ESPN fighter beat that azz all night long beating a Puerto Rican on his own
home turf. LOL Angel ate his words. LMAO. Herrera is a Mexican Warrior. He
beat the odds even though he got robbed he won.
Afghanistan and Russia are different countries Angel. Puerto Rican
educationa system no wonder they are delusional. LOL Lo s Boricuas were
wiped out. Angel Garcia didn't put his head on the line because he knew
Herrera El Mexicano was going to beat his son up. You could tell he was
nervous not his girls but him.
Always claiming you don't care what people say, but always getting uptight
when they don't agree with your vision. One thing's for sure Angel, what
Herrera did to Danny (& spare me the headbutt bs), you didn't see
coming.....& you (& Danny) are still in denial. Next stop, Rod
Salka......WHO ????