Chis Christie and Marco Rubio are prime examples of what is wrong with our
representatives. They have no common sense or education; other than a law
degree, which is nothing more than a glorified librarian. The have no
experience in life. No military background. No outstanding accolades in
life; other than being a corporate whore They have not earned the sweat of
the American Populous with their deeds or sacrifices in life. They
certainly have no leadership qualities that you learn from strife. They
lack a moral compass. Lamar is proud of costing the nation billions with
his government shut down. This is not leadership. Lamar is an
outdated politician with a life time of unearned positions, and favors the
corporate welfare over the working man or poor. Alexander only serves
himself and not the populous. He is evil. Ask Lamar about his sexual
exploits at Blackberry Farms.