Quire Cleveland's Women's Schola under Artistic Director Ross W. Duffin, singing at Historic St. Peter's Church in downtown Cleveland, April 6, 2014. Cleveland ...
School funding has been repeatedly cut since the levy passed. The arts
were never restored as promised. Teachers do not have materials they
need. They spend most of their teaching day collecting data on kids
instead of teaching. Morale is at an all time low. The mayor needs to get
in touch with what is REALLY happening inside of the schools!!!
The only improvement has been in the bank accounts of those who work on
Superior Avenue!
Shame on you, Mayor Jackson, for not putting the levy money into the
schools where it is needed!!!
Polish Constitution Day Parade in Cleveland‘s Slavic Village 2015
Highlights of the 2015 Polish Constitution Day Parade in Cleveland's Slavic Village. Judge Ray Pianka was the Grand Marshall of the Parade.
Cleveland's West Side Market Bust VEDA Day 4
We had big plans to go to The West Side Market, but when we got there we found out they were CLOSED that day...another day, another train!
What Sets Cleveland Apart - The Best Location in the Nation - CLE
From nightlife to neighborhoods, rock and roll to classical, and sports venues to metro parks. Enjoy Cleveland.