HD 1080p 60FPS PS4 GAMEPLAY - Curta, compartilhe, adicione aos favoritos e inscreva-se no canal para ficar por dentro das novidades! Quer jogar comigo?
30,000 Subscribers - Logo Competition 2015 (Thank You From Life On Unleaded)
Happy New Year boys and girls! We've kicked off 2015 by hitting over 30000 subscribers, thank you to everyone who has continued to support us by watching ...
Hows the mustang?
I'm thinking of importing a 68 camaro around Christmas and just drove past
a 69 camaro at my local car dealer in South England!!!
Hopefully you'll post a few updates for us, and congratulations on the subs
How do you get uninsured to all these cars? I'm sure u were under 21 when u
made ur first review and insurance for under 21 year olds are deadly. I'm
18 and pay a little over 3 grand on my car and since u review big engined
cars im quite curious.
Excellent mate, can't wait for some more reviews, your car ones are just
fantastic to watch but some motorbike reviews would be a great bonus, hence
my username lol :)
Big biker here too!!
We'll hook the chosen designer up with some signed merchandise when we've picked a logo to use!
He used his loud exhaust for a purpose
For a change, I had nothing to do with it, in any case, on the 701 I was totally out-noised :) Lots of info, pictures, etc.. on my website, Facebook, Instagram ...
Hey RJ, I love your videos but I have one question: None of your ignition
keys have some sort of keychain. It's best for not getting scratches around
the lock and looks great, but how do you organize your keys? I think it's
hard to not lose a single key without a keychain. Would be awesome to hear
from you. Keep up the good work!