Take note of the woman to the revvin' "Reverend" Jackson's right (our
right). It's CTU President Karen Jackson, a woman who has said so many
"notable" things. Chicago is truly a hive of scum and villainy that rivals
Washington D.C.
Despite the closure of the Spokane School District and thousands of residents being stranded in their homes the City of Spokane is giving itself a pat on the back ...
Marijuana dispensaries worry about closure despite raise in retail store cap
Thereare less than seven months left for medical marijuana businesses to get a retail license or shut down operation. While the Washington State Liquor and ...
Inmate transfer may force Geiger closure
The future of Geiger Corrections Center, run by Spokane County, now hinges on a budget crunch within the City of Spokane. KXLY4's Aaron Luna reports.