How does traffic court affect criminal and civil matters in Alberta?
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"A Successful Day in Court"
The Canadian Bar Association - Alberta Branch, in cooperation with the Provincial Court of Alberta, Alberta Justice, and the Alberta Law Foundation present: "A ...
Nait: 2015 blaw
defendant name: mr glenn.
plaintiff name: ms. levitt
common method of presenting evidence: oral evidence
8 points at end of video: prepared
2.bring everything with you to court.
3. if you have documents bring the original and 4 copies.
4. do an outline of your case or defence. not to read to the court, but to
help you organize and present your case.
5. ask the clerk about a notice to attend if a witness will not testify.
6 in qualifying an expert to give testimony, the other litigant may be
asked if they wish to pose questions to the expert on their credentials
prior to the judge either qualifying or not qualifying the expert
7. the unsuccessful party will probably be ordered to pay the other sides
costs. parties should consider whether or not to pursue a claim given that
costs may be awarded against them.
8. keep the clerks office advised of any changed in your address or
telephone number.