At the still point, there the dance is.”—T. S. Eliot, “Four Quartets” It was the coldest winter in recent history, and Meech lake froze into a perfect smooth surface, ...
Greg ZLAP OXYGEN 28 mars 2014 St MALO
Smelling Bad, Smelling Good! Your Shoe is an Oxygen Mask! - St. Mary's Academy - Grad Night 2015
Volunteers are told that the person next to them smells horrible! But, they are in luck because the shoes on the floor, or the bottoms of their feet, are actually ...
Bande annonce du film "Oxygène" (VF) de Hans Van Nuffel
Un film époustouflant qui nous vient de Belgique. Sortie nationale en France le 12 octobre 2011 Grand prix, Festival International de Montréal Prix du jeune ...
J'ai vraiment envie de voir ce film en plus je connais très bien cette
maladie vu que ma cousine que j'adore, qui a le même age que moi et que je
traite comme ma soeur en est attente. Les critiques spectateurs qui sortent
sur le film sont excellentes. Les gens qui ne connaissaient pas la
mucoviscidose disent tous qu'ils ont étaient bouleversés et qu'il y a
beaucoup de sentiments et d'émotions dans ce film !! Je dois absolument le
voir !!!
Magnifique film, je l'es regarder hier et j'en suis encore tout chamboulé.
Très belle réalisation, traitant d'un sujet délicat et douloureux mais sans
tomber dans le mélodrame.. C'est ce genre de film qui réussi a vous faire
prendre du recule et essayer de profiter de la vie et du temps qui nous est
impartie. Bravo !
très beau film, touchant émouvant, bons acteurs. Dommage qu'il ne figure
pas dans les grands cinéma car ce n'est pas une grosse prod...pourtant il
mériterait d'être diffusé au ciné beaucoup plus longtemps que certains
navet qu'on se tape.
Qu'est-ce qu'il est magnifique ce film, je me rappelle l'avoir vu au cinéma
et avoir regretté de ne pas avoir pris un rouleau de sopalin tellement je
Abonniere weloadtv kostenlos und du verpasst keinen unserer Filme: // * The licence for the ...
Kirk Fox & Kira Soltanovich on Howie's Late Night Rush June 4, 2009
What a fun time having both Kirk and Kira on. Plus this was their first time performing up here in Lake Tahoe. Both are actors in addition to being comedians ...
Straight to DVD - 100 Million BC
Director: Griff Furst Asylum pictures gets another chance to entertain us and they fail yet again. This movie isn't even self aware bad, it comes off as another ...
this movie is not only TERRIBLE, but they also give out false facts, for
instance, they say during the cretaceous perious there was half the oxygen
as now. Well guess what morons who wrote this film, thats false! If you did
your research you would know there was actually 3 times as much oxygen
during that period opposed to now.
With some minor tweaks to the screenplay this could have been a better
movie, a little dialog trimming and some more rendering passes with the
CGI, sometimes I wish I was a screenplay doctor, this movie is similar to
the british TV series "Primevil"..
This IS the worst movie I have seen, and YES I have watched it all. Dont
ask me why but I have. Just got one comment on that there actually is more
oxygen in L.A then it was 100 million years ago, dont want to be a bitch
just wanted to say it :)
@kissesbloody because of the other 99,8 % movies. And the german directors
Roland Emmerich and Wolfgang Petersen. I wouldnt say that they produce
german movies. theyre working for LA hollywood.
@TheLanza2000 Whats wrong with german movies like "Perfume: The Story of a
Murderer", "Das Boot - The Boat", "The Name of the Rose" and german
directors Roland Emmerich and Wolfgang Petersen?
Thanks guys! I almost bought this Movie on Amazon because of the low price
but than i saw that. That movie has the same quality like german movies.
HAHA. What a shi*** !
@TheLanza2000 yep and the scifi (I mean SyFy) channel just loves cranking
them out.
Haitian Movie: L'imposteur Impromptu Official Trailer
Synopsis: When Jacqueline thinks her dark days are over, it is just the beginning... An impostor is a part of the family and started to destroy them all. Creole Le ...
I love the part where Marguerite was making out with the young guy and got
caught by her husband. What a dummy... Se frekan pou Maguerite ta frekan
pou'l ta fe tonton dezirab sa lol