Das Auto ist der absolute Wahnsinn, Glückwunsch! Wird es auch eine 0-100
bzw. 200-300 Messung geben? Hat das Auto wirklich "nur" 1150 PS, denn der
läuft ja so gut wie die russischen mit 1500 PS?
Jason, Nicely done!! I like the Red LED lights in the side and rear vents.
Reminds me of something :)...Btw..My GT-R is in the shop getting a wide
body done, a one of a kind. Done by AUTO Explosion in Gardena, Ca. I will
send you pics :)...Congrats on the shop. Everyone reading this, Jason is
the REAL DEAL for making your car BAD ASS...
@Trackelf Man kann nur unter Last den Turbo hören, sonst wird ja kein
Ladedruck aufgebaut. Den Turbo hört man ja auch nicht, man hört nur die
Ansaugung/Verdichtung. Man lässt die Turbos auch nicht verkommen, diese
Generation ist die höchstentwickelte seiner Art. Was du meinst ist sicher
das abblasen über offene Umluftventile o.ä., richtig? Das ist in vielen
Fällen nur leistungraubend und sagt nichts über die Potenz des Motors aus.
(hast du schonmal einen Veyron mit 4 Turbos gehört?)
@Curveball they did another lap in front of press and Porsche
representatives and achieved 7:26. They showed the car in front of everyone
that it was not on slicks or any other mods. Yes no one could get within
25sec. But then can they also achieve within 25sec of, say, corvettes or
porsche's laptime as well? I don't think so. At the end of the day, people
spent thousands of laps in their car. you can't expect others to do as well
spending only dozens of laps.
@TooMuchFun243 Schon klar und wie du selbst indirekt sagtest : Man hört die
Turbos nicht als solche sondern nur den aufgeladenen Sound des Motors
(durchs dumpfe bollern fest zu stellen) Ich liebe Rally Autos. Es geht
nichts über ein Turbogeladenen Evo9 mit ALS (antilagsystem) der nen
drehmoment hat als gäbs kein Morgen mehr. Der Sound ist völlig anders :D
@TooMuchFun243 Unter Last einen Turbo zu hören wird recht schwer oder irre
ich mich da? Da müsste man schon im Auto sitzen um das sauggeräusch zu
hören. Fest steht, dass er 2 Turbos hat und ein V6 3,8L Aggregat ist. Finde
trotzdem schade dass man die Turbos so verkommen lässt. Bei einem Impreza
oder Lancer ist das ganz ander :D
@lambofanlp640 honestly, it's supposed to be "boring" but not in the sense
that it's lame. it's "boring" in the sense that it drives as comfortably as
a 3-series bmw when it's not in R-mode. thats the entire point of the GT-R
-- it's meant to be driven comfortably every day, and not a be flamboyant
weekend toy.
Also ich will mich hier nicht festlegen, aber ein Turbopfeifen höre ich
garnicht und ein Sauggeräusch auch nicht. Das hört sich an manchen Stellen
wirklich mehr nach einer Art Kompressor an. Achtet auf die Schaltstellen,
wenn die Drehzahl in den Keller geht und dann Gas gegeben wird.
@Curveball Of course that's when everyone start getting mad about N-ring
laptimes like GM and others as well. Which the ZR1 fans became so
irritating I was glad Porsche created the GT2-RS to shut them up. I'm not a
GTR fanboy. I just hate people questioning someone's effort.
@katokimo No, I'm not a big fan of Porsche, but I do not lie on a company
just because it's not my favorite. And Porsche made the claims that Nissan
cheated because no one but Nissan has come within 25 seconds of Nissan's
lap time in independent testing of the GTR.
@Curveball Google Nissan GTR 7:26. Motorauthority already has an article. I
originally read it on a UK magazine where they were invited for their prove
of lap. Can't really find a link for it. But I can tell you which mag and
issue if you desperately want to know.
@vitessemeister Can you prove it? No. But what is proven is only Nissan's
team can get within 25 seconds of their posted times. No other professional
drivers have yet. If that does not look suspicious to you, then you're a
bias fool.
@NakedSnakeBlGBOSS They're not trying to beat certain cars, they're trying
to get the best time with that car, and sadly it lost. It probably can't
even beat the 2009 Dodge Viper ACR, but hey it's cool man have fun.
@Curveball i read most of your comments and i think its hilarious how you
are insinuating that nissan has a rigged car and cheated, it seems to me
that you're just a porsche fanboy, but i could be wrong.
@vitessemeister I think it should be setup from now on that a car company
has to have the car inspected and dyno tested before and after the run.
That way no one can cheat.
@vitessemeister What I heard was after Porsche took the GT2-RS and set the
new production car lap record, they stopped caring about Nissan and their
charge against them.
@vitessemeister You can when you have drivers that drive the track every
day. Got a link to them doing it in front of porsche representatives with a
dyno before the run?