Hmm? This is on PC, I am using the usual mouse + keyboard. This is just a
sourcemod plugin I made for my server, and this video was just a quick
demonstration of it.
Enjoy it? Hit the "Like" button! Thanks:) Soldier's POV here: // Player: Tek from France How to submit ...
It seems there are very conflicting comments, as usual. What exactly is
going on here? I understand why it would happen or why it would be
possible, but is that whats actually happening? Because I'd also understand
if it was just some lag fuckery.
Most projectile weapons beside rockets can blow up rockets huehuehue
huntsman and all syringe guns due to the projectiles they produce when
firing,can colide with the rocket and causing it to explode. In another
word SourceEngine 101
In fact you can do it with any projectile weapon. Jarate, bonk balls,
huntsman arrows. If you roll a bonk ball and the ground and it with a
huntsman arrow it filly fly into a random direction.
I have another video that has somewhat proof that needles can slay rockets.
Nobody believed me, but when a more well known player does it then its
believable. watch?v=FEWyyrqVA58
I suspect some kind of lag issue. If you look closely a split second after
the last explosion the Soldiers appears BELOW the bridge. His rocket hit
the side of the bridge.
Thank you, that's what I figured, it makes sense, really. Why is it that it
doesn't occur more often? Are the bounding boxes on these objects just that
I try do g this when I get stuck up in med when playing competitive medic
and everyone else on my team is dead because they can not wait for their