aware of its being. Kinda fun. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
+donald J. kingsbury facts are facts. It does not matter what anyone thinks, facts dont change. And the fact is that all that land is Israel.So you are making more excuses for bombings. Really think before you speak. And there are 2 Abrahamic religions. Its very simple ok. Allah was a pagan moon god before muh got involved. That is a fact. Islam has stolen many of its parts from Christianity to try and legitimize itself. I suggest you do a lot more study on islam before you think its a religion.Its obvious that you are a radical left wing atheist. The biggest impact it will have on you has not happened yet. Also note that progressivism is a legitimate psychological disorder.So you actually think that these religions before that had no name somehow got perverted by very intelligent people into Judaism and Christianity. When previously you said they all lead up to becoming Judaism and Christianity. You are contradicting yourself.
+Jake S ppl in Palestine may think differently then you. History/herstory is tricky thing, written by the victors.I don't support human bombers, but you have to look at the cause to understand the reaction. There are 3 "Abrahamic Religions" whether you or anyone else doesn't consider Islam a religion. Just because you don't like reality, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Personally I don't consider any of them. But to deny that Christianity didn't have an impact on me would be foolish to say. There were alot of ideas and religions before Abraham. It of beautiful and truly peaceful ones. Later on they got called "pagans" & alot of their brilliant original ideas got perverted by lesser minds which became Judaism Christianity and Islam.
+donald J. kingsbury I'm saying that Fox News is much more educated than the other news networks. And Glenn himself is very educated. Alex Jones is a lost cause.There was no palestine before WW2 or ever. In fact the Jews bought that land from Arab lands holders at a very inflated rate. And no the Israeli army does not treat people bad. And now you are trying to make excuses for people blowing up children. Think about what you said.Well the 2 and only 2 Abrahamic religions get along very well. So that point is moot. They actually get along with anyone that wants peace. And since there was no name for what came before that made Abrahamic religions then guess what, it's a moot point. Remember Abraham was just a man of God. He didn't have a name for what he believed. Modern day we call what was before Abraham ancient Judaism. It's a very simple fact.
+Jake S Fox does not mean educated. Glenn is good on somethings, but does steal some of his meanderings from Alex Jones who steals his crap as well.After WWII suddenly taking land from Palestine, and creating Israel because people wanted "Armageddon" was the most foolish thing ever. And no the Israeli Army are assholes to Palestinian people for no reason, which brings out the human bombers. And continues the cycle.To make a point you have to use everything at yr disposal. This YouTube thingy majig isn't writing a flipping dissertation. I did that crap a long time ago. Again they are all just infighting Abrahamic Religions, just need the FAMILY to get along...and have them realize they are not the only ones on the block, they were not the first, everything that they are came long before them. In a way the Abrahamic Religions are clones and Frankenstein Monster. :-) kinda lime every country, corporation,bank,government,school board,school administration....Yes sir JUDAISM,CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM aren't even original they are inferior clones created by men with a narrative and agenda! !! #justsayin :-)
+donald J. kingsbury not sure what you mean by foxed up? Unless you mean was giving his educated opinion on events. Which is much more than any host from the MSM does.No Judaism and Christianity could not be looked at as any sort of sociopolitical ideology. And the reason is simple. Neither religion (they are proper religions) have laws that are meant to replace laws that man makes up. And Israel treats the invaders in the make believe land of palestine very well. Palestine doesnt even exist to begin with, all that land is owned by Israel. You really need to do your homework on that.No, stick to the topic. Jumping all over the place makes you look foolish. And I am sure you dont want that.
+Jake S I was into Glenn Beck for awhile, then he got all FOXED up. You got good taste in music. Judaism and Christianity can also be seen as "psychotic sociopolitical ideology" whether in the beginning,middle and as of late. Look at Prop 8, "pastors" in Arizona, Israel treatment of Palestinian people, all our bases around Iran etc. You say "straw men" , I say everything is up for grabs in a conversation, especially on the interwebs.
+donald J. kingsbury bands or musicians such as Muse, Black Sabbath, Hank Williams Sr or Conway Twitty. That is real music. You want books, try reading some real history or some of Glenn Becks books (which have references in the back in case you dont believe what he says).Yes I know what Abrahamic religions mean. However islam is not one of them. Its not even a religion to begin with. Its a psychotic sociopolitical ideology. Unless you think daesh is just peaceful protestors?You get on that stage you do all you can Titus Andromedon.No we dont all come from glass houses
+Jake S share the band's, I like different music. The idea of "Abrahamic Religions" goes back to Abraham and his two sons. They were half brothers. Blah blah blah.In no way am I politically correct, that is such an abhorrent boring term. It was dull in the 80s and 90s, it is dull now. You've never seen my stage performances, I have good and gifted moments. We all come from glass houses, even pal. Us I do love me some snickers, they along with the fat always go to my head. ;-)
+donald J. kingsbury I bet you love some snickers dont you? Hahahaha. Now thats funny.Your PC talk is stupid and boring, The word is history and not because of his.You seem to be a fan of strawman arguments. This shows you lack facts. And your thing about opening doors makes no sense.Why would I listen to music that means nothing to me. I could suggest some good bands for you. But alas you would not understand them.You live in a glass house perhaps. Not I. Good try though. And try and prove that islam is an Abrahamic religion, please do try. I would enjoy laughing at that.Better yet how about you educate yourself beyond your lackluster silly stage performances. Here I will give you a hand silly fat child: //www.islammonitor.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2976&Itemid=92
+Jake S ok. Thank you for the arm chair psychological break down. I appreciate it. It made me snicker and snickle. If I must explain the use of "herstory" is grammatically correct. If one says history, then like duh there is a HERSTORY. If talking about marriage is grabbing at straws, then there are so many "straws" to grab at. You must open a lot of doors for women, cause yr a big strong man and women are weaker then you right?Yr middle school breakdown of me is quite flattering. If I say so myself. But I have no reason to defend my ego or words...they speak for themselves you crazy homosapien.Go listen to CRASS, or even PUSSY RIOT! !! Go read some Ashley Montagu, or read TO MOTHER. go read some books on feminism all the generations. I love Riot GRRRRRL myself. But again thank you for yr care and concern especially the last paragraph. We all do dwell in GLASS HOUSES! !! But yr out right denial that Islam isn't an Abrahamic religion, astounds me and leaves me flabbergasted...But also is revealing of how you believe, and need to go study up on the religions and Abraham. That last sentence was a run on sentence.Such Fun.
