Dive Heart/Dive Bar ROOT Project(Restore Our Oceans Together)
David Pogue speaks about Disruptive Tech at the University of Minnesota
David Pogue spoke Oct. 17, 2012 about Disruptive Tech at the University of Minnesota. Pogue writes the tech column for the New York Times every week, and in ...
State of the Planet with David Attenborough [Full Documentary 2015] ([Full Documentary 2015])
+Johan Rodrigues - actually we probably can cure peoples' greed. Most people will refrain from killing their neighbors to steal all their money, for example. In many other circumstances, moral restraint limits what actions people will take to advance their greed. The USA with its military might could, if we were greedy enough, just exterminate people in poor countries and take all their resources. Instead we choose to trade with them peacefully for the most part. The main problem facing humanity right now is that almost nobody is telling people to get serious about reducing their ecological and carbon footprints. The overwhelming message from the people who shape our beliefs is that consumption is cool. But that could change. People have drastically changed their values in the past. Consider how much different society was when slavery was legal. People got rid of slavery because they decided human rights were more important than advancing their own greed in every possible way.