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You should have your rc hummer go on a really muddy trail that has muddy
water and several mud holes to get stuck in. You should also have your
hummer drive straight into a big mud pit that has really messy mud in it,
but since the mud is so messy that your hummer's muddy wheels can't get
traction then your hummer stops moving and ends up stuck in the mud with
its muddy wheels spinning and slipping in the mud.
@NisseROCKZ Jeg er ganske rigtig dansk. Dækkene er 1:10 (1.9) og kommer fra
SDI (scale designs international). Det er såkaldte Trail Doctors - Trail
Doctor XL Soft 1,9 scale tire. Jeg har monteret dem på de originale Hummer
1.9 fælge, hvor de passer perfekt. Happy Trailin' :)
@MXSHOWTIME007 Looking forward to spring time and more fun in the woods
with my hummer. I'm driving in Denmark (you can see the danish flag on my
hummer). Music is Blur - "There's no other way" and Mungo Jerry with
"mighty man" :)
@MXSHOWTIME007 Thanks man - I appreciate it. I was out shooting a
beach/Sand dune challenge the other day but my camera ran out :( I should
have something up shortly though, so stay tuned! Ü