+donald J. kingsbury read back through you will see it.If you have read The Bible and The Torah as you claim you would know that what you said was false. You would know that the negativity does not reside in Abrahamic religions anymore. Yet you resign yourself to only looking at negative things. That says a lot about your character. It says that you are unhappy with yourself so you want to tear down everything and everyone around you.And now you bring marriage into it. You are trying to detract from the conversation. This shows you lack facts and are grasping at straws. You also seem to have a problem with women as you keep mentioning her and implementing her where it is grammatically incorrect.Look man. You have a lot to work on for yourself. This is not the place to really find that help. You have an irrational hatred for many things and you follow nut job tin hat theories. I suggest you get professional help before you hurt yourself or someone. And we can tell by your anger issues that you are very close to doing that.
+Jake S where did I say anything that I want a "over reaching ever powerful government" yr putting wyrds in my mouf that weren't ever there. I have read and studied all the Abrahamic bibles.It's not that I am drawn to the negativity, the negativity was created by the forces of the Abrahamic Religions. The history and herstory of what was done is recorded and written down. A lot of it well known. It's like the Greeks killing Socrates. No matter how much they were the "birth place" of Democracy, they still stupidly killed Socrates by having him drink hemlock. In discussions of religion, especially the Abrahamic Religions one has to be understanding of its history and herstory. Or yr just cherry picking like some do about glbt marriage and women not able to preach. The one about women not preaching and being segregated to a different room is in the NT. The NT reminds me of how Plato stole from Socrates and perverted his words. Kinda like what a group of men with a narrative and agenda did to Jesus. #justsayin
+donald J. kingsbury you see you just cant help but find the most extreme cases can you? Why are you drawn to only looking at everything negatively. I tried to talk to you in a rational manner. Yet everything you are saying proves you are an irrational person.You obviously have never read The Bible so that alone proves you dont know what you are talking about.Really the fact that you said ",military industrial complex" proves that you do not understand anything. The authority to fear is what you support. You want an over reaching ever powerful government to punish those that dont think like you. When it was those that thought like you that actually did and still do evil deeds.I recommend that you give up your evil hate filled ways and for once try and educate yourself.
+Jake S Ya religions "guided" us...It was the rebels who instigated the greatness. Those who got burned at the stake, those who got locked up,those who got killed for saying what the religious leaders didn't want the population to hear. Us it was the censorship that pushed people's imagination to greater heights. It was the cruelty of the religious leaders that inspired individuals to influence the populace to greater collective connections. And we still can do better. We can achieve better then the child's play of the male dominant Abrahamic Religions. We can push beyond beyond these current dark ages to strive for better. A higher ethical place of being, beyond beyond the trappings of a government, religions,corporations,politicians,school board,military industrial complex, school administration that actually care about people and not some arbitrary profit. We can do better then the here and now, we as individuals,Burroughs,cities,states,countries,this world etc. Can do better. There should be no fear by "authority" thinking for themselves. But not to be CRASS(pun intended, because CRASS is a band) no authority but one self. Have a happy day and night. Love everything,everyone...even a stranger. And never to be a stranger to yrselves. #justsayin
+donald J. kingsbury I couldnt help but notice how wrong you are. God created nature. So they are the same law and principle. The Torah and the NT are very different. You see the NT is the 2nd half of The OT (or The Torah). And it does away with a lot of what the OT said and it brings in new things.Your resentment towards theocracy shows a lot about you. You dont seem to be very educated in these manners. And you seem to forget that it is religion which is guided mankind towards greatness. You cant honestly believe that if we ignore our past that somehow we will have a better future. So to continue following religion will only bring us to further greatness. I understand that this may be hard for you to understand. But thats the way it is.
+Bob Ratliff you can't have both "nature's law" or "God's law principles" they are not intertwined! !! The Torah and New Testament cannot be cherry picked, but at the same time as with any book written by men cannot speak for God. She is beyond beyond beyond beyond beyond the will and want of humynity! !! Again all theocracy is bad. Whether Abrahamic or druid or whatever. An individual can decide for themselves. And we don't need a religion to tell us how to be. I'll take you calling me an idiot, that's fine. Kinda telling, and revealing. I still think yr a good person who means well. :-)
+donald J. kingsbury This country was founded upon Judeo Christian values. Our laws were written on Nature's Law or God's Law Principles! You're an Idiot!! Cuba called they need some more citizens like you!!
+Cornwall1888 what about all the military bases we have in the middle east? Germany? Japan? If we don't think our military industrial complex isn't a cause in the creation of this "radicalization" then we are arrogant,ignorant and lost.
What about the Isis camp 8 miles from the American border Glenn reported on? Oh that's right, it doesn't exist.
Lindsey Stirling! The Order: 1886! Majora's Mask! Player Attack TV: February 27th 2015
This week, Player Attack gets a bit musical - we're joined by violinist/dancer/pixie Lindsey Stirling, who took some time out of her recent AU/NZ tour to chat about ...