Methane Hydrate: Fire, Ice & Huge Quantity of Potential Energy
Found near the ocean floor and beneath Arctic permafrost, methane hydrate is a mysterious icy substance that burns when lit and holds vast amounts of ...
What's the Future of Energy? Dr. Scott Tinker, Univ. TX Jackson School of Geosciences
What's the Future of Energy? Energy. It's most important commodity in the world and affects every aspect of our lives. The energy industry is in vast transition ...
Is it possible for the talk organisers to put up the slideshow somewhere?
I'm teaching K12 students on the sustainability of the environment and its
energy link to the global economy. It will be great if the visual aid is
available for my students.
It's too bad you can't see his slides with this. Very good lecture. Very
important topic.
New Stash of Ice Age Fossils
A quarrying accident in West Texas leads to the discovery of a new cave and a stash of fossil bones from the ice ages. Produced by Marc Airhart in 2013.
A CT scan of Arvinachelys goldeni's skull. Most ancient turtle species' fossils consist of nothing more than an isolated skull or shell. The new specimen includes ...
GeoFORCE - Changing Lives Since 2005 (full version)
GeoFORCE introduces young people from minority and historically underserved populations to the geosciences and guides them through their education.
Que bonita experiencia vivieron y que orgullo para sus familiares y amigos,
sobre todo para sus padres, ustedes son el futuro que necesitamos.
Continúen aprovechen las oportunidades que muchos quisieran tener. Dios
los bendiga a todos y sigan poniendo en alto su nombre.