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Mini bulldog massachusetts Videos

2007 MINI Cooper Hardtop Boston Peabody Lynn Danvers Salem MA

CMSG&MA's Orange MA Engine Show

On June 27 and 28, 2015 the Central Massachusetts Steam, Gas and Machinery Association held their annual antique tractor and engine show at the Orange ...

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Thanks for the video Trukluver!
+Journeyman You're most welcome. Glad you enjoyed it.

Crisis not 'big government" won Brown Massachusetts

Ferguson: Study shows it was jobs and housing crisis that lost Mass. election - bad news for Democrats.

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@bbburton Yes, the purpose of the police is to protect us, but the police can't stop all crime. You shouldn't blame the police because they weren't nearby when you were being raped. You should blame the rapist. It would be different if a police officer was holding you down while you were raped. Is that your argument? Did govt hold down the American public while the big banks screwed all of us? Is it that you think govt didn't simply fail out of inaction but actively helped the banks fail?
@topthickproducer Point taken. Yes, advertising the fact might not be helpful, but I state the truth as I see it whether or not it does any good. I'd love it if the affluent white working class got hit hard enough that they started experience massive unemployment because then they'd start feeling sympathy for the poor. As long as the affluent white working class sides with the wealthy upper classes, there will never be a real working class populist movement that can impact politics.
Agree with Mr. Ferguson. It is the economy - stupid. Both parties are in the pocket of the banks. They do not care about the people - their voice is too weak. Whereas bank's voice is concentrated and they have the money. Democrats will get pounded but do not be fooled into thinking the new person that sits in the swivel chair cares. Politicians are the definition of psychopaths. Mr. Fergusons "Investment Theory of Politics" (on YT) is superior! HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend.
@bbburton I agree big business & big govt aren't mutally exclusive. The problem is that the Tea Party is protesting big govt, but conveniently not protesting big business. Considering that some of the Tea Party organizations are funded & promoted by corporations, my suspicion is that it's no accident that the Tea Party doesn't protest big business. When I see the Tea Party protesting on Wall Street, I'll consider them a legitimate protest movment.
@MarmaladeINFP And who said Wall Street is innocent? And yes, big government is evil. The two are not mutually exclusive. The SEC could have, and should have, prevented the fraud the too-big-to-fail banks perpetrated when the derivatives first hit the market. Just another example of big gov failure. You fail to realize that those people who are against big gov are not necessarily for big banks. You raise nothing but a false flag.
elgringorumbero hit it on the head. The American white middle class are obscenely apathetic and uneducated when it comes to politics. How can such a large group of people let propaganda and double talk trick them into voting for people who support issues that are diametrically opposed to their own best interest? I guess as long as there is a big SUV in the driveway, and football on the boob tube, all is right in the world.....
@elgringorumbero According to Ferguson, it's not just white working class who voted Republican but affluent white working class. The poor are used to being poor. Job loss has less impact on them psychologically. But the affluent working class is used to having job security. The affluent working class votes for Brown who is funded by Wall Street. Oddly, the white working class has a history of siding with the rich.
@dangerouslytalented I don't know but they told me on the idiot box, a couple of years. That's wishful thinking. It is an interim, emergency election to fill in Kennedy's seat. He will fill out what remained of Kennedy's term... then have to be reelected. I consider it a slimy fact that he occupies that office. I liked, but did not revere his predecessor. But this guy? Gag me with a MFin' spoon.
@rbiggz I consider myself a progressive and to me the demorates and Obama are doing a piss poor job. From hiring bankers to handle the bailout to folding on the public and option and other great parts of the original bill. They seem weak on every issue, and are using the bi-partisanship to sell out on many of the earlier promises. I am disgusted with them almost as why disgusted with bush.
corporations are the government and big government at that. that have to destroy the working class in America in order to be profitable as possible. they must automate and outsource as much as possible. big business is a thousand times more dangerous that any foreign terrorists. they deal in poison on almost every front: chemicals, pollutants, drugs, and toxic assets.
@stanjz They have been working very very hard over the last 40 years to get rid of the government, through people like Reagan and the libertarians. Supply side economics was just the start. They want to "starve the beast" which basically means that they want to destroy all regulations so they can do whatever the fuck they want.
@navtel Agreed it's better -and often the only option available- to vote AGAINST the worst ones -voting FOR someone is a rare luxury. Poor voter participation in the US, where at best half the population votes, must be one of the main factors ensuring only the criminals systematically get elected.
vote against the bastards that have caused this and are doing nothing to correct it now. big bank bonuses have a lot to do with the distaste many have.. don't vote, it appears it does no good. those who get elected become corrupted by the system. vote the incumbents out if anything.
@elgringorumbero I agree with your premise; however advertising this fact makes the white working people more unwilling to educate themselves. Their low esteem personalities don't allow them to take rational criticism. BE SMART, DON'T SUPPORT CORPORATE POLITICS!!!
his prediction at the end seemed very normal to me lol i was expecting the opposite after he used the word " ironic" haha i guess i'm just cynical after knowing about the truth for so many years now.. sad shit my friends, sad shit
@synapsecracklepop Kennedy was not up for reelection in 08, he already had cancer... and they are elected for 6 year terms, so it can't be more than three or so years... By my calculation, I could be wrong...

Mini pelle automotrice 3

Mini pelle automotrice Se produit n'est plus comercialisé pour le moment, nous étudions un nouveau produit a se jour (10/01/14) Vous pouvez suivre notre ...

User Comments

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Main Street

Richard Tisei is running for U.S. Congress in MA-6. He will stand up for working families, the disabled, seniors and small businesses -- not just a few at the top.

User Comments

"My husband & I"? If he's a liberal then he will never be for working families, the disabled, seniors and small businesses. Those are right wing ideologies. The left is all about big government. BTW liberals are the most intolerant people I know.
I have two words for you: Thomas Menino, former mayor of Boston he was for working families, the disabled, seniors and small businesses his track record proves it and he was a democrat. Conservatives are the most narrow minded people I guess... 

Massachusetts Dog Obedience Training Testimonial

User Comments

Pauline is so real! She's just like so many other people and their dogs, wanting the best but frustrated. Awesome job!
"It's like we're both being let out of the kennel." A happy owner and a happy dog. Awesome work.
Another happy client because of Sit Means Sit training methods.
Nicely done.


READ THIS FOR MORE GRACE DETAILS!! :D And, why I deleted the video with pics of the full sized doll of Grace ...

User Comments

Its FAKE Here is a link for the REAL Grace, https://www.google.com/search?q=grace+ag&espv=2&biw=1680&bih=925&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=2iOXVOHYAY2LyATLx4KYCg&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAg#imgdii=_ She is the first one with the red hair and a floral dress and hat
That picture is a prototype for the next beforever character that is going to be released sometime during 2015. Her name is probably going to be Lily White or Maryellen(you can see these names trademarked on trademarkia). Since it is a prototype, the actual doll may be very different. But it is certainly not Grace GOTY 2015.

Top 10 Dog Breeds That Are Made In America

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