hooray you have the ability to post past 10min now hernan! no doubt time
flies by when youre financially hurting and just spinning your wheels so to
speak. you live one payday to the next with no plans other than to survive
to the next, and guess what? YEARS drain by with no new landmarks or
adventures because everything is poured into inflation & barely-get-by
survival which doesnt yield any profit with which to build upon or do
anything with! hell, my clothes are always 92% over 5 yrs old.
I wonder what I would be doing now if the economy was still as good as it
was 10 years ago, who knows, but probably better then I am doing now...
Work hard my ass, all I have gotten for working hard was more work for less
respect. At least I'm at a better job now that give me a 10% off of beer.
if I loos that job because of the economy, then I would just loos it...
@ForTehNguyen You earned your money and live in and use California
infrastructure. If you move your money and pay lower taxes YOU are the one
leeching off the system that provides for you because you pay less than you
these socialists are mad because they taxed too high, chased out money to
low tax nations. This like Cali whining if I move some of my money to Texas
where the taxes are lower.
lol how the hell is this swiss guy ragging on his own country for holding
other country's money? These people are closet commies, just want to tax
everything in sight