Publishing any documents into the PDF format used to be an expensive and
complicated procedure, with only Adobe's Acrobat software to do it with.
However nowadays the ebook author has many options available to them, and
converting their final Word just became a breeze!
PDF é legal, mas e se voce puder criar um arquivo para leitor de e-books a partir do conteúdo do PDF? Assim o seu ex-PDF será um ebook e poderá tirar ...
Resoveu alguns problemas que eu estava enfrentando ( no Linux) estava
criando um Ebook via Openoffice mas não estava saindo como eu queria na
hora de converter o documento para pdf :D valeu, já tinha visto o Calibre
nos gerenciadores de pacote de várias versoẽs Linux mas nunca tinha usado,
nem sabia que era útil assim o/
I appreciate the upload and the effort of the speaker. I am suprised
though, that while recording, they didn't tell the speaker, he shouldn't
have (almost) every sentence sound the same, with a lifting up of the voice
at the end of the sentence. Wow, it gets really redunant, to an obnoxious
degree. I am sorry for my negativity, but felt it needed to be stated